You can create a new font package either via a PR to this repository or by publishing your own font package on NPM.
We use a yeoman generator to fully automate the generation the fonts from a configuration file.
In the future the idea is to automate this to automatically release new fonts in line with upstream.
Below we describe how to create a font in this monorepo, the process for creating your own package would be quite similar.
Create and start editing the config file
mkdir packages/material-symbols
vi packages/material-symbols/.yo-rc.json
git add packages/material-symbols/.yo-rc.json
The basics of the .yo-rc.json
"generator-react-native-vector-icons": {
"packageName": "material-symbols",
"upstreamFont": "@ant-design/icons-svg",
"versionSuffix": "-alpha",
"buildSteps": {
"fixSVGPaths": {
"location": "../../node_modules/@ant-design/icons-svg/inline-namespaced-svg/outlined"
"fontCustom": {
"location": "fixedSvg",
"cleanup": true
"glyphmap": {
"mode": "css",
"cleanup": true
This is the name of the node package and it should match the directory name.
NOTE: it currently assumes it will live in @react-native-vector-icons namespace)