- Google Fonts - Get professional quality fonts for free - courtesy of Google Inc.
- FontAwesome.io - Open source vector based fonts covering all varieties, a boon for Web Developers.
- Pexels - Royalty free images.
- Unsplash - Royalty free images.
- Tailwind Components - An inspirational collection of tailwind styles.
- Mozilla - Official docs
- CSS Tricks - Cool new CSS Tricks
- A List Apart - Excellent Design learnings
- Pointer to more WebDev resources
- HTML5 Coding essentials - Free course on edX.org
- W3Schools - A collection of helpful tutorials for new developers.
- Twitter Bootstrap - A popular
framework by Twitter Inc., again an "off-the-shelf" reusable component for backend & front-end developers alike. - Zurb Foundation - A viable alternative to Twitter Bootstrap. Powers a lot of high-profile websites.
- Purecss framework - A minimal (18 kilobytes) CSS framework by Yahoo Inc.
- Tailwind - Minimal and wonderful CSS widgets framework, nice alternative to Bootstrap.
- AdminLTE - Free admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap 4.
- SB-Admin-2 - A free, open source, Bootstrap admin theme created by Start Bootstrap.
- Gentelella Admin - Free Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template.
- jQuery - The most popular JavaScript library in vogue. A must-know for any web-developer.
- bootstrap-slider - Slider plugin for the bootstrap framework.
- jQueryUI - Official docs - A UI framework on top of
, but lost traction lately due of Bootstrap and other frameworks. - pagedown - Markdown to HTML converter written in JavaScript (used by StackOverflow).
- to-markdown - A handly html-to-markdown converter written in JavaScript by Dom Christie.
- JSTree - Useful jQuery plugin to easily integrate trees in your web apps. The one on the left side of this page is built using jstree library.
- jsPlumb - Useful JavaScript library for plugging-in "drag-drop" elements in your web-page.
- d3js - Useful FOSS JavaScript library for charting and all kinds of data visualization.
- Flot charts - FOSS JavaScript library for charting. Viable alternative to highcharts.
- jqplot - Another great FOSS JavaScript charting library.
- Prettify - A Syntax-Highlighter script that makes source-code snippets in HTML prettier.
- i18next - Internationalization/Localization library for JavaScript.
- Jed - Internationalization/Localization library for JavaScript.
- highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charting library. But remember, its free only for personal/non-commercial use.
- jqueryui - jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library.
- datatables.net - Add advanced interaction controls to your HTML tables the free & easy way.
- select2 - A jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
- React - React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies.
- Material-UI - A popular set of react components.
- Angular-Material - Material UI components for the angular framework.
- primeng - Another beautiful UI component library for angular framework.
- AngularJS - Official docs - A mind-blowing MVC framework to lay out a framework for large MVC apps on the front-end. Extensively used along with
Twitter Bootstrap
. - Vue.js - Open source JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single page applications.
- Backbone.js- A light-weight JavaScript framework based on MVP paradigm, designed for developing single page applications.
- Google page speed insights - Google website testing tool.
- npmjs - The JavaScript package manager.
- html-minifier - Javascript-based HTML compressor/minifier (with Node.js support) (Google recommends).
- clean-css - Fast and efficient CSS optimizer for node.js and the Web.
- clean-css-cli - Command-line utility based on above.
- csso - CSS minifier with structural optimizations (Google recommends).
- css-nano - A modular minifier, built on top of the PostCSS ecosystem (Google recommends).
- UglifyJS2 - JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier toolkit (version-2)(Google recommends).
- UglifyJS - Version-1 of the above.
- node-sass - A sass compiler (Node.js bindings to libsass).