From 2fe8204982b6891efd914e2250fd164127d07e9c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: VishaL <>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 22:14:49 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] feat: add cloud (#56)
.storybook/stories/Clouds.stories.ts | 165 +++++++++++ | 73 ++++-
src/core/Cloud.ts | 402 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/core/index.ts | 1 +
src/helpers/deprecated.ts | 15 +
5 files changed, 655 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
create mode 100644 .storybook/stories/Clouds.stories.ts
create mode 100644 src/core/Cloud.ts
create mode 100644 src/helpers/deprecated.ts
diff --git a/.storybook/stories/Clouds.stories.ts b/.storybook/stories/Clouds.stories.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7254c6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.storybook/stories/Clouds.stories.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+import * as THREE from 'three'
+import { Setup } from '../Setup'
+import GUI from 'lil-gui'
+import { Meta } from '@storybook/html'
+import { OrbitControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls'
+import { CLOUD_URL, Clouds, Cloud } from '../../src/core/Cloud'
+export default {
+ title: 'Staging/Clouds',
+} as Meta // TODO: this should be `satisfies Meta` but commit hooks lag behind TS
+let gui: GUI
+let scene: THREE.Scene,
+ camera: THREE.PerspectiveCamera,
+ renderer: THREE.WebGLRenderer,
+ clock: THREE.Clock,
+ animateLoop: (arg0: (time: number) => void) => void
+const textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader()
+export const CloudStory = async () => {
+ const setupResult = Setup()
+ scene = setupResult.scene
+ camera =
+ renderer = setupResult.renderer
+ animateLoop = setupResult.render
+ clock = new THREE.Clock()
+ gui = new GUI({ title: CloudStory.storyName })
+ renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true
+ renderer.toneMapping = THREE.ACESFilmicToneMapping
+ camera.position.set(12, 3, 12)
+ new OrbitControls(camera, renderer.domElement)
+ scene.background = new THREE.Color('skyblue')
+ setupLights()
+ setupCloud()
+const setupLights = () => {
+ // cloud's default material does not react to hdri, so we need to add punctual lights
+ const lightFol = gui.addFolder('Lights').close()
+ const ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight()
+ scene.add(ambientLight)
+ lightFol.add(ambientLight, 'intensity', 0, 3)
+ const guiParams = {
+ lightHelpers: false,
+ }
+ const lightHelpers: THREE.SpotLightHelper[] = []
+ lightFol.add(guiParams, 'lightHelpers').onChange((v: boolean) => {
+ lightHelpers.forEach((helper) => (helper.visible = v))
+ })
+ function addSpotlightGui(spotLight: THREE.SpotLight) {
+ const fol = lightFol.addFolder('spotlight')
+ fol.onChange(() => {
+ lightHelpers.forEach((helper) => helper.update())
+ })
+ fol.addColor(spotLight, 'color')
+ fol.add(spotLight, 'intensity', 0, 30)
+ fol.add(spotLight, 'angle', 0, Math.PI / 8)
+ fol.add(spotLight, 'penumbra', -1, 1)
+ }
+ const spotLight1 = new THREE.SpotLight()
+ spotLight1.intensity = 30
+ spotLight1.position.fromArray([0, 40, 0])
+ spotLight1.distance = 45
+ spotLight1.decay = 0
+ spotLight1.penumbra = 1
+ spotLight1.intensity = 30
+ const helper1 = new THREE.SpotLightHelper(spotLight1)
+ addSpotlightGui(spotLight1)
+ helper1.visible = false
+ lightHelpers.push(helper1)
+ scene.add(spotLight1, helper1)
+ const spotLight2 = new THREE.SpotLight('red')
+ spotLight2.intensity = 30
+ spotLight2.position.fromArray([-20, 0, 10])
+ spotLight2.angle = 0.15
+ spotLight2.decay = 0
+ spotLight2.penumbra = -1
+ spotLight2.intensity = 30
+ addSpotlightGui(spotLight2)
+ const helper2 = new THREE.SpotLightHelper(spotLight2)
+ helper2.visible = false
+ lightHelpers.push(helper2)
+ scene.add(spotLight2, helper2)
+ const spotLight3 = new THREE.SpotLight('green')
+ spotLight3.intensity = 30
+ spotLight3.position.fromArray([20, -10, 10])
+ spotLight3.angle = 0.2
+ spotLight3.decay = 0
+ spotLight3.penumbra = -1
+ spotLight3.intensity = 20
+ addSpotlightGui(spotLight3)
+ const helper3 = new THREE.SpotLightHelper(spotLight3)
+ helper3.visible = false
+ lightHelpers.push(helper3)
+ scene.add(spotLight3, helper3)
+const setupCloud = async () => {
+ const cloudTexture = await textureLoader.loadAsync(CLOUD_URL)
+ // create main clouds group
+ const clouds = new Clouds({ texture: cloudTexture })
+ scene.add(clouds)
+ // create first cloud
+ const cloud0 = new Cloud()
+ clouds.add(cloud0)
+ addCloudGui(cloud0)
+ // create second cloud
+ const cloud1 = new Cloud()
+ cloud1.color.set('#111111')
+ cloud1.position.set(-10, 4, -5)
+ clouds.add(cloud1)
+ addCloudGui(cloud1)
+ animateLoop(() => {
+ // update clouds on each frame
+ clouds.update(camera, clock.getElapsedTime(), clock.getDelta())
+ })
+const addCloudGui = (cloud: Cloud) => {
+ const fol = gui.addFolder('Edit: ' +
+ // during runtime call "cloud.updateCloud()" after changing any cloud property
+ fol.onChange(() => cloud.updateClouds())
+ fol.addColor(cloud, 'color')
+ fol.add(cloud, 'seed', 0, 100, 1)
+ fol.add(cloud, 'segments', 1, 80, 1)
+ fol.add(cloud, 'volume', 0, 100, 0.1)
+ fol.add(cloud, 'opacity', 0, 1, 0.01)
+ fol.add(cloud, 'fade', 0, 400, 1)
+ fol.add(cloud, 'growth', 0, 20, 1)
+ fol.add(cloud, 'speed', 0, 1, 0.01)
+ const bFol = fol.addFolder('bounds').close()
+ bFol.add(cloud.bounds, 'x', 0, 25, 0.5)
+ bFol.add(cloud.bounds, 'y', 0, 25, 0.5)
+ bFol.add(cloud.bounds, 'z', 0, 25, 0.5)
+ const pFol = fol.addFolder('position').close()
+ pFol.add(cloud.position, 'x', -10, 10, 0.1)
+ pFol.add(cloud.position, 'y', -10, 10, 0.1)
+ pFol.add(cloud.position, 'z', -10, 10, 0.1)
+ return fol
+CloudStory.storyName = 'Two Clouds'
diff --git a/ b/
index c977b1f..e6d6fda 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ import { pcss, ... } from '@pmndrs/vanilla'
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ import { pcss, ... } from '@pmndrs/vanilla'
- Splat
- Misc
@@ -359,6 +360,76 @@ export type CausticsType = {
+#### Cloud
+[drei counterpart](
+Instanced Mesh/Particle based cloud.
+type CloudsProps = {
+ /** cloud texture*/
+ texture?: Texture | undefined
+ /** Maximum number of segments, default: 200 (make this tight to save memory!) */
+ limit?: number
+ /** How many segments it renders, default: undefined (all) */
+ range?: number
+ /** Which material it will override, default: MeshLambertMaterial */
+ material?: typeof Material
+ /** Frustum culling, default: true */
+ frustumCulled?: boolean
+type CloudProps = {
+ /** A seeded random will show the same cloud consistently, default: Math.random() */
+ seed?: number
+ /** How many segments or particles the cloud will have, default: 20 */
+ segments?: number
+ /** The box3 bounds of the cloud, default: [5, 1, 1] */
+ bounds?: Vector3
+ /** How to arrange segment volume inside the bounds, default: inside (cloud are smaller at the edges) */
+ concentrate?: 'random' | 'inside' | 'outside'
+ /** The general scale of the segments */
+ scale?: Vector3
+ /** The volume/thickness of the segments, default: 6 */
+ volume?: number
+ /** The smallest volume when distributing clouds, default: 0.25 */
+ smallestVolume?: number
+ /** An optional function that allows you to distribute points and volumes (overriding all settings), default: null
+ * Both point and volume are factors, point x/y/z can be between -1 and 1, volume between 0 and 1 */
+ distribute?: ((cloud: CloudState, index: number) => { point: Vector3; volume?: number }) | null
+ /** Growth factor for animated clouds (speed > 0), default: 4 */
+ growth?: number
+ /** Animation factor, default: 0 */
+ speed?: number
+ /** Camera distance until the segments will fade, default: 10 */
+ fade?: number
+ /** Opacity, default: 1 */
+ opacity?: number
+ /** Color, default: white */
+ color?: Color
+// create main clouds group
+clouds = new Clouds({ texture: cloudTexture })
+// create cloud and add it to clouds group
+cloud0 = new Cloud()
+// call in animate loop
+clouds.update(camera, clock.getElapsedTime(), clock.getDelta())
#### Grid
diff --git a/src/core/Cloud.ts b/src/core/Cloud.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..676eeb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/Cloud.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+import {
+ DynamicDrawUsage,
+ Color,
+ Group,
+ Texture,
+ Vector3,
+ InstancedMesh,
+ Material,
+ MeshLambertMaterial,
+ Matrix4,
+ Quaternion,
+ PlaneGeometry,
+ InstancedBufferAttribute,
+ BufferAttribute,
+} from 'three'
+import { setUpdateRange } from '../../src/helpers/deprecated'
+export const CLOUD_URL =
+ ''
+type CloudState = {
+ ref: Group
+ uuid: string
+ index: number
+ segments: number
+ dist: number
+ matrix: Matrix4
+ bounds: Vector3
+ position: Vector3
+ volume: number
+ length: number
+ speed: number
+ growth: number
+ opacity: number
+ fade: number
+ density: number
+ rotation: number
+ rotationFactor: number
+ color: Color
+type CloudsProps = {
+ /** cloud texture*/
+ texture?: Texture | undefined
+ /** Maximum number of segments, default: 200 (make this tight to save memory!) */
+ limit?: number
+ /** How many segments it renders, default: undefined (all) */
+ range?: number
+ /** Which material it will override, default: MeshLambertMaterial */
+ material?: typeof Material
+ /** Frustum culling, default: true */
+ frustumCulled?: boolean
+type CloudProps = {
+ /** A seeded random will show the same cloud consistently, default: Math.random() */
+ seed?: number
+ /** How many segments or particles the cloud will have, default: 20 */
+ segments?: number
+ /** The box3 bounds of the cloud, default: [5, 1, 1] */
+ bounds?: Vector3
+ /** How to arrange segment volume inside the bounds, default: inside (cloud are smaller at the edges) */
+ concentrate?: 'random' | 'inside' | 'outside'
+ /** The general scale of the segments */
+ scale?: Vector3
+ /** The volume/thickness of the segments, default: 6 */
+ volume?: number
+ /** The smallest volume when distributing clouds, default: 0.25 */
+ smallestVolume?: number
+ /** An optional function that allows you to distribute points and volumes (overriding all settings), default: null
+ * Both point and volume are factors, point x/y/z can be between -1 and 1, volume between 0 and 1 */
+ distribute?: ((cloud: CloudState, index: number) => { point: Vector3; volume?: number }) | null
+ /** Growth factor for animated clouds (speed > 0), default: 4 */
+ growth?: number
+ /** Animation factor, default: 0 */
+ speed?: number
+ /** Camera distance until the segments will fade, default: 10 */
+ fade?: number
+ /** Opacity, default: 1 */
+ opacity?: number
+ /** Color, default: white */
+ color?: Color
+const parentMatrix = /* @__PURE__ */ new Matrix4()
+const translation = /* @__PURE__ */ new Vector3()
+const rotation = /* @__PURE__ */ new Quaternion()
+const cPos = /* @__PURE__ */ new Vector3()
+const cQuat = /* @__PURE__ */ new Quaternion()
+const scale = /* @__PURE__ */ new Vector3()
+const CloudMaterialMaker = (material: typeof Material) => {
+ return class extends (material as typeof Material) {
+ map: Texture | undefined
+ constructor() {
+ super()
+ const opaque_fragment = parseInt(REVISION.replace(/\D+/g, '')) >= 154 ? 'opaque_fragment' : 'output_fragment'
+ this.onBeforeCompile = (shader) => {
+ shader.vertexShader =
+ `attribute float opacity;
+ varying float vOpacity;
+ ` +
+ shader.vertexShader.replace(
+ '#include ',
+ `#include
+ vOpacity = opacity;
+ `
+ )
+ shader.fragmentShader =
+ `varying float vOpacity;
+ ` +
+ shader.fragmentShader.replace(
+ `#include <${opaque_fragment}>`,
+ `#include <${opaque_fragment}>
+ gl_FragColor = vec4(outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a * vOpacity);
+ `
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+export class Clouds extends Group {
+ ref: Group
+ instance: InstancedMesh
+ cloudMaterial: Material
+ update: (camera: THREE.Camera, time: number, delta: number) => void
+ constructor({ limit = 200, range, material = MeshLambertMaterial, texture, frustumCulled = true }: CloudsProps = {}) {
+ super()
+ = 'Clouds'
+ this.ref = this
+ const ref = this
+ const planeGeometry = new PlaneGeometry(1, 1)
+ const opacities = new Float32Array(Array.from({ length: limit }, () => 1))
+ const colors = new Float32Array(Array.from({ length: limit }, () => [1, 1, 1]).flat())
+ const opAttr = new InstancedBufferAttribute(opacities, 1)
+ opAttr.setUsage(DynamicDrawUsage)
+ planeGeometry.setAttribute('opacity', opAttr)
+ const CloudMaterial = CloudMaterialMaker(material)
+ const cloudMaterial = new CloudMaterial()
+ = texture
+ cloudMaterial.transparent = true
+ cloudMaterial.depthWrite = false
+ cloudMaterial.needsUpdate = true
+ this.cloudMaterial = cloudMaterial
+ this.instance = new InstancedMesh(planeGeometry, cloudMaterial, limit)
+ const instance = this.instance
+ instance.matrixAutoUpdate = false
+ instance.frustumCulled = frustumCulled
+ instance.instanceColor = new InstancedBufferAttribute(colors, 3)
+ instance.instanceColor.setUsage(DynamicDrawUsage)
+ ref.add(instance)
+ const clouds: CloudState[] = []
+ const getCloudArray = () => {
+ const oldCount = clouds.length
+ let currentCount = 0
+ for (let index = 0; index < this.ref.children.length; index++) {
+ const mesh = this.ref.children[index] as Cloud
+ if (!mesh.cloudStateArray) continue
+ currentCount += mesh.cloudStateArray.length
+ }
+ if (oldCount === currentCount) {
+ return clouds
+ }
+ clouds.length = 0
+ for (let index = 0; index < this.ref.children.length; index++) {
+ const mesh = this.ref.children[index] as Cloud
+ if (!mesh.cloudStateArray) continue
+ clouds.push(...mesh.cloudStateArray)
+ }
+ updateInstancedMeshDrawRange()
+ return clouds
+ }
+ const updateInstancedMeshDrawRange = () => {
+ const count = Math.min(limit, range !== undefined ? range : limit, clouds.length)
+ instance.count = count
+ setUpdateRange(instance.instanceMatrix, { offset: 0, count: count * 16 })
+ if (instance.instanceColor) {
+ setUpdateRange(instance.instanceColor, { offset: 0, count: count * 3 })
+ }
+ setUpdateRange(instance.geometry.attributes.opacity as BufferAttribute, { offset: 0, count: count })
+ }
+ let t = 0
+ let index = 0
+ let config: CloudState
+ const qat = new Quaternion()
+ const dir = new Vector3(0, 0, 1)
+ const pos = new Vector3()
+ this.update = (camera, elapsedTime, delta) => {
+ t = elapsedTime
+ parentMatrix.copy(instance.matrixWorld).invert()
+ camera.matrixWorld.decompose(cPos, cQuat, scale)
+ const clouds = getCloudArray()
+ for (index = 0; index < clouds.length; index++) {
+ config = clouds[index]
+ config.ref.matrixWorld.decompose(translation, rotation, scale)
+ translation.add(pos.copy(config.position).applyQuaternion(rotation).multiply(scale))
+ rotation.copy(cQuat).multiply(qat.setFromAxisAngle(dir, (config.rotation += delta * config.rotationFactor)))
+ scale.multiplyScalar(config.volume + ((1 + Math.sin(t * config.density * config.speed)) / 2) * config.growth)
+ config.matrix.compose(translation, rotation, scale).premultiply(parentMatrix)
+ config.dist = translation.distanceTo(cPos)
+ }
+ // Depth-sort. Instances have no specific draw order, w/o sorting z would be random
+ clouds.sort((a, b) => b.dist - a.dist)
+ for (index = 0; index < clouds.length; index++) {
+ config = clouds[index]
+ opacities[index] = config.opacity * (config.dist < config.fade - 1 ? config.dist / config.fade : 1)
+ instance.setMatrixAt(index, config.matrix)
+ instance.setColorAt(index, config.color)
+ }
+ // Update instance
+ instance.geometry.attributes.opacity.needsUpdate = true
+ instance.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true
+ if (instance.instanceColor) instance.instanceColor.needsUpdate = true
+ }
+ }
+let cloudCount = 0
+/* @__PURE__ */
+export class Cloud extends Group {
+ seed: number
+ segments: number
+ bounds: Vector3
+ concentrate: string
+ volume: number
+ smallestVolume: number
+ distribute: ((cloud: CloudState, index: number) => { point: Vector3; volume?: number | undefined }) | null
+ growth: number
+ speed: number
+ fade: number
+ opacity: number
+ color: Color
+ ref: any
+ cloudStateArray: CloudState[]
+ constructor({
+ opacity = 1,
+ speed = 0,
+ bounds = new Vector3().fromArray([5, 1, 1]),
+ segments = 20,
+ color = new Color('#ffffff'),
+ fade = 10,
+ volume = 6,
+ smallestVolume = 0.25,
+ distribute = null,
+ growth = 4,
+ concentrate = 'inside',
+ seed = Math.random(),
+ }: CloudProps = {}) {
+ super()
+ = 'cloud_' + cloudCount++
+ this.seed = seed
+ this.segments = segments
+ this.bounds = bounds
+ this.concentrate = concentrate
+ this.volume = volume
+ this.smallestVolume = smallestVolume
+ this.distribute = distribute
+ this.growth = growth
+ this.speed = speed
+ this.fade = fade
+ this.opacity = opacity
+ this.color = color
+ this.ref = this
+ this.cloudStateArray = []
+ this.updateClouds()
+ }
+ /**
+ * @private
+ */
+ updateCloudStateArray() {
+ if (this.cloudStateArray.length === this.segments) return
+ const { segments, uuid } = this
+ if (this.cloudStateArray.length > this.segments) {
+ this.cloudStateArray.splice(0, this.cloudStateArray.length - this.segments)
+ } else {
+ for (let index = this.cloudStateArray.length; index < segments; index++) {
+ this.cloudStateArray.push({
+ segments,
+ bounds: new Vector3(1, 1, 1),
+ position: new Vector3(),
+ uuid,
+ index,
+ ref: this,
+ dist: 0,
+ matrix: new Matrix4(),
+ volume: 0,
+ length: 0,
+ speed: 0,
+ growth: 0,
+ opacity: 1,
+ fade: 0,
+ density: 0,
+ rotation: index * (Math.PI / segments),
+ rotationFactor: 0, // Add rotationFactor property
+ color: new Color(),
+ } as CloudState)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ updateClouds() {
+ const {
+ volume,
+ color,
+ speed,
+ growth,
+ opacity,
+ fade,
+ bounds,
+ seed,
+ cloudStateArray,
+ distribute,
+ segments,
+ concentrate,
+ smallestVolume,
+ } = this
+ this.updateCloudStateArray()
+ let seedInc = 0
+ function random() {
+ const x = Math.sin(seed + seedInc) * 10000
+ seedInc++
+ return x - Math.floor(x)
+ }
+ cloudStateArray.forEach((cloud, index) => {
+ // Only distribute randomly if there are multiple segments
+ cloud.segments = segments
+ cloud.volume = volume
+ cloud.color = color
+ cloud.speed = speed
+ cloud.growth = growth
+ cloud.opacity = opacity
+ cloud.fade = fade
+ cloud.bounds.copy(bounds)
+ cloud.density = Math.max(0.5, random())
+ cloud.rotationFactor = Math.max(0.2, 0.5 * random()) * speed
+ // Only distribute randomly if there are multiple segments
+ const distributed = distribute?.(cloud, index)
+ if (distributed || segments > 1) {
+ cloud.position.copy(cloud.bounds).multiply(
+ distributed?.point ??
+ ({
+ x: random() * 2 - 1,
+ y: random() * 2 - 1,
+ z: random() * 2 - 1,
+ } as Vector3)
+ )
+ }
+ const xDiff = Math.abs(cloud.position.x)
+ const yDiff = Math.abs(cloud.position.y)
+ const zDiff = Math.abs(cloud.position.z)
+ const max = Math.max(xDiff, yDiff, zDiff)
+ cloud.length = 1
+ if (xDiff === max) cloud.length -= xDiff / cloud.bounds.x
+ if (yDiff === max) cloud.length -= yDiff / cloud.bounds.y
+ if (zDiff === max) cloud.length -= zDiff / cloud.bounds.z
+ cloud.volume =
+ (distributed?.volume !== undefined
+ ? distributed.volume
+ : Math.max(
+ Math.max(0, smallestVolume),
+ concentrate === 'random' ? random() : concentrate === 'inside' ? cloud.length : 1 - cloud.length
+ )) * volume
+ })
+ }
diff --git a/src/core/index.ts b/src/core/index.ts
index 595bf08..92296c4 100644
--- a/src/core/index.ts
+++ b/src/core/index.ts
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ export * from './shaderMaterial'
// Staging/Prototyping
export * from './AccumulativeShadows'
+export * from './Cloud'
// Misc
export * from './useFBO'
diff --git a/src/helpers/deprecated.ts b/src/helpers/deprecated.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87346cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/helpers/deprecated.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ * Sets `BufferAttribute.updateRange` since r159.
+ */
+export const setUpdateRange = (
+ attribute: THREE.BufferAttribute,
+ updateRange: { offset: number; count: number }
+): void => {
+ if ('updateRanges' in attribute) {
+ // r159
+ // @ts-ignore
+ attribute.updateRanges[0] = updateRange
+ } else {
+ attribute.updateRange = updateRange
+ }