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Yan Demo Project Instruction

Yan Demo

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Note:The project has been refactored and structured more clearly,please visit: view details,continuous update...

This project is a Demo that integrates the SpringMVC+Spring+MyBatis(SSM) framework.
With efficient and convenient development mode, developers are more focused on business and business development.
The project used Maven construction, facilitate the management and supports mainstream databases such as Oracle & MySql.
The front-end display interface adopts the response layout based on the Boostrap implementation, and integrates a series of animation effect plug-ins. The overall interface is simple, elegant and elegant, and can complete the interaction with the background.
The project encapsulates a series of commonly used methods and easy to deploy to facilitate efficient development of individuals or enterprises.

To facilitate better learning, Special provision for the project deployment tutorial video, Please go to for watching, for more detailed configuration instructions, refer to this document ------ Properties

Environment & Tools

  • MacOS Sierra / Windows 7
  • MySql 5.7
  • JDK 1.8
  • CentOS 7
  • IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2.5 / Eclipse 4.6.1
  • Navicat Premium 11.1.12
  • Maven 3.3.9
  • Jetty 9.4.6.v20170531 / Tomcat 9.0.1

Technology Choose

1. Server Tech

Name Version URL
Spring Framework 4.3.13.RELEASE
Shiro 1.4.0
AspectJ 1.8.13
MyBatis 3.4.5
MyBatis Generator 1.3.6
PageHelper 5.1.2
Druid 1.1.6
Jackson 2.9.3
Dom4j 1.6.1
Ehcache 2.6.11
Logback 1.2.3
Maven 3.3.9

2. Web Tech

Name Version URL
angular -
awesome-bootstrap-checkbox -
bootstrap 3.3.7
bootstrap-datetimepicker -
bootstrap-select 1.12.4
bootstrap-table 1.11.1
bootstrapvalidator 0.5.3
font-awesome 4.7.0
fontIconPicker 2.0.0
fullPage -
jquery-confirm 3.3.0
malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin -
material-design-iconic-font 2.2.0
waves 0.7.5
zTree_v3 3.5.26
BootstrapMenu -
device -
jquery 3.2.1
jquery-cookie -

Organization Chart

yan-demo -- priject name
├── src -- source file path
|    ├── main -- main module path
|    |    ├── java -- java class path
|    |    |    ├── com.yan.common -- general function module
|    |    |    ├── com.yan.core -- framework core module
|    |    |    ├── com.yan.demo -- business module
|    |    ├── resources -- resource config path
|    |    |    ├── database -- database SQL file
|    |    |    ├── mybatis -- mapping file
|    |    |    ├── properties -- system config file
|    |    |    ├── spring -- spring config file
|    |    ├── webapp -- web application root path
|    |    |    ├── common -- public path
|    |    |    ├── resources -- static resource path
|    |    |    ├── views -- view path
|    ├── test -- test module path
|    |    ├── com.yan.junit -- unit test class path


  • com.yan.common:general function module (including: user login, menu, background management, etc. )
  • com.yan.core:framework core modules (including basic controllers, filters, interceptors, classloaders, injectors, annotations, and core methods of framework encapsulation)> * com.yan.demo:business module (to replace the demo name according to the actual project name, all business modules are under this path)
  • com.yan.**.controller:controller path, store the controller (inherit BaseController)
  • com.yan.**.mapper:persistent layer mapping interface class path (MBG generates mybatis corresponding Mapper mapping interface class)
  • com.yan.**.model:model classpath (MBG generated model and custom model)> * com.yan.junit:unit test module (easy to write unit test code)
  • resources/database:database SQL file (database table structure *.sql file containing the basic system data tables required by the Yan Frame framework, such as user table, permission table, menu table, etc. )
  • resources/mybatis:mapping file (SQL template *.xml file for all mybatis)
  • resources/properties:configuration files (such as: system basic configuration, database configuration, log configuration, MyBatis generator configuration)
  • resources/spring:spring configuration file (naming specification: spring-*.xml)
  • webapp/common:public path (the generic *.jsp header file for the foreground framework, which can only be introduced here in the face of the required JSP)
  • webapp/resources:static resource path (including js, CSS, images, doc, plugins, etc.)
  • webapp/views:view path (*.jsp page for all business functions)


  1. Use the Maven to build project
  2. Create a database and perform the .sql file under the resources/database path to create the necessary tables for the framework (such as user tables, resource tables, log records, etc.)
  3. Modify the .properties configuration file under the resources/properties path (specific modification method, see -Six, configuration description)
  4. Complete the above steps to deploy the startup service (using ** jetty/tomcat ** both), then enter the development phase
  5. Create a business table in the corresponding database according to the actual business requirements, and the table naming specification: "ModuleName_TableName" such as: SYS_RESOURCE (system module resource table)
  6. Modify the targetPackage package name and tableName table name in generatorConfig.xml under resources path, and generate the corresponding persistent layer module code using the MyBatis generator plug-in (Maven execution command: mvn mybatis-generator:generate). Please refer to MyBatis GeneratorXML Configuration for specific configuration
  7. Create the corresponding controller package under the business module package and create the controller class in the package. The controller class name specification ends with Controller and inherits from class BaseController
  8. Write the controller business handling code, using reference - Eight, sample code
  9. Create the corresponding JSP page and write the front page display code


Name(Key value) Describe
setting.upload File upload path (absolute path)
- - Log prefix names (general use of project names for easy distinction)
log.dir Log storage path (absolute path)
log.maxHistory Log files save the maximum number of days
log.maxSize Log file max size
- -
mbg.jar The required jar package for the MGB plug-in link database (absolute path)
mbg.path Path to generate code (absolute path)
mbg.username The database connects to the user name
mbg.password 数据库链接密码
mbg.driverClassName Database link password
mbg.url Database connection url
- -
default.db.username Default database user name
default.db.password Default database password
default.db.driverClassName The default database driver class
default.db.url The default database link address
- -
dextend.db.username Extending the database user name (for multiple data source switching)
dextend.db.password Extended database password (for multiple data source switching)
dextend.db.driverClassName Extended database driven classes (for multiple data source switching)
dextend.db.url Extended database link address (for multiple data source switching)
- -
db.initialSize The number of physical connections is established when initializing
db.minIdle Number of minimum connection pools
db.maxActive Maximum number of connections
db.maxWait The maximum wait time for the connection, in milliseconds
db.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis The configuration interval is only one test, and the test needs to be closed for free connections, in milliseconds
db.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis Configure a time to connect the smallest living in the pool, in milliseconds
db.validationQuery SQL to detect if the connection is valid
db.testWhileIdle The recommended configuration is true, which does not affect performance and ensures security
db.testOnBorrow When you apply for a connection to perform validationQuery to detect whether the connection is valid, this configuration reduces performance.
db.testOnReturn When you return the connection, perform validationQuery to detect whether the connection is valid, and this configuration reduces performance
db.poolPreparedStatements Do you cache the preparedStatement, which is PSCache
db.maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize The size of PSCache on each connection
db.filters The attribute type is a string, and the extension plug-in is configured by an alias, and the commonly used plug-ins are: monitor the statistics used filter:stat log's filter:log4j defenses SQL injection filter:wall


Methods are both inherited in the controller class of BaseController using this.metodname or directly using the methodName to make the call (note: methodName represents the method name that needs to be called, and the method name is shown in the table below)
Method Name Parameter Return value Describe
getSession null HttpSession Server session Gets the server session session object
setSession session Server session null Set up the server session session object
getRequest null HttpServletRequest User request Gets the user request request object
setRequest request User request null Set the user request request object
getResponse null HttpServletResponse Server response results Gets the response object of the server response
setResponse response Server response results null Set the server response result response object
getSessionUser null TbSysUser User Object Gets the user information stored in the session after login
getMapper type Generated Mapper interface object type T Generics, the type Mapper of the incoming parameter object Get the mapper object
getMapper null DelegateMapper General mapper, view the agent mapper object that defines sqlMap Get the delegateMapper object
setDataSource dataSource Data source name (must be the name included in the spring configuration) null Dynamically switch the data source method to set the data source name
clearDataSource null null Clear the data source, clean up the data source, and restore the data source to the default data source
offsetPage offset Initial quantity; Limit number of limit null Paging query scope, parameters are passed in by the bootstrapTable paging plug-in without manual control, just call the method
resultPage list The paging result of the query is the Page object PageModel custom paging model, T is the object of the query Paging result set object
resultMsg status State value (optional setting according to requirements, no mandatory standard); MSG message content; The object returned by the res MsgModel Customize the message model Message returned object
fileUpLoad request The request object passed in the upload method is not a request object in the parent class List The new file name after the upload file has been successfully uploaded to the collection form File upload method, support multiple file uploads
fileDownLoad fileName The file name that needs to be downloaded is ResponseEntity<byte [], which is downloaded from the browser File download method
isNull obj You need to make a judgment call boolean Returns true for null,Otherwise return false Determines whether the object is null
obj2Str obj Objects that need to be converted String The value of the object (return "" for null) The object is converted to String and is usually used to get objects in the Map collection
getUUID null String 32-bit primary key string Generate uuid primary key, 32-bit length, and uppercase mode
base64Encoder str Strings that need to be encoded String The result string is encoded Base64 encoding of strings
base64Decoder str Base64 encoded string of encoding String The original string after decoding Base64 decoding of strings
md5 str Md5 encrypted string is required String Encrypted results Md5 encryption algorithm for strings
currentDate pattern Get the format of the system time, such as yyyy-mm-dd HH: MM: ss String Returns the current time after formatting Gets the current time of the system
timeStamp2Date timestamp Time stamps that need to be converted; pattern after pattern transformation String The date after formatting Time stamps are converted into dates
date2TimeStamp dateStr A date string that needs to be converted; The format of the pattern date String The time stamp after the transformation The date is converted into a timestamp
readFromFile filePath File path (absolute path) String Read the contents of the file Reads the file contents from the specified file
writeToFile content You need to write the contents of the file filePath File path (absolute path) Write the contents to the specified file (the write will override the original contents of the file, which is recommended to read first, then write, and write to the content that needs to be written)
generatePath path filePath File path (absolute path) null Generate the specified path folder, first to determine whether the folder exists, and if there is no, create a folder corresponding to the directory, if there is no operation
generateFile path filePath File path (absolute path) null Generate a file that specifies the path, first to determine whether the file exists, and if it does not exist, create a file, and if it exists, do nothing
propertiesValue key Key values in resource files String The value of the key corresponding to the key Read the values in the properties file, read the classpath/properties/config. Under the properties configuration file
propertiesValue resource Resource file path (the path in the corresponding classpath); Key in the key resource file String The value of the key corresponding to the key Read the values in the specified path properties file and find the resource file from the classpath path

Sample Codes

Create a controller that inherits and BaseController
public class XxxController extends BaseController {
Get logging Logger objects
// Use annotation to obtain
private static Logger log;

// Use factory methods to obtain
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XxxController.class);
Get the mapper object
// Annotation mode gets the delegateMapper
private DelegateMapper delegateMapper;
// Annotation means to get the mapper corresponding to the object
private XxxMapper mapper;

// Obtain delegateMapper
// Gets the mapper for the object
Dynamic switch data source
// Annotate the data source, by default to switch to the extended data source
public String init(){

// Annotate the data source, passing in the data source name of the ENUM type
public String init(){

// Switch calls the superclass method performs data sources (parameter names suggest using framework has been defined, DataSourceName. The DEFAULT/EXTEND getName ())
Paging query background code
public PageModel<Xxx> list(int offset, int limit) {
	// Invoke the parent class method to pass in the paging parameters
	this.offsetPage(offset, limit);
	List<Xxx> list = mapper.selectByExample(null); // Call query method
	return this.resultPage(list);
Paging query the foreground code
<table id="table"><table>

		url: '${pageContext.request.contextPath}/xxx/list',
		idField: 'id',
		columns: [
			{field: 'state', checkbox: true},
			{field: 'id', title: 'id', align: 'center'},
File upload
public String upload(HttpServletRequest request) {
	// To call the parent class upload method, the form must be specified in the JSP as enctype="multipart/form-data"
	List<String> fileNames = this.fileUpLoad(request);
	return "success";
File download (using a generic download method for JSP pages, using restful style)
<a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/File Name/download">File Download</a>
Download the background method for the custom file
public ResponseEntity<byte[]> download(String fileName) {
	// Call the parent file download method
	return this.fileDownLoad(fileName);
Commonly used DelegateMapper and object Mapper methods
// Query a single object using a custom SQL template
Demo demo = delegateMapper.selectOne(statement);
Demo demo = delegateMapper.selectOne(statement, parameter);
// Use a custom SQL template to query the collection of objects
List<Demo> list = delegateMapper.selectList(statement);
List<Demo> list = delegateMapper.selectList(statement, parameter);

// Use a custom SQL template to have a range of queries (every time you return the specified number of objects)
List<Demo> list = delegateMapper.selectList(statement, parameter, rowBounds);

// Use custom SQL templates for paging queries
PageModel<Demo> page = delegateMapper.selectPagination(statement, offset, limit);
PageModel<Demo> page = delegateMapper.selectPagination(statement, parameter, offset, limit);

// Save using a custom SQL template
int res = delegateMapper.insert(statement);
int res = delegateMapper.insert(statement, parameter);

// Modify using custom SQL templates
int res = delegateMapper.update(statement);
int res = delegateMapper.update(statement, parameter);

// Use the custom SQL template to delete
int res = delegateMapper.delete(statement);
int res = delegateMapper.delete(statement, parameter);

// Use the object method to query the primary key
Demo demo = mapper.selectByPrimaryKey(id);

// Use the object method to query by criteria
List<Demo> list = mapper.selectByExample(example);

// Use the object method to query the criteria page
this.offsetPage(offset, limit);
List<Demo> list = mapper.selectByExample(example);
this.resultPage(list); // Returns the result set

// Use object method to add
int res = mapper.insert(record);
int res = mapper.insertSelective(record);

// Use the object method to modify the primary key
int res = mapper.updateByPrimaryKey(record);
int res = mapper.updateByPrimaryKeySelective(record);

// Use the object method to modify the criteria
int res = mapper.updateByExample(record, example);
int res = mapper.updateByExampleSelective(record, example);

// Use the object method to delete the primary key
int res = mapper.deleteByPrimaryKey(productCode);

// Use object method to delete according to criteria
int res = mapper.deleteByExample(example);

For more information, refer to the code under the API documentation or demo module in the project

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