This site hosts information relevant to running the HSC pipeline and handling the data products in their various forms. We've tried (are trying) to include any and all types of information that the science collaborators may find useful or helpful in working with the data. There is also a PDF summary of pipeline ouputs and a collection of IPython notebooks which contain more specific information about the pipeline products. If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact the software group and let us know! We can be found at <[email protected]>.
Some of the material is also translated to :ref:`Japanese <jp_index>`.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 pipeline pipeline_tools database scripts glossary camera machine-specific developer
Quick Links:
.. toctree:: prettySchema-sf prettySchema-coadd pipeline/reduceFrames.config pipeline/stack.config
.. toctree:: :hidden: developer known_artifacts afw faq links maillists j/index