With Ken Kousen (Marlborough, CT) and Baruch Sadogursky (JFrog in CA).
Do we finally have a proper replacement for the HttpBuilder?! HTTP Requests
Grails Diary from Jacob Mikkelsen contains many items for the last couple weeks. They include:
- Ratpack releases 1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.3; the big one is 1.3.0, the others are quick bug fixes and a Netty upgrade. See https://ratpack.io/versions/1.3.0 for details. The Learning Ratpack book is based on 1.3.0.
- Ratpack tutorial code and slides presented by Juan Vazquez a the Omaha Java Users group meeting.
Grails 3.0.17 and Grails 3.1.6 both released. The latter now uses GORM 5.0.5 which supports Hibernate 5.1.
JSON views docs are now available for Grails.
Grails team blog at OCI now available. Latest post points to the Slack channel (sign up at http://slack-signup.grails.org/)
Gradle 2.13 released post to the Gradle forum, largely focused on performance. They estimate as much as 25% improvement during configuration and execution phases in their testing.
Gradle newsletter describes the changes in 2.13, plus the addition of composite builds, which allow you to combine multiple Gradle builds.
Gradle lint plugin a.k.a. the bloody enterprise plugin
GPars website now has all the docs, links to the user guide, reference docs, GitHub repo, and more. Site appears to be designed with asciidoctor, too.
Groovy Calamari -- latest issue has links to blog posts and articles that include:
- Continuous integration with Grails
- Continuous deployment with Gradle and Docker
- Gradle performance as a feature, a blog post by Cedric Champeau
Excluding Gradle tasks using a name pattern by Ken Kousen does what it says
Learning Ratpack and Giving Back, blog post by Dan Woods @danveloper. All royalties from the book Learning Ratpack will go to the Gr8Ladies organization.
- GR8Conf EU - 1st -> 3rd Jun The agenda is published
- GR8Conf US - 29th -> 31st Jul
- G3 Summit - 28th Nov -> 1st Dec
- JavaOne CFP is open, submit Groovy!
- No Fluff Just Stuff for the website hosting
- The Grails diary for so much of the regular news
- The Groovy Calamary for tons of news as well!
- Twitter: @groovypodcast
- Google+: https://plus.google.com/112706418002827266912/posts
- Peter Ledbrook - t: @pledbrook, w: http://www.cacoethes.co.uk/
- Baruch Sadogursky - t: @jbaruch, w: http://www.jfrog.com
- Ken Kousen -t: @kenkousen, w: http://www.kousenit.com