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Releases: octokit/

v0.39 - Sunday Funday

09 Feb 16:55
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Octokit 0.39.0 on NuGet
Octokit.Reactive 0.39.0 on NuGet

Advisories and Breaking Changes

  • None

Release Notes


  • Search Issues endpoint to does not handles labels containing spaces correctly - #2084 via @zHaytam
  • added IsTemplate field to Repository response model returned from API - #2090 via @shiftkey


v0.38 - Short and Sweet

08 Feb 18:02
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Octokit 0.38.0 on NuGet
Octokit.Reactive 0.38.0 on NuGet

Advisories and Breaking Changes

  • None

Release Notes


  • Add CheckConclusion.Stale value to Conclusion property for CheckSuite and CheckRun - #2080 via @BenEmdon


  • formatting code is now opt-in when running build scripts locally - #2085 via @shiftkey

v0.37 - Back From Somewhere

03 Feb 22:33
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Octokit 0.37.0 on NuGet
Octokit.Reactive 0.37.0 on NuGet

Advisories and Breaking Changes

  • None

Release Notes


  • Add support for organization memberships API - #2014 via @hnrkndrssn
  • Add support for filtering repository collaborators by their affiliation - #2043 via @hnrkndrssn


  • Added "Jupyter Notebook" to Search Repositories API - #2032 via @Dagizmo
  • Fix encoding of spaces when using Search API - #2038 via @Dagizmo
  • Change IssueEvent.Id from int to long to address deserialization issue - #2060 via @stevedesmond-ca
  • Add CheckConclusion.Skipped value to Conclusion property for CheckSuite and CheckRun - #2077 via @JeffreyPalmer


  • Upgrade project tooling to Cake 0.36 - #2039 and #2062 via @devlead
  • Update GitHubJwt to version 0.0.4 - #2057 via @dependabot
  • Address NuGet warning about deprecated PackageIconUrl value - #2063 via @shiftkey
  • Add Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies to allow building projects properly on platforms that only have .NET Core installed - #2064 via @shiftkey
  • Upgrade SourceLink and GitVersion tools - #2065 via @shiftkey
  • Enable GitHub Actions for building and testing pull requests - #2066 via @shiftkey
  • Cleanup CoreOnly usage in project files - #2072 via @shiftkey
  • Cleanup Travis features in build scripts - #2073 via @shiftkey
  • Switch to Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub for embedding GitHub URLs into assemblies - #2074 via @shiftkey

Documentation Updates

v0.36 - Not the Wurst

08 Oct 00:28
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Octokit 0.36.0 on NuGet
Octokit.Reactive 0.36.0 on NuGet

Advisories and Breaking Changes

SearchCodeRequest.Extension has been renamed to SearchCodeRequest.Extensions and is now an IEnumerable<string> to support specifying multiple file extensions when searching

Release Notes


  • Added support for searching code with multiple file extensions - #2019 via @ecarlson94
  • Added new event payload fields for head_ref_force_pushed and transferred - #2024 via @hnrkndrssn

v0.35 - A Bit Of Everything

03 Oct 12:01
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Octokit 0.35.0 on NuGet
Octokit.Reactive 0.35.0 on NuGet

Advisories and Breaking Changes

As part of keeping up with current target frameworks in .NET, we will be deprecating net45 and netstandard1.1 targets in a future release. This update adds net46 and netstandard2.0 outputs which will become the new baseline, so please test them out in your projects and report any issues you encounter.

Release Notes




v0.34 - Too Soon?

17 Sep 00:44
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Advisories and Breaking Changes

  • None

Release Notes


  • Add comment about caching when calling the repository statistics endpoint - #1954 via @hnrkndrssn, @shiftkey
  • Fixed formatting bug where DateTimeOffset is provided to filter search results by date - #1988 via @shiftkey


v0.33 - The One In September

12 Sep 21:32
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Octokit 0.33.0 on NuGet
Octokit.Reactive 0.33.0 on NuGet

Advisories and Breaking Changes

  • None

Release Notes

Milestone: Missing Pagination Support


  • Added pagination support to MigrationsClient - #1949 via @hnrkndrssn
  • Added pagination support to CommitCommentReactionsClient, IssueCommentReactionsClient, IssueReactionsClient and PullRequestReviewCommentReactionsClient - #1948 via @hnrkndrssn

Milestone: None



  • Update EventInfo.Id field from int to long to prevent overflow exceptions - #1940 via @matt-richardson
  • Prevent previous Tls1.2 fix for earlier frameworks from interfering with .NET 4.7+ SecurityProtocolType.SystemDefault configuration - #1936 via @ryangribble, @shiftkey
  • Fix SearchRepositoriesRequest Language filter option to use the parameter value rather than enum member name - #1951 via @benmcmorran
  • Implement SubmittedAt field on PullRequestReview response model - #1964 via @ryangribble


  • Adjust Cake and native build configurations to allow building on OSX/Linux out of the box - #1930 via @Vogel612
  • Updated Cake.Frosting tooling to latest version - #1978 via @devlead

Documentation Updates

v0.32 - App-stravaganza!

09 Sep 00:30
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Octokit 0.32.0 on NuGet
Octokit.Reactive 0.32.0 on NuGet

Advisories and Breaking Changes

  • Due to upstream breaking changes in the CheckRuns API, using check runs against will require using the new/renamed fields on CheckRunAnnotation response and NewCheckRunAnnotation request models. However the old fields are maintained in (marked as deprecated) to continue supporting GitHub Enterprise 2.14, which will not receive these changes. Users of GHE 2.14 should use the old fields, whilst users of should update to use the new fields

Release Notes

Milestone: GitHub Apps


  • Adjust GitHub App Installation Access Token route in line with announced API changes - #1860 via @ryangribble
  • Implement additional endpoints for GitHub Apps to find installations for a given organization, repository or user - #1854 via @StanleyGoldman, @ryangribble
  • Implement GitHub Apps Installation API to allow listing all repositories a GitHub App Installation or GitHub App authenticated user has access to - #1854 via @StanleyGoldman, @ryangribble
  • Implement new/changed fields on CheckRunAnnotation response and NewCheckRunAnnotation request models - replace Filename with Path, WarningLevel with AnnotationLevel and add StartColumn and EndColumn - #1857 via @ryangribble
  • Add new method CheckSuitesClient.Rerequest() and mark the old CheckSuitesClient.Request() method as deprecated (this will no longer function on but will continue to be supported on GitHub Enterprise 2.14) - #1857 via @ryangribble


  • Adjust StartedAt and Status fields of NewCheckRun and CheckRunUpdate requests, to allow null values, avoiding resetting these to default values when not specified - #1852 via @Cyberboss, @ryangribble

Documentation Updates

  • Fixed code samples in GitHub Apps sample docs to use the correct sub client property name - #1853 via @d-a-s

Milestone: None


  • IssueLabelsClient.RemoveFromIssue() no longer fails with a HTTP 400 "Bad Request" error from the GitHub Api - #1868 via @ryangribble

v0.31 - Check yo' self!

21 Jul 08:16
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Octokit 0.31.0 on NuGet
Octokit.Reactive 0.31.0 on NuGet

Advisories and Breaking Changes

  • None

Release Notes

Milestone: GitHub Apps


Milestone: None



  • Fix exception in RepositoriesClient.GetAllLanguages() when no languages exist - #1831 via @ryangribble


  • Remove nuget dependency on SourceLink.Create.GitHub package - #1822 via @ryangribble

Documentation Updates

  • Clarify the rate limit Reset field is in UTC - #1819 via @mirsaeedi
  • Revise GitHub Apps walkthrough documentation to provide more clarity - #1824 via @ryangribble

v0.30 - Where Have You Been All My life?

17 Jun 22:40
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Octokit 0.30.0 on NuGet
Octokit.Reactive 0.30.0 on NuGet

Advisories and Breaking Changes

  • Note that the IssuesLabelsClient.RemoveFromIssue() methods which previously had no return value, will now return an IReadonlyList<Label>. This change is source compatible but not binary compatible.
  • The following [Obsolete] items have been removed from octokit, please use the indicated replacements:

Client Methods

  • OranizationsClient.GetAll() => GetAllForUser()
  • PullRequestsClient.Comment => ReviewComment
  • RepositoryBranchesClient.GetRequiredStatusChecksContexts() => GetAllRequiredStatusChecksContexts()
  • RepositoryBranchesClient.GetProtectedBranchTeamRestrictions() => GetAllProtectedBranchTeamRestrictions()
  • RepositoryBranchesClient.GetProtectedBranchUserRestrictions() => GetAllProtectedBranchUserRestrictions()
  • RepositoryTrafficClient.GetReferrers() => GetAllReferrers()
  • RepositoryTrafficClient.GetPaths() => GetAllPaths()
  • TeamsClient.GetMembership() => GetMembershipDetails()
  • TeamsClient.AddMembership() => AddOrEditMembership()
  • TeamsClient.AddMembership() => AddOrEditMembership()

Request Models

  • Remove unwanted ctor's from BranchProtectionUpdateSettings and UpdateTeam
  • NewIssue Assignee => Assignees
  • IssueUpdate Assignee => Assignees

Response Models

  • TeamMembership => TeamMembershipDetails

Release Notes

Milestone: GitHub Apps


Milestone: None


  • Added PreviousFileName field to PullRequestFile response - #1770 via @Kaneraz
  • Support PullRequestReviewEvent payloads using new response model PullRequestReviewEventPayload - #1767 via @Cyberboss
  • Add the ability to search issues by milestones, using SearchIssuesRequest.Milestone - #1788 via @mkArtak
  • Add an overload to IReleasesClient.Get() that allows retrieving a Release by the associated tag - #1793 via @tasadar2, @ryangribble
  • Add MaintainerCanModify field to PullRequest response and NewPullRequest and UpdatePullRequest requests - #1771 via @Cyberboss, @ryangribble
  • Enabled additional methods for preview "Nested Teams" support:
    • IRepositoriesClient.GetAllTeams()
    • IRepositoryBranchesClient.GetAllProtectedBranchTeamRestrictions()
    • IRepositoryBranchesClient.UpdateProtectedBranchTeamRestrictions()
    • IRepositoryBranchesClient.AddProtectedBranchTeamRestrictions()
    • IRepositoryBranchesClient.DeleteProtectedBranchTeamRestrictions() - #1795 via @MikhailTymchukDX, @ryangribble
  • Implement Pre Receive Environments API (Preview) for GitHub Enterprise - #1796 via @tasadar2, @ryangribble
  • Implement support for Label API Improvements, including additional fields (Description and Default), emoji support and searching for labels (SearchClient.SearchLabels()) - #1802 via @jozefizso, @ryangribble


  • Correct missing/incorrect XmlDoc entries for parameters on some methods - #1779 via @ryangribble
  • Parameter names in validation exception messages are now derived from the parameters themselves, rather than a literal string that was hopefully kept up to date - #1781 via @itaibh
  • Update Octokit build tooling to use .NET SDK 2.x (note that this is only an SDK tooling update - Octokit and Octokit.Reactive libraries are still targeting netstandard1.1) - #1784 via @ryangribble
  • Removed a number of [Obsolete] methods, members and constructors inline with our standard deprecation schedule - #1780 via @ryangribble
  • Ensure all response models have appropriate ctor's to allow mocking, and enforce with a convention test - #1798 via @tasadar2, @ryangribble

Documentation Updates