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Sends emails on behalf of a core for user password reset and welcome emails.


API: POST /sendmail/:template/:lang

Request the sending of an email, where:

  • :template defines the type of email (e.g. welcome).
  • :lang defines the language in which the email should be written.

Each request should contain the following body parameters:

  • substitutions: a mapping of variables that will be substituted in the email (e.g. {name: 'bob'})
  • to: information about the recipient (in the form {name: 'bob', email: '[email protected]'})
  • key: shared key used to authenticate the requesting service against the mail service


The service can be configured by providing a configuration file (JSON, HJSON or YAML) containing settings that we list and explain below.


Templates consist of pug files, arranged into folders according to email types and langage codes, see the default templates for example.

The default root folder for templates is templates/, it can be configured with key templates.root.

If the template for requested language does not exist, the service will try to find another template for the same email type but with a default language (e.g. English instead of French). Default language can be defined in configuration with key templates.defaultLang.


The service allows to define two types of transport, SMTP or Sendmail command.


SMTP transport is used by default, it allows to define an external mail delivery service through configuration:

  • SMTP host (e.g.
  • smtp.port: SMTP port (e.g. 587)
  • smtp.auth.user, smtp.auth.pass: credentials to authenticate against an external mail service (e.g. sendgrid)

An alternative is to use the sendmail command of the machine on which service-mail is running. It has to be explicitly activated through configuration:

  • true
  • sendmail.path: path to the sendmail command on the machine

Other settings

Here is a sample configuration that shows all available settings alongside with some explanation:

  // Logging settings
  logs: {
    prefix: '',
    console: { active: true, level: 'info', colorize: true },
    file: { active: false },
  email: {
    message: {
      // Sender name and email address
      from: {
        name: "Ethereal Email",
        address: "[email protected]"
    preview: false, // If true, it will open a webpage with a preview
    send: true // Activate/deactivate the actual sending (prod/test env)
  // By default, service-mail will use SMTP as transport
  smtp: {
    // SMTP host of the external email delivery service
    host: "",
    // SMTP port
    port: 587,
    // Credentials to authenticate against SMTP server
    auth: {
      user: "[email protected]",
      pass: "VfNxJctkjrURkyThZr"
  // Alternative transport, using the sendmail command of the machine
  sendmail: {
    // Will replace SMTP transport if set to true
    active: false,
    // Path of the sendmail command on the machine
    path: '/usr/sbin/sendmail'
  http: {
    // IP address on which the mailing server is listening
    ip: "",
    // Port on which the mailing server is listening
    port: 9000,
    // Each sendmail request should contain authorization header that
    // matches this key, used to prevent abuse.
    auth: "CHANGEME",
  templates: {
    // Root folder where the templates are stored
    root: '/templates/',
    // Default language for templates
    defaultLang: 'en'



Prerequisites: Node.js 16, just


  1. just setup-dev-env
  2. just install to install node modules

Running just with no argument displays the available commands (defined in justfile).


just test [...params]
  • Extra parameters at the end are passed on to Mocha (default settings are defined in .mocharc.js)
  • Replace test with test-detailed, test-debug, test-cover for common presets



