JVerein steht unter GPL V3.
Framework, Download: https://www.willuhn.de/products/jameica/download.php, Lizenz: GPL V2
Onlinebanking, Download: Intern über Jameica, Lizenz: GPL V2
JavaBeans Activation Framework, Download: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/jaf11-139815.html, Lizenz: Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE und JavaFX Technologies
Lightweight Scripting for Java, Download: http://www.beanshell.org/download.html, Lizenz: Sun Public License (Lizenztext ist nicht mehr verfügbar) und Gnu Lesser General Public License
Valididierung, Download: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-validator/download_validator.cgi, Lizenz: Apache License 2.0
Core barcode encoding/decoding library, Download: https://github.com/zxing/zxing, Lizenz: Apache License 2.0
CSV file JDBC driver, Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/csvjdbc/, Lizenz: Gnu Lesser General Public License
ez-vcard is a vCard library written in Java, Download: https://github.com/mangstadt/ez-vcard, Lizenz: ez-card-Lizenz
Silbentrennung für iText, Download: Die alte Version steht nicht mehr zum Download zur Verfügung, Lizenz: LGPL
Java SE-specific extensions to core ZXing library, Download: https://github.com/zxing/zxing/wiki/Getting-Started-Developing, Lizenz: Apache License 2.0
Joda-Time provides a quality replacement for the Java date and time classes, Download: https://github.com/JodaOrg/joda-time/releases, Lizenz: Apache License 2.0
This API calculates the holidays for a given year, country and region, Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jollyday/files/releases/, Lizenz: Apache License 2.0
JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests, Download: https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Download-and-Install, Lizenz:Eclipse Public License 1.0
Java-Mail, Download: https://java.net/projects/javamail/pages/Home, Lizenz: Java-Mail License
Umrechnung von Einheiten, Download: http://numericalchameleon.net/de/download.html, Lizenz: GPL V3
SnakeYAML is a YAML processor for the Java Virtual Machine, Download: https://bitbucket.org/asomov/snakeyaml/downloads/ , Lizenz: Apache License 2.0