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Yasir Alibrahem YasirAlibrahem
A Solutions Architect who's passionate about efficiency.

San Francisco, CA

Aviv Kabesa avivka
Cloud Solutions Architect | DevOps Engineer

Microsoft Israel

Paula Silva paulanunes85
Paula Silva is Developer Productivity, Global Black Belt, Latin America at Microsoft

Microsoft São Paulo, Brazil

Devarsh Gandhi devarshgandhi
Solutions Engineering @github


Tony Cheung tonycch
Field Solutions Engineer

GitHub Manchester, UK

Clay Nelson ClayNelson
WW Industry Solutions GTM Leader @ GitHub. I have spent the past 23 years of my career dedicated to improving software delivery (Rational Alum & IBM Alum) .

GitHub Atlanta, GA

Sam Hope-Evans futuredesignUK
Senior Solutions Architect @ SoundCloud

@SoundCloud London, UK

Alain (Alan) TeamWaggles
Constant Learning

Atlanta, GA

Brianne Davis briannedavis

South Carolina (outside of Charlotte, NC)

marz marzvrover
Senior Partner Engineer @github

New York, NY

Thomas A. McGonagle mcgonagle
Living made off of open source since Linux kernel 2.2.5-15. and K8s v1.1.2 and containers since before they were cool.

Groton, MA - USA