- Windows 10, R 4.1.0 (on local PC and GitHub Actions).
- Linux Ubuntu 18.04, R release, oldrel, devel (on GitHub Actions).
- Mac OS X, R release (on GitHub Actions).
- First release for CRAN
- No errors, warnings or notes.
Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs: https://codecov.io/gh/nik01010/openbankeR?branch=master. Please change http --> https, add trailing slashes, or follow moved content as appropriate.
The Title field should be in title case. Current version is: 'R client for querying the UK 'Open Banking' ('Open Data') API'. In title case that is: 'R Client for Querying the UK 'Open Banking' ('Open Data') API'.
- Windows 10, R 4.1.0 (on local PC and GitHub Actions).
- Linux Ubuntu 18.04, R release, oldrel, devel (on GitHub Actions).
- Mac OS X, R release (on GitHub Actions).
- Small changes to address CRAN reviewer comments
- Invalid URL removed, and Title field now uses title case.
- For future submissions/updates: Please add a web reference for the API in the form https:..... to the description of the DESCRIPTION file with no space after 'https:' and angle brackets for auto-linking.