Fix NodeFix PerlBuild crontab bash aliasFix Python (how to get '"' around RHOST and SHELL?)Fix PHPFix IRBFix JJSFigure out why some methods work with systemctl and some don'tFix/Supressfind: ‘/var/www’: No such file or directory
error in webserver poison functionCome up with a way to address the situation where SHELL is not set
- Add banners to crontabs for stealth
- Add other methods (add user, backdoor apt, etc.)
Add timestompingAdd Lua, nmap(did not add nmap, just Lua)what to do whenstrings
is not installed (apt install binutils)Add-e, --enum-defenses
(Finish) web server poison attack (after fixing PHP)Replace mktemp with string /dev/urandomFinish adding GTFOBinsAdd pwshbuild--cron
argument to supply custom schedulesExpand clean option to remove any other tampersAdd /etc/rc.local startup persistenceAdd /etc/skel/ backdoorAdd remove/cleanup functionAdd stealth mode