We use Sphinx to compile docstrings into API documentation. The docstrings are written in reStructuredText. See our Sphinx guide for more information on writing Sphinx documentation.
If you want an object to appear in the API documentation, you'll need to add it to the autosummary of the appropriate module-level docstring. For example, the qiskit_transpiler_service.ai
module contains the following autosummary.
.. autosummary::
:toctree: ../stubs/
Functions should be inlined in the module's file, e.g. utils.py
.. currentmodule:: qiskit_transpiler_service.utils
.. autofunction:: create_random_linear_function
.. autofunction:: get_metrics
When adding a new module, you'll also need to add a new file to docs/apidocs
. The file name should match the module's name, e.g. my_module.submodule.rst
. You'll probably find it easiest to copy one of the existing files. You also need to update apidocs/index.rst
with the new file name.
To build the documentation, install Sphinx and the qiskit-sphinx-theme
(both included in requirements-dev.txt
) then run the following command.
make docs
To view the documentation open docs/_build/html/index.html
. Note that this is just a preview, the final documentation content is pulled into Qiskit/documentation and re-rendered into https://docs.quantum.ibm.com.