- Add your config to
, if it's a linter don't forget to export it inlinter/init.lua
- Write a test. If it's a formatter, show that the config works by giving an example input and verify that the file did got formatted as intended. For example:
describe('black', function()
it('can format', function()
-- pre-test setup
local ft = require('guard.filetype')
-- Giving example input to the helper
-- the helper creates a new buffer with it, formats, and returns the formatted output
local formatted = require('test.formatter.helper').test_with('python', {
-- The input code should somewhat reflect the filetype
[[def foo(n):]],
[[ if n in (1,2,3):]],
[[ return n+1]],
[[a, b = 1, 2]],
[[b, a = a, b]],
[[print( f"The factorial of {a} is: {foo(a)}")]],
-- Show that the input is indeed formatted as intended
[[def foo(n):]],
[[ if n in (1, 2, 3):]],
[[ return n + 1]],
[[a, b = 1, 2]],
[[b, a = a, b]],
[[print(f"The factorial of {a} is: {foo(a)}")]],
}, formatted)
- Or if it's a linter, show that the linter's output is converted correctly into neovim diagnostics
describe('selene', function()
it('can lint', function()
-- pre-test setup
local helper = require('test.linter.helper')
local ns = helper.namespace
local ft = require('guard.filetype')
-- Giving example input to the helper
-- the helper creates a new buffer with it, requires lint, and returns the diagnostics
local diagnostics = require('test.linter.helper').test_with('lua', {
-- Make sure the input actually has some problems that the linter detects
[[local M = {}]],
[[function M.foo()]],
[[ print("foo")]],
[[return M]],
-- Show that the diagnostics is indeed valid
bufnr = 3,
col = 0,
end_col = 0,
end_lnum = 4,
lnum = 4,
message = '`U` is not defined [undefined_variable]',
-- sometimes the namespace is not fixed
namespace = ns,
severity = 1,
source = 'selene',
}, diagnostics)
- To run the test you just created, install vusted
luarocks --lua-version=5.1 install vusted
- Create a symlink so that vusted recognizes guard.nvim namespaces
ln -s ~/.local/share/nvim/lazy/guard.nvim/lua/guard lua
Run the test and make sure it passes
vusted ./test/formatter/<tool-name>_spec.lua # or vusted ./test/linter/<tool-name>\_spec.lua ok 1 - <tool-name> can format ok 1 - <tool-name> can lint
so that CI installs your tool -
Optionally, format the code with stylua
stylua .
Add the tool to the README list and you are good to go!