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Concurrency Synchronization

1. What are Concurrency synchronizations?

Concurrency synchronizations means how to control concurrent computations:

  • to avoid data races between them.
  • to avoid them consuming CPU resources when they have nothing to do.

2. Syncronization techniques

  • Channel.
  • Gracefully Close channels.
  • sync standard package.
  • Atomic operations provided in the sync/atomic standard package.

3. Channel


Don't (let computations) communicate by sharing memory, (let them) share memory by communicating (through channels) - Rob Pike -
  • Channels make goroutines share memory by communicating.
  • A FIFO queue.

3.1. Channel types and values

  • Each channel type has an element type.
  • Channel types can be bi-directional or single-directional:
    • chan T denotes a bidirectional channel type (send + receive).
    • chan<- T denotes a send-only channel type.
    • <-chan T denotes a receive-only channel type.
  • Each channel value has a capacity. A channel value with a zero capacity is called unbuffered channel and a channel value with a non-zero capacity is called buffered channel.

3.2. Channel operations

  • 5 operations:

    • Close the channel:
    • Send a value:
    ch <- v
    • Receive a value:
    • Query tue value buffer capacity of the channel:
    // return zero, if ch is nil channel.
    • Query the current number of values in the value buffer (or the length) of the channel:
    // return zero, if ch is nil channel.
  • Most basic operations in Go are not sysnchronized.

  • The behaviors for all kind of operations applying on nil, closed and not-closed non-nil channels.

Operation A nil channel A closed channel A not-closed non-nil channel
Close panic panic succeed to close
Send value to block for ever panic block or succeed to send
Receive value from block for ever never block block or succeed to receive

3.3. Notes

  • Channel element value are transferred by copy.
  • A channel cannot be garbage collected. If a goroutine is blocked and stays in either the sending or the receiving goroutine queue of a chnnel, then goroutine also cannot be be garbage collected, even if the channel is referenced only this goroutine. In fact, a goroutine can only be garbage collected when it has already exited.
  • for-range on channels: the loop will try to iteratively receive the values sent to a channel, until the channel is closed and its value buffer queue becomes blank.
// if channel is nil, the loop will bolcok there forever
for v := range channel {
    // use v
  • select-case:
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var c chan struct{} // nil
    select {
    case <-c:             // blocking operation
    case c <- struct{}{}: // blocking operation
        fmt.Println("Go here.")

3.3. Use cases

  • Use channels as Futures/Promises.

    • Return receive-only channels as results.

      package main
      import (
      func longTimeRequest() <-chan int32 {
          r := make(chan int32)
          go func() {
              // Simulate a workload.
              time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
              r <- rand.Int31n(100)
          return r
      func sumSquares(a, b int32) int32 {
          return a*a + b*b
      func main() {
          a, b := longTimeRequest(), longTimeRequest()
          // 3 seconds only
          fmt.Println(sumSquares(<-a, <-b))
    • Pass send-only channels as arguments.

    package main
    import (
    func longTimeRequest(r chan<- int32)  {
        // Simulate a workload.
        time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
        r <- rand.Int31n(100)
    func sumSquares(a, b int32) int32 {
        return a*a + b*b
    func main() {
        ra, rb := make(chan int32), make(chan int32)
        go longTimeRequest(ra)
        go longTimeRequest(rb)
        fmt.Println(sumSquares(<-ra, <-rb))
    • The first response wins.
     package main
     import (
     func source(c chan<- int32) {
         ra, rb := rand.Int31(), rand.Intn(3) + 1
         // Sleep 1s/2s/3s.
         time.Sleep(time.Duration(rb) * time.Second)
         c <- ra
     func main() {
         startTime := time.Now()
         // c must be a buffered channel.
         c := make(chan int32, 5)
         for i := 0; i < cap(c); i++ {
             go source(c)
         // Only the first response will be used.
         rnd := <- c
  • Use channels for notifications.

// WIP