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162 lines (114 loc) · 6.59 KB

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162 lines (114 loc) · 6.59 KB
      ____                  __          ____
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Open source password manager for teams
(c) 2021 Passbolt SA


Passbolt - Open source password manager for teams

(c) 2021 Passbolt SA

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3.

The name "Passbolt" is a registered trademark of Passbolt SA, and Passbolt SA hereby declines to grant a trademark license to "Passbolt" pursuant to the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 Section 7(e), without a separate agreement with Passbolt SA.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see GNU Affero General Public License v3.

About this repository

This repository contains the code of the Android mobile application.

Reporting a security Issue

If you've found a security related issue in Passbolt, please don't open an issue in GitHub. Instead contact us at [email protected]. In the spirit of responsible disclosure we ask that the reporter keep the issue confidential until we announce it.

The passbolt team will take the following actions:

  • Try to first reproduce the issue and confirm the vulnerability.
  • Acknowledge to the reporter that we’ve received the issue and are working on a fix.
  • Get a fix/patch prepared and create associated automated tests.
  • Prepare a post describing the vulnerability, and the possible exploits.
  • Release new versions of all affected major versions.
  • Prominently feature the problem in the release announcement.
  • Provide credits in the release announcement to the reporter if they so desire.

How to build locally

With Android Studio (recommended)

  1. Launch Android Studio and open the cloned project
  2. Make sure that Android SDK with version 30 is installed to compile the project
  3. Wait until project configuration finishes (couple of minutes) and click Sync with Gradle files icon (top right toolbar - elephant with blue arrow)
  4. Open the Build Variants tab (bottom left vertical pane) and under the :app module select Active Build Variant as debug
  5. Prepare a device for launch - at minimum Android 10 (API 30) is required
    1. create and launch Android emulator or
    2. set up and launch on a real device
  6. Hit the Run arrow (green play icon in the top center)

Without Android Studio

  1. Download Android build tools - scroll to Command line tools only
  2. Using the downloaded command line tools install the build tools for API 30 required to compile the project
  3. Open terminal and navigate to cloned project root directory
  4. Use Gradle Wrapper to build the project from terminal ./gradlew assembleDebug (during first build the Wrapper will also download and setup Gradle if not present) - the built application will be available at {project-dir}/app/build/outputs/apk/debug
  5. To install on a connected device (see above section 4.1 or 4.2) execute ./gradlew installDebug

How run verifications locally

  1. Navigate to project root directory
  2. Execute ./gradlew detekt ktlint lintDebug unitTest koverMergedHtmlReport licenseeRelease dependencyUpdates buildHealth

You can also run each check individually if needed:

  • detekt and ktlint - run static analysis for kotlin
  • lintRelease - run Android linter
  • unitTest - execute all unit tests
  • koverMergedHtmlReport - generate unit test coverage report
  • licenseeRelease - check if all dependencies have appropriate licenses
  • dependencyUpdates - check if any dependencies have updates in the release channel
  • buildHealth - produce a report about unused dependencies or incorrect dependency declaration

To execute Android instrumented tests connect your device and execute: ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest Note for instrumented tests run a set of environment variables with test user must be set on the machine that builds the application:

  • PASSBOLT_TEST_USERNAME - ID of the user on the server
  • PASSBOLT_TEST_USER_ID - username of the user on the server
  • PASSBOLT_TEST_DOMAIN - server domain
  • PASSBOLT_TEST_FIRST_NAME - first name of the user
  • PASSBOLT_TEST_LAST_NAME - last name of the user
  • PASSBOLT_TEST_AVATAR_URL - URL of the user avatar (optional)
  • PASSBOLT_TEST_KEY_FINGERPRINT - user's key fingerprint
  • PASSBOLT_TEST_ARMORED_KEY_BASE_64 - base64 of user's armored key
  • PASSBOLT_TEST_PASSPHRASE - user's key passphrase

How run instrumented tests with SauceLabs cloud

Example running saucectl with espresso.

What You'll Need

The steps below illustrate one of the quickest ways to get set up. If you'd like a more in-depth guide, please check out SauceLabs documentation.

Install saucectl

curl -L | bash

Install saucectl using Homebrew (macOS)

brew tap saucelabs/saucectl
brew install saucectl

⚠ Make sure saucectl version is newer than v0.44.0

Set Your Sauce Labs Credentials

saucectl configure

Prepare test artifacts

./gradlew --no-daemon --build-cache assembleDebug assembleAndroidTest

Running Tests

saucectl run

sauce cloud example

Sauce cloud support

Espresso only works on sauce cloud for both Android Emulators and Real Devices.

Docker mode is not supported.

The Config

Go to .sauce/config.yml if you'd like to see how saucectl is configured for this repository.
