低軌衛星與相關通訊網路課程測試與驗證 kEYSIGHT 公司Nick
- 5G NTN Concept
- 2022 satellite comm news : starlink support ukraine
- 提供地面接收設備就可以直接上網(當基礎設施被毀壞,依然不受到影響)
- 4 key LEO network suppliers : TeleSat, Oneweb, SpaceX STARLINK, Amazon
- use ku, ka band
- CH bandwidth : 250 MHZ
- modulation/scheme : propietary
- NTN status(low data rate, low band) :
- spaceX cowork with T-mobile 讓手機可以直接連網(T-mobile takes coverage above and beyond with spaceX) : mid-band spetrum
- 中國移動研究院與中興通訊、交通運輸信息等共同發布 5G NTN技術(3GPP R17 NTN協議,文字短訊、語音對講技術)
- Emergency SOS via satellite (iphone-14)
- Qualcomm,Ericson
- LEO, EMO, HEO 低軌中軌高軌衛星通訊
- Protocol:
- Rel-15 (TR 28.811)
- Rel-16 (TR 38.821)
- Rel-17 (TR 38.829)
- LEO Satellite system :
- Gateway(地面接收設備)
- Satellite(衛星本體)
- User Equipment(個人設備)
- Phased array antenna design workflow challenges
- SWaP-C (size, weught, power, cost)
- Digital and RF Mixed DUT becomes a part of the measurement system
- Modilation distortion solution w/ PNA-X and SG
- Satellite paylod test
- G/T measurement
- Transmitter module test
- VXG Signal generator
- FCC part 25 test case
- 2022 satellite comm news : starlink support ukraine
- NTN Reality Innovative test
- 5G Non Terrestrial Network(NTN)
- Testing Realistic satellite radio links
- Channel model structure
- NR-NTN E2E test bed prototyping
- cellular and satellite interconnected with 5G NTN
- Main system parameters of 5G NTN
- VSAT User equipment
- software simulation