If you plan to use the Angular SDK with XMCloud, you will need to perform next steps:
On top of existing Angular sample, apply changes from "angular-xmcloud" add-on.
Update package.json "build:client" script to use explicit "production" configuration:
"build:client": "cross-env-shell ng build --configuration=production --base-href $npm_package_config_sitecoreDistPath/browser/ --output-path=$npm_package_config_buildArtifactsPath/browser/"
Update /scripts/bootstrap.ts file to generate a metadata for editing integration: Assuming that you have a
file pulled from the "angular-xmcloud" add-on:... /* METADATA GENERATION */ require('./generate-metadata'); ...
Update /scripts/generate-component-factory.ts to generate a list of component names for the editing integration, see implementation in the the "angular" template:
import { AppComponentsSharedModule } from './app-components.shared.module'; ${imports.join('\n')} export const components = [ ${components.map((c) => `'${c}'`).join(',\n ')} ]; @NgModule({
Restructure /src/app/lib/client-factory.ts. This is needed in order to separate the GraphQL client factory configuration from the client factory itself, so we have a single source of GraphQL endpoint resolution that can be used in different places. For example node-xmcloud-proxy, scripts/update-graphql-fragment-data.ts, etc.
Introduce /src/app/lib/graphql-client-factory/config.ts. It should expose the getGraphQLClientFactoryConfig that returns the configuration object for the GraphQL client factory, for example (full code snippet you can find in the "angular-xmcloud" add-on):
import { GraphQLRequestClientFactoryConfig } from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-angular/cjs'; import { environment as env } from '../../../environments/environment'; export const getGraphQLClientFactoryConfig = () => { let clientConfig: GraphQLRequestClientFactoryConfig; if (env.graphQLEndpoint && env.sitecoreApiKey) { clientConfig = { endpoint: env.graphQLEndpoint, apiKey: env.sitecoreApiKey, }; } ... return clientConfig; };
- Introduce /src/app/lib/graphql-client-factory/index.ts. It should contain the default export that returns the GraphQL client factory, for example:
import { GraphQLRequestClient } from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-angular/cjs'; import { getGraphQLClientFactoryConfig } from './config'; const createGraphQLClientFactory = () => { const clientConfig = getGraphQLClientFactoryConfig(); return GraphQLRequestClient.createClientFactory(clientConfig); }; export default createGraphQLClientFactory();
Make sure to import variables from @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-angular/cjs, not from @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-angular, since graphql-client-factory is used in the server bundle.
Update all the references to the GraphQL client factory in the application to use the new structure.
Update /scripts/update-graphql-fragment-data.ts to utilize the GraphQL client factory and client factory configuration. The implementation you can find in the "angular" template (/scripts/update-graphql-fragment-data.ts )
- Remove "isomorphic-fetch" npm dependency
Update /scripts/generate-config.ts, it's needed since generate-config can be called outside of /scripts/bootstrap.ts file. Add dotenv import:
import 'dotenv/config';
Update /server.bundle.ts to additionally expose new properties:
import { environment } from './src/environments/environment'; import clientFactory from './src/app/lib/graphql-client-factory'; import { getGraphQLClientFactoryConfig } from './src/app/lib/graphql-client-factory/config'; import { dictionaryServiceFactory } from './src/app/lib/dictionary-service-factory'; import { layoutServiceFactory } from './src/app/lib/layout-service-factory'; import { components } from './src/app/components/app-components.module'; import metadata from './src/environments/metadata.json'; ... const defaultLanguage = environment.defaultLanguage; const getClientFactoryConfig = getGraphQLClientFactoryConfig; export { ... clientFactory, getClientFactoryConfig, dictionaryServiceFactory, layoutServiceFactory, defaultLanguage, components, metadata };
- Optionally, you can follow our new approach and create a separate file
where you can import/export all the necessary properties and then re-export them fromserver.bundle.ts
. See the "angular-xmcloud" add-on for more details.
- Optionally, you can follow our new approach and create a separate file
GraphQL FETCH_WITH method is required to be used, REST is not supported. Update FETCH_WITH environment variable if needed.
Update /src/app/lib/dictionary-service-factory.ts to use new
property. You will be able to use a Site query to get the dictionary data:new GraphQLDictionaryService({ clientFactory, siteName: env.sitecoreSiteName, useSiteQuery: true, });
Update the import statement
// from import scProxy, { ProxyConfig, ServerBundle } from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-proxy'; // to import { headlessProxy } from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-proxy'; ... server.use( '*', headlessProxy.middleware( config.serverBundle.renderView, config, config.serverBundle.parseRouteUrl ) );
properties are available on the "headlessProxy" object. -
dependency is marked as a peer dependency, so you need to match the required version "^4.19.2".