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Jade Lau jadeyslau
Brain nerd and web dev dabbler.

King's College London @dafishcode London

Neil Shephard ns-rse
Research Software Engineer, University of Sheffield

Research Software Engineering, University of Sheffield Sheffield, UK

Adeeb Arif Kor adeebkor
I am PhD student in Scientific Computing at Cambridge University.

Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

Matthew Scroggs mscroggs

University College London King's Lynn

Jack Morrison jack-morrison
Supporting crazy cool computers however I can


Divyansh Goyal divital-coder
Sentient Being, Julia Admirer.


Julian Taylor JulianTaylorUCL
Software developer.

UCL London

Niko Sirmpilatze niksirbi
Neuroscientist and Research Software Engineer developing free, Open Source tools for studying brains and the behaviours they produce.

Sainsbury Wellcome Centre London, United Kingdom

Nikolas Pontikos pontikos
group leader @ UCL, co-founder @ Phenopolis, deputy director - data science @ Moorfields

@Eye2Gene @pontikos-lab @Moorfields-Reading-Centre @phenopolis London

Silvio Traversaro traversaro
If you mentioned me and I did not reply in the last 72h, probably I lost the message somehow, so please ping me, thanks!

Italian Institute of Technology Genoa

Jonathan Talbot-Martin jtalbotmartin
Bioinformatician at the UK Dementia Research Institute

London, UK

John Watts Johnnywatts
Principal data architect at UCL/RadNet CoL

UCL London

Leon Dong leondong98
Political Science & Data Science
Shipra Suman shiprasuman123

University college london Central London

Milan Malfait milanmlft
Research Software Engineer at UCL's Advanced Research Computing centre

@UCL-ARC London, UK

Thomas Jones ccaathj

University College London Gower St, London WC1E 6BT

Chris Coates CJCShadowsan
"There's a thin line between insanity and genius; I'd like to think that I walk that line every day of my life."

@nimbix Sheffield