- foodcam.media.mit.edu
- Also join #foodcam on Slack!
These lists allow you to create any [email protected]
and have it send to one or more people.
This is different from the webmoira or other mailing list systems at MIT that create a alias@**mit.edu**
mailing list.
New: https://nuwiki.media.mit.edu/bin/view/Necsysdocs/WebHome Old: https://wiki.media.mit.edu/view/Necsys There are so many random things in here it's hard to know where to start. Poke around. Some useful stuff:
- Setup Media Lab VPN (good for printing and works all over the world!)
- Matlaber machines (machines for running compute-/gpu-intensive tasks)
- Printers 🖨️
- Virtual Machines
- File and others servers
- Media Lab GitHub organization (put your code projects here!)
I often find myself needing a link that was sent one time to a Media Lab website that turns out to be absolutely critical and I can never find again. Here are some of those pages:
- What MAS courses do you need to take?
- MAS Quick Links page
- Media Lab Logos and Presentation Templates
- Old Internal Media Lab Wiki
- Media Lab Directory where you can look up other Media Lab people and change your name in the Media Lab directory
- MIT Directory where you can look up anyone at MIT (not just Media Lab)
- Change your MIT Name and Pronouns
It's honestly really hard to choose from the hundreds of incredible courses. Hence the expression of ''drinking from a firehose''.
- Hydrant where you can better see your class timetable.
- What MAS courses do you need to take? <- super useful to know what MAS classes to take
- The rest of the classes are either on the registrar or emailed out with often less than a week's notice before classes start.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) is a program where you hire MIT (or partner university) students to work with you on your research. They get paid and it should be a symbiotic relationship where they learn and you get extra research done. If your lab can afford more UROPs many people find success in having multiple UROPs work together. Take careful note of the UROP funding deadlines. More info on ML Wiki on UROPs.
- Ask your group admin how they would like to do things first! They will show you specifically how to use these tools!
- Coupa is where you can buy things from Amazon, McMaster, DigiKey, B&H, etc. Ask your admin!
- Atlas RFP is where you can submit reimbursements. You will NOT be reimbursed for tax. You must set up direct deposit (on that page) first. Ask your admin!
- MIT Receiving Addresses Be sure to use the right address when ordering things to the lab! You should put the room and your name in the attention line of the address (ex. E14-548 Perry Naseck). Ask your admin!
An example for the Media Lab
400 Main St
Attn: E14-youroffice/lab Your Name
Cambridge, MA 02142
Shipping phone: 617-253-1641
- Atlas Commuting Benefits
- T passes: $96 per semester!
- Bluebikes: $50.75/year!
- Zipcar: $35/year!
- Emergency ride home
- SafeRide OnDemand
- Many, many MIT and Cambridge shuttles
- Parking
- Walking I had to include it because there was a page for it
- Food Trucks Calendar can be found here for the Kendall Open Space
- MIT Health is just around the corner to the Media Lab
- Urgent care is for same-day care for urgent but non-life-threatening emergencies. (like cold or fever, etc).
- Primary Care is more for like yearly checkups, and you must choose your primary-care physician before you have an appointment
- health.mit.edu/choose is where you select who you want to meet with