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Adding Dough to a fresh Rails app

Alan Gardner edited this page Jan 22, 2016 · 4 revisions

Getting everything installed

  1. Add the following to your Gemfile

    gem 'sass-rails'
    gem 'dough-ruby', '~> 5.0', git: '', require: 'dough'
    gem 'bowndler', git: '[email protected]:moneyadviceservice/bowndler.git'
  2. If you already have gem sass-rails ensure that you either remove the version or demote it as Dough needs version 4.something.

  3. Run bundle install

  4. Create a .bowerrc file on the root directory with the following contents.

      "directory": "vendor/assets/bower_components"
  5. Create a bower.json.erb file on the root directory with the following contents.

      "name": <YOUR_APP_NAME_HERE>,
      "private": true,
      "ignore": [
      "dependencies": {
        "dough": "<%= gem_path('dough-ruby') %>",
        "mas_dough_theme": "git://",
        "yeast": "git://"
  6. Now run bowndler install.

  7. That should have given you a bower.json file and a vendor/assets/bower_components folder full of Doughy goodness.

  8. You may want to update your .gitignore file to ignore generated content.


Setting up CSS

  1. Go to app/assets/stylesheets/

  2. Delete application.css

  3. Create _enhanced.scss with the following content:

    @import 'dough/assets/stylesheets/lib/_variables';
    @import 'dough/assets/stylesheets/lib/_typography';
    @import 'dough/assets/stylesheets/common';
    //Yeast must be loaded before mas_dough_theme
    @import 'yeast/assets/lib/all';
    //MAS Dough Theme
    @import 'mas_dough_theme/helpers/all';
    @import 'mas_dough_theme/components/form/all';
    //Button Styling
    @import 'mas_dough_theme/components/button/settings';
    //Need to add our variables here otherwise buttons use wrong color (red from in MAS Dough Theme)
    @import 'variables';
    @import 'mas_dough_theme/components/button/button';
  4. Create _variables.scss with the following content:

    $color-button-primary: $color-yellow-light;
  5. Create enhanced_fixed.scss with the following content:

    $responsive: false;
    @import 'enhanced';
  6. Create enhanced_responsive.scss with the following content:

    $responsive: true;
    @import 'enhanced';

Setting up JavaScript

  1. Go to app/assets/javascripts/

  2. Change application.js to the following:

    //= require require_config.js.erb
    // Components
    require(['jquery', 'componentLoader'], function($, componentLoader) {
      'use strict';
  3. And then add require_config.js.erb with the following content:

    // VENDOR
    //= depend_on_asset jquery/dist/jquery
    //= depend_on_asset rsvp/rsvp
    // MAS
    //= depend_on_asset dough/assets/js/lib/componentLoader
    //= depend_on_asset dough/assets/js/components/DoughBaseComponent
      def requirejs_path(asset)
        javascript_path(asset).sub(/.js\z/, '')
      requirejs_config = {
        paths: {
          componentLoader: requirejs_path('dough/assets/js/lib/componentLoader'),
          DoughBaseComponent: requirejs_path('dough/assets/js/components/DoughBaseComponent'),
          jquery: requirejs_path('jquery/dist/jquery'),
          rsvp: requirejs_path('rsvp/rsvp.js')
    // If requirejs is present convert the requirejs_config hash to a JSON object
    if(window.requirejs) {
      requirejs.config(<%= JSON.pretty_generate(requirejs_config) %>);

Setting up the layout

MAS have an empty template that can be copied as a base layout for MAS projects at Sometimes we don't want to include all of the markup etc., but rather just want the additional styles from front end. In that situation, do as follows:

  1. Change app/views/layouts/application.html.erb to this:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>MAS - CIA</title>
      <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'dough/assets/stylesheets/basic', media: 'all' %>
      <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'dough/assets/stylesheets/font_files', media: 'all' %>
      <%= render 'layouts/mas_head' %>
      <!--[if ( gte IE 7 ) & ( lte IE 8 ) & (!IEMobile) ]>
        <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'enhanced_fixed', media: 'all' %>
        <script>var responsiveStyle = false;</script>
      <!--[if ( !IE ) | ( gte IE 9 ) ]><!-->
        <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'enhanced_responsive', media: 'all' %>
        <script>var responsiveStyle = true;</script>
      <%= csrf_meta_tags %>
      <%= yield %>
      <%= javascript_include_tag 'requirejs/require', data: { main: javascript_path('application') } %>
  2. Now create app/views/layouts/_mas_head.html.erb and fill it with this:

    <link href="" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />
    <!--[if ( gte IE 7 ) & ( lte IE 8 ) & (!IEMobile) ]><!-->
      <link href="" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />
      <link href="" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
      <script src=""></script>
      <script>var responsiveStyle = false;</script>
    <!--[if ( !IE ) | ( gte IE 9 ) ]><!-->
      <link href="" media="only all" rel="stylesheet" />
      <script>var responsiveStyle = true;</script>


In order to keep Rails happy we need to add the following to config/intializers/assets.rb

# Add additional assets to the asset load path
Rails.application.config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('vendor', 'assets', 'bower_components')

# Precompile additional assets.
# application.js, application.css, and all non-JS/CSS in app/assets folder are already added.
Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w(
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