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Common naming standards/conventions/examples for Bicep:
Bicep is new, so this is a work in progress and subject to change.
Currently ALL Bicep files are in the same directory e.g. bicep
Files that begin with 'sub' E.g. sub-XYX.bicep should be deployed into the Subscription Scope.
There are some Parent Deployments, one for Subscription Scope and one for the Resource Group Scope.
- 00-ALL-SUB.bicep
- 01-dp-rg-ALL.bicep
The above files will orchestrate full deployments, since they only call child Bicep Modules. These are what you call in your pipelines.
Each resource type has a main file to deploy that resource and associated capabilities e.g. storage is SA.bicep
That main bicep file will use bicep Modules to deploy components that are related and also to loop through arrays of those items E.g. storage accounts
- These related modules will start with the same name, then have a dash E.g. SA-Storage.bicep
- So you would never call that file directly, you would only call SA.bicep in a deployment for storage accounts.
- The above nesting can be multiple levels e.g. sub-RBAC.bicep --> sub-RBAC-ALL.bicep --> sub-RBAC-ALL-RA.bicep
Use a dot notation for segmenting Resource types into more descriptive categories
- An example is: SA.bicep for storage OR SA.CDN.bicep for a CDN
- The dot allows for more specific names to describe the bicep file, however diferentiates the dash used for nested deployments.
In the ARM (Bicep) Templates, numbers are used on the templates, however no numbering has been implemented here so far, except on the parent deployments mentioned above.
Any deployment names to Bicep modules will begin with 'dp', these are used for the deployment names e.g. in the Portal.
Currently some parameter names that have been migrated from ARM templates will maintain the casing, which is not camel case
- Where it makes sense camel case will be used for param/variable/resource names, where it doesn't break backwards compatiblity
Helper functions are currently prefixed with an x.file.bicep, these are reusable bicep modules that can be called from more than 1 parent module.