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Releases: microsoft/AzureTRE


09 Aug 14:40
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  • Custom actions fail on resources with a pipeline (#3646)
  • Upgrade airlock and unrestricted workspaces to base workspace version 0.12.0 (#3659)


name version
devops 0.5.1
core 0.8.3
tre-workspace-base 1.4.4
tre-workspace-unrestricted 0.10.2
tre-workspace-airlock-import-review 0.11.2
tre-service-mlflow 0.7.2
tre-workspace-service-health 0.2.1
tre-service-databricks 1.0.0
tre-service-innereye 0.6.1
tre-workspace-service-gitea 0.8.2
tre-workspace-service-mysql 0.4.1
tre-workspace-service-ohdsi 0.2.0
tre-service-guacamole-linuxvm 0.6.5
tre-service-guacamole-export-reviewvm 0.1.4
tre-service-guacamole-windowsvm 0.7.5
tre-service-guacamole-import-reviewvm 0.2.4
tre-service-guacamole 0.9.4
tre-user-resource-aml-compute-instance 0.5.4
tre-service-azureml 0.8.7
tre-shared-service-cyclecloud 0.5.1
tre-shared-service-databricks-private-auth 0.1.2
tre-shared-service-gitea 0.6.2
tre-shared-service-airlock-notifier 0.9.0
tre-shared-service-admin-vm 0.4.0
tre-shared-service-certs 0.5.1
tre-shared-service-sonatype-nexus 2.5.3
tre-shared-service-firewall 1.1.1

Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.13.0


27 Jul 08:16
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  • OHDSI workspace service (#3562)


  • Workspace networking peering sync is handled natively by Terraform (#3534)
  • Use SMTP built in connector vs API connector in Airlock Notifier (#3572)
  • Update Guacamole dependencies (#3602)


  • Nexus might fail to deploy due to wrong identity used in key-vault extension (#3492)
  • Airlock notifier needs SCM basic-auth enabled to install (#3509)
  • Databricks fails to deploy in East US (#3515)
  • is able to use an equal = sign in values (#3535)
  • Make AML route names unique (#3546)
  • Azure ML connection URI is an object, not string (#3486)
  • Update key in Linux VM deploy script (#3434)
  • Add missing azure_environment porter parameters (#3549)
  • Fix airlock_notifier not getting the right smtp password (#3561)
  • Fix issue when deleting failed resources gives no steps (#3567)
  • Fix airlock_notifier not getting the right smtp password (#3565)
  • Fix issues with networking dependencies and AMPLS deployment (#3433)
  • Update CLI install method to fix dependency issue (#3601)
  • Update Databricks UDRs for west europe and switch to DFS private endpoint. ([#3582)


name version
devops 0.5.1
core 0.8.2
tre-workspace-base 1.4.4
tre-workspace-airlock-import-review 0.10.1
tre-workspace-unrestricted 0.9.0
tre-workspace-service-gitea 0.8.1
tre-service-guacamole 0.9.3
tre-service-guacamole-windowsvm 0.7.5
tre-service-guacamole-import-reviewvm 0.2.4
tre-service-guacamole-linuxvm 0.6.5
tre-service-guacamole-export-reviewvm 0.1.4
tre-workspace-service-health 0.2.1
tre-workspace-service-ohdsi 0.2.0
tre-service-azureml 0.8.7
tre-user-resource-aml-compute-instance 0.5.4
tre-service-mlflow 0.7.1
tre-service-databricks 1.0.0
tre-workspace-service-mysql 0.4.1
tre-service-innereye 0.6.1
tre-shared-service-cyclecloud 0.5.1
tre-shared-service-airlock-notifier 0.9.0
tre-shared-service-gitea 0.6.1
tre-shared-service-certs 0.5.0
tre-shared-service-databricks-private-auth 0.1.1
tre-shared-service-admin-vm 0.4.0
tre-shared-service-sonatype-nexus 2.5.2
tre-shared-service-firewall 1.1.1

Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0


27 Apr 07:05
Choose a tag to compare


  • Update Guacamole to version 1.5.1 (#3443)
  • Popup to copy internally accessible URLs (#3420)


  • AML workspace service fails to install and puts firewall into failed state (#3448)
  • Nexus fails to install due to az login and firewall rules (#3453)


name version
devops 0.5.1
core 0.8.1
tre-workspace-base 1.2.3
tre-workspace-unrestricted 0.9.0
tre-workspace-airlock-import-review 0.10.1
tre-service-mlflow 0.7.1
tre-workspace-service-health 0.2.1
tre-service-databricks 0.2.1
tre-service-innereye 0.6.1
tre-workspace-service-gitea 0.8.1
tre-workspace-service-mysql 0.4.1
tre-service-guacamole-linuxvm 0.6.5
tre-service-guacamole-export-reviewvm 0.1.4
tre-service-guacamole-windowsvm 0.7.4
tre-service-guacamole-import-reviewvm 0.2.4
tre-service-guacamole 0.9.0
tre-user-resource-aml-compute-instance 0.5.4
tre-service-azureml 0.8.2
tre-shared-service-cyclecloud 0.5.1
tre-shared-service-databricks-private-auth 0.1.1
tre-shared-service-gitea 0.6.1
tre-shared-service-airlock-notifier 0.5.0
tre-shared-service-admin-vm 0.4.0
tre-shared-service-certs 0.5.0
tre-shared-service-sonatype-nexus 2.5.0
tre-shared-service-firewall 1.1.1

Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.11.0


17 Apr 13:19
Choose a tag to compare


  • A migration for OperationSteps in Operation objects was added (#3358)
  • Some Github secrets have moved to be environment variables - LOCATION and a few optional others will need to be redefined as listed here (#3084)


  • (UI) Added upgrade button to resources that have pending template upgrades (#3387)
  • Enable deployment to Azure US Government Cloud (#3128)


  • Added 'availableUpgrades' field to Resources in GET/GET all Resources endpoints. The field indicates whether there are template versions that a resource can be upgraded to #3234
  • Update Porter (1.0.11), Docker (23.0.3), Terraform (1.4.5) (#3430)
  • Build, publish and register Databricks bundles in workflow (#3447)


  • Fix ENABLE_SWAGGER configuration being ignored in CI (#3355)
  • Set yq output format when reading a json file (#3441)


name version
devops 0.5.1
core 0.8.1
tre-shared-service-admin-vm 0.4.0
tre-shared-service-airlock-notifier 0.5.0
tre-shared-service-certs 0.5.0
tre-shared-service-cyclecloud 0.5.1
tre-shared-service-databricks-private-auth 0.1.1
tre-shared-service-firewall 1.1.0
tre-shared-service-gitea 0.6.1
tre-shared-service-sonatype-nexus 2.4.0
tre-service-azureml 0.8.1
tre-user-resource-aml-compute-instance 0.5.4
tre-service-databricks 0.2.1
tre-workspace-service-gitea 0.8.1
tre-service-guacamole 0.8.4
tre-service-guacamole-export-reviewvm 0.1.4
tre-service-guacamole-import-reviewvm 0.2.4
tre-service-guacamole-linuxvm 0.6.5
tre-service-guacamole-windowsvm 0.7.4
tre-workspace-service-health 0.2.1
tre-service-innereye 0.6.1
tre-service-mlflow 0.7.1
tre-workspace-service-mysql 0.4.1
tre-workspace-airlock-import-review 0.10.1
tre-workspace-base 1.2.3
tre-workspace-unrestricted 0.9.0

Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.10.0


12 Feb 13:38
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  • Move to Azure Firewall Policy #3107. This is a major version for the firewall shared service and will fail to automatically upgrade. You should follow these steps to complete it:

    1. Let the system try to do the upgrade (via CI or make all). It will fail but it's fine since now we have the new version published and registered.

    2. Make a temporary network change with either of the following options:

      • Azure Portal: find your TRE resource group and select the route table resource (named rt-YOUR_TRE_ID).
        In the overview screen, find the ResourceProcessorSubnet (should be last in the subnet list), click on the ... and select Dissociate.
      • Azure CLI:
        az network vnet subnet update --resource-group rg-YOUR_TRE_ID --vnet-name vnet-YOUR_TRE_ID --name ResourceProcessorSubnet --remove routeTable
    3. Issue a patch API request to force-update the firewall to its new version.

      One way to accomplish this is with the Swagger endpoint (/api/docs).
      Force-update a service

      If this endpoint is not working in your deployment - include enable_swagger in your config.yaml (see the sample file), or temporarly activate it via the API resource on azure (named api-YOUR_TRE-ID) -> Configuration -> ENABLE_SWAGGER item.
      Update API setting

    ⚠️ Any custom rules you have added manually will be lost and you'll need to add them back after the upgrade has been completed.


  • Add Azure Databricks as workspace service #1857
  • (UI) Added the option to upload/download files to airlock requests via Azure CLI (#3196)


  • Add support for referencing IP Groups from the Core Resource Group in firewall rules created via the pipeline #3089
  • Support for Azure Firewall Basic SKU #3107. This SKU doesn't support deallocation and for most non 24/7 scenarios will be more expensive than the Standard SKU.
  • Update Azure Machine Learning Workspace Service to support "no public IP" compute. This is a full rework so upgrades of existing Azure ML Workspace Service deployments are not supported. Requires v0.8.0 or later of the TRE project. #3052
  • Move non-core DNS zones out of the network module to reduce dependencies #3119
  • Review VMs are being cleaned up when an Airlock request is canceled (#3130)
  • Sample queries to investigate logs of the core TRE applications (#3151)
  • Remove support of docker-in-docker for templates/bundles (#3180)
  • API runs with gunicorn and uvicorn workers (as recommended) #3178
  • Upgrade core components and key templates to Terraform AzurmRM #3185


  • Reauth CLI if TRE endpoint has changed #3137
  • Added Migration for Airlock requests that were created prior to version 0.5.0 (#3152)
  • Temporarily use the remote bundle for check-params target #3149
  • Workspace module dependency to resolve AnotherOperationInProgress errors #3194
  • Skip Certs shared service E2E on Friday & Saturday due to LetsEncrypt limits #3203
  • Create Workspace AppInsights via AzAPI provider due to an issue with AzureRM #3207
  • 'Workspace Owner' is now able to access Airlock request's SAS URL even if the request is not in review #3208
  • Ignore changes in log_analytics_destination_type to prevent redundant updates #3217
  • Fix DNS conflict in airlock-review workspace that could make the entire airlock module inoperable #3215


name version
devops 0.4.5
core 0.7.4
tre-shared-service-admin-vm 0.3.0
tre-shared-service-airlock-notifier 0.4.0
tre-shared-service-certs 0.4.0
tre-shared-service-cyclecloud 0.4.0
tre-shared-service-firewall 1.0.0
tre-shared-service-gitea 0.5.0
tre-shared-service-sonatype-nexus 2.3.0
tre-service-azureml 0.7.26
tre-user-resource-aml-compute-instance 0.5.3
tre-service-databricks 0.1.72
tre-workspace-service-gitea 0.7.0
tre-service-guacamole 0.7.1
tre-service-guacamole-export-reviewvm 0.1.2
tre-service-guacamole-import-reviewvm 0.2.2
tre-service-guacamole-linuxvm 0.6.2
tre-service-guacamole-windowsvm 0.7.2
tre-workspace-service-health 0.1.1
tre-service-innereye 0.5.0
tre-service-mlflow 0.6.4
tre-workspace-service-mysql 0.3.3
tre-workspace-airlock-import-review 0.8.1
tre-workspace-base 1.1.0
tre-workspace-unrestricted 0.8.1

Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0


18 Jan 07:59
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  • The model for reviewUserResources in airlock requests has changed from being a list to a dictionary. A migration has been added to update your existing requests automatically; please make sure you run the migrations as part of updating your API and UI.
    • Note that any in-flight requests that have review resources deployed will show UNKNOWN[i] for the user key of that resource and in the UI users will be prompted to deploy a new resource. #2883
  • Env files consolidation (#2944) - The files /templates/core/.env, /devops/.env, /devops/auth.env are no longer used. The settings and configuration that they contain has been consolidated into a single file config.yaml that lives in the root folder of the project.
    Use the script devops/scripts/ to migrate /templates/core/.env, /devops/.env, and /devops/auth.env to the new config.yaml file.
  • Upgrade to Porter v1 (#3014). You should upgrade all custom template definitions and rebuild them.


  • Support review VMs for multiple reviewers for each airlock request #2883
  • Add Azure Health Data Services as workspace services #3051


  • Remove Porter's Docker mixin as it's not in use (#2889)
  • Enable properties defined within the API to be overridden by the bundle template - enables default values to be set. (#2576)
  • Support template version update (#2908)
  • Update docker base images to bullseye (#2946
  • Support updating the firewall when installing via makefile/CICD (#2942)
  • Add the ability for workspace services to request addional address spaces from a workspace (#2902)
  • Airlock processor function and api app service work with http2
  • Added the option to disable Swagger (#2981)
  • Serverless CosmosDB for new deployments to reduce cost (#3029)
  • Adding disable_download and disable_upload properties for guacamole (#2967)
  • Upgrade Guacamole dependencies (#3053)
  • Lint TRE cost tags per entity type (workspace, shared service, etc.) (#3061)
  • Validate required secrets have value (#3073)


  • Private endpoints for AppInsights are now provisioning successfully and consistently (#2841)
  • Enable upgrade step of base workspace (#2899)
  • Fix get shared service by template name to filter by active service only (#2947)
  • Fix untagged cost reporting reader role assignment (#2951)
  • Remove Guacamole's firewall rule on uninstall (#2958)
  • Fix KeyVault purge error on MLFlow uninstall (#3082)


name version
devops 0.4.4
core 0.5.2
tre-shared-service-admin-vm 0.3.0
tre-shared-service-airlock-notifier 0.3.0
tre-shared-service-certs 0.3.1
tre-shared-service-cyclecloud 0.4.0
tre-shared-service-firewall 0.7.0
tre-shared-service-gitea 0.5.0
tre-shared-service-sonatype-nexus 2.3.0
tre-service-azureml 0.6.0
tre-user-resource-aml-compute-instance 0.5.0
tre-workspace-service-gitea 0.7.0
tre-service-guacamole 0.7.0
tre-service-guacamole-export-reviewvm 0.1.0
tre-service-guacamole-import-reviewvm 0.2.0
tre-service-guacamole-linuxvm 0.6.1
tre-service-guacamole-windowsvm 0.6.0
tre-workspace-service-health 0.1.0
tre-service-innereye 0.5.0
tre-service-mlflow 0.6.0
tre-workspace-service-mysql 0.3.1
tre-workspace-airlock-import-review 0.6.0
tre-workspace-base 0.8.1
tre-workspace-unrestricted 0.6.0

Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.8.0


17 Nov 08:59
Choose a tag to compare


  • The airlock request object has changed. Make sure you have ran the db migration step after deploying the new API image and UI (which runs automatically in make all/make tre-deploy but can be manually invoked with make db-migrate) so that existing requests in your DB are migrated to the new model.
  • Also the model for creating new airlock requests with the API has changed slightly; this is updated in the UI and CLI but if you have written custom tools ensure you are POSTing to /requests with the following model:
    "type": "'import' or 'export'",
    "title": "a request title",
    "businessJustification": "some business justification"
  • Fields in AirlockNotification event have changed without backward compatibility. If Airlock Notifier shared service is deployed, it needs to be re-deployed. Any other consumers of AirlockNotification event need to be updated. For more details, see #2798


  • Display workspace and shared services total costs for admin role in UI (#2772)
  • Automatically validate all resources have tre_id tag via TFLint (#2774)
  • Add metadata endpoint and simplify tre CLI login (also adds API version to UI) (#2794)
  • Updated resource card in UI with visual improvements, disabled state badge and resource ID in info popout (#2846)
  • Add health information for backend services to UI info popout in footer (#2846)


  • Renamed several airlock fields to make them more descriptive and added a createdBy field. Included migration for backwards compatibility #2779
  • Show error message when Review VMs are not configured in the current workspace
  • CLI: Add missing endpoints and minor bug fixes (#2784)
  • Airlock Notifier: Provide a link to request in the UI in the email (#2754)
  • Add additional fields for Airlock Notification event (#2798)
  • Fail firewall database migration if there's no firewall deployed (#2792)
  • Added optional parameter to allow a client to retrieve a template by name and version (#2802)
  • Added support for allOf usage in Resource Templates - both across the API and the UI. This allows a template author to specify certain fields as being conditionally present / conditionally required, and means we can tidy up some of the resource creation forms substantially (#2795).
  • As part of the above change, the auto_create string passed to the client_id field in each Workspace template has now moved to an auth_type enum field, where the user can select the authentication type from a dropdown.
  • Adds extra dns zones and links into core network (#2828).
  • Add UI version to its footer card (#2849).
  • Use log_category_types in azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_categories to remove deprecation warning (#2855).
  • Gitea workspace bundle has a number of updates as detailed in PR (#2862).


  • Show the correct createdBy value for airlock requests in UI and in API queries (#2779)
  • Fix deployment of Airlock Notifier (#2745)
  • Fix Nexus bootstrapping firewall race condition (#2811)
  • Handle unsupported azure subscriptions in cost reporting (#2823)
  • Redact secrets in conditional or nested properties (#2854)
  • Fix missing ID parameter in Certs bundle (#2841)


name version
devops 0.4.2
core 0.4.43
tre-workspace-base 0.5.1
tre-workspace-unrestricted 0.5.0
tre-workspace-airlock-import-review 0.5.0
tre-service-mlflow 0.4.0
tre-service-innereye 0.4.0
tre-workspace-service-gitea 0.6.0
tre-workspace-service-mysql 0.2.0
tre-service-guacamole-linuxvm 0.5.2
tre-service-guacamole-export-reviewvm 0.0.6
tre-service-guacamole-windowsvm 0.5.2
tre-service-guacamole-import-reviewvm 0.1.3
tre-service-guacamole 0.5.0
tre-user-resource-aml-compute-instance 0.4.1
tre-service-azureml 0.5.6
tre-shared-service-cyclecloud 0.3.0
tre-shared-service-gitea 0.4.0
tre-shared-service-airlock-notifier 0.2.3
tre-shared-service-admin-vm 0.2.0
tre-shared-service-certs 0.2.2
tre-shared-service-sonatype-nexus 2.2.3
tre-shared-service-firewall 0.6.2

Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.7.0


24 Oct 06:22
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  • Added filtering and sorting to Airlock UI (#2511)
  • Added title field to Airlock requests (#2503)
  • New Create Review VM functionality for Airlock Reviews (#2738 & #2737)


  • Add cran support to nexus, open port 80 for the workspace nsg and update the firewall config to allow let's encrypt CRLs (#2694)
  • Upgrade Github Actions versions (#2731)
  • Install TRE CLI inside the devcontainer image (rather than via a post-create step) (#2757)
  • Upgrade Terraform to 1.3.2 (#2758)
  • tre CLI: added raw output option, improved airlock-requests handling, more consistent exit codes on error, added examples to CLI


  • Pin Porter's plugin/mixin versions used (#2762)
  • Fix issues with AML workspace service deployment (#2768)


name version
devops 0.4.2
core 0.4.37
tre-workspace-base 0.4.2
tre-workspace-unrestricted 0.2.0
tre-workspace-airlock-import-review 0.4.0
tre-service-mlflow 0.4.0
tre-service-innereye 0.4.0
tre-workspace-service-gitea 0.5.0
tre-workspace-service-mysql 0.2.0
tre-service-guacamole-linuxvm 0.5.2
tre-service-guacamole-export-reviewvm 0.0.6
tre-service-guacamole-windowsvm 0.5.2
tre-service-guacamole-import-reviewvm 0.1.3
tre-service-guacamole 0.5.0
tre-user-resource-aml-compute-instance 0.4.1
tre-service-azureml 0.5.6
tre-shared-service-cyclecloud 0.3.0
tre-shared-service-gitea 0.4.0
tre-shared-service-airlock-notifier 0.2.2
tre-shared-service-admin-vm 0.2.0
tre-shared-service-certs 0.2.0
tre-shared-service-sonatype-nexus 2.2.2
tre-shared-service-firewall 0.6.1

Full Changelog: v0.5.1...v0.6.0


12 Oct 10:13
Choose a tag to compare

0.5.1 (October 12, 2022)


  • Fix shared service 409 installation issue when in status other than deployed (#2725)


name version
devops 0.4.2
core 0.4.36
tre-workspace-base 0.4.0
tre-workspace-unrestricted 0.2.0
tre-workspace-airlock-import-review 0.4.0
tre-service-mlflow 0.4.0
tre-service-innereye 0.4.0
tre-workspace-service-gitea 0.5.0
tre-workspace-service-mysql 0.2.0
tre-service-guacamole-linuxvm 0.5.1
tre-service-guacamole-export-reviewvm 0.0.4
tre-service-guacamole-windowsvm 0.5.1
tre-service-guacamole-import-reviewvm 0.1.1
tre-service-guacamole 0.5.0
tre-user-resource-aml-compute-instance 0.4.1
tre-service-azureml 0.5.1
tre-shared-service-cyclecloud 0.3.0
tre-shared-service-gitea 0.4.0
tre-shared-service-airlock-notifier 0.2.0
tre-shared-service-admin-vm 0.2.0
tre-shared-service-certs 0.2.0
tre-shared-service-sonatype-nexus 2.2.0
tre-shared-service-firewall 0.6.1

Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.5.1


10 Oct 18:37
Choose a tag to compare

0.5.0 (October 10, 2022)


  • Github Actions deployments use a single ACR instead of two. Github secrets might need updating, see PR for details. (#2654)
  • Align Github Action secret names. Existing Github environments must be updated, see PR for details. (#2655)
  • Add workspace creator as an owner of the workspace enterprise application (#2627). Migration if the AUTO_WORKSPACE_APP_REGISTRATION is set, the Directory.Read.All MS Graph API permission permission needs granting to the Application Registration identified by APPLICATION_ADMIN_CLIENT_ID.
  • Add support for setting AppService plan SKU in GitHub Actions. Previous environment variable names of API_APP_SERVICE_PLAN_SKU_SIZE and APP_SERVICE_PLAN_SKU have been renamed to CORE_APP_SERVICE_PLAN_SKU and WORKSPACE_APP_SERVICE_PLAN_SKU (#2684)
  • Reworked how status update messages are handled by the API, to enforce ordering and run the queue subscription in a dedicated thread. Since sessions are now enabled for the status update queue, a tre-deploy is required, which will re-create the queue. (#2700)
  • Guacamole user-resource templates have been updated. VM SKU and image details are now specified in porter.yaml. See in the guacamole user-resources folder for details.
  • now uses the tre CLI. Ensure that your CI/CD environment installs the CLI ((cd cli && make install-cli))


  • Add Import Review Workspace (#2498)
  • Restrict resource templates to specific roles (#2600)
  • Import review user resource template (#2601)
  • Export review user resource template (#2602)
  • Airlock Manager can use user resources (#2499)
  • Users only see templates they are authorized to use (#2640)
  • Guacamole user-resource templates now have support for custom VM images from image galleries (#2634)
  • Add initial tre CLI (2537)


  • Cancelling an Airlock request triggers deletion of the request container and files (#2584)
  • Airlock requests with status "blocked_by_scan" have the reason for being blocked by the malware scanner in the status_message field (#2666)
  • Move admin-vm from core to a shared service (#2624)
  • Remove obsolete docker environment variables (#2675)
  • Using Porter's Terrform mixin 1.0.0-rc.1 where mirror in done internally (#2677)
  • Airlock function internal storage is accessed with private endpoints (#2679)


  • Resource processor error on deploying user-resource: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable (#2569)
  • Update Porter and Terraform mixin versions (#2639)
  • Airlock Manager should have permissions to get SAS token (#2502)
  • Terraform unmarshal errors in (#2673)


name version
devops 0.4.2
core 0.4.36
porter-hello 0.1.0
tre-workspace-base-sl-test 0.3.19
tre-workspace-base 0.4.0
tre-workspace-unrestricted 0.2.0
tre-workspace-airlock-import-review 0.4.0
tre-service-mlflow 0.4.0
tre-service-innereye 0.4.0
tre-workspace-service-gitea 0.5.0
tre-workspace-service-mysql 0.2.0
tre-service-guacamole-linuxvm 0.5.1
tre-service-guacamole-export-reviewvm 0.0.4
tre-service-guacamole-windowsvm 0.5.1
tre-service-guacamole-import-reviewvm 0.1.1
tre-service-guacamole 0.5.0
tre-user-resource-aml-compute-instance 0.4.1
tre-service-azureml 0.5.1
tre-shared-service-cyclecloud 0.3.0
tre-shared-service-gitea 0.4.0
tre-shared-service-airlock-notifier 0.2.0
tre-shared-service-admin-vm 0.2.0
tre-shared-service-certs 0.2.0
tre-shared-service-sonatype-nexus 2.2.0
tre-shared-service-firewall 0.6.1

Full Changelog: v0.4.3...v0.5.0