Want to contribute? Great! We try to make it easy, and all contributions, even the smaller ones, are more than welcome. This includes bug reports, fixes, documentation, examples... But first, read this page.
This project uses GitHub issues to manage the issues. Open an issue directly in GitHub.
If you believe you found a bug, and it's likely possible, please indicate a way to reproduce it, what you are seeing, and what you would expect to see. Don't forget to indicate your Quarkus, Java, Maven/Gradle, and GraalVM versions.
Don't forget to include tests in your pull requests. Also don't forget the documentation (reference documentation, javadoc, etc.).
This project uses Java 21 and Maven as build tooling.
To run the tests, use the following:
mvn verify
Maven automatically formats code and organizes imports when you run mvn verify
. So, we recommend you do that before sending your PR. Otherwise, PR checks will fail.
To install all Roq extensions, we need to run:
mvn clean install
There are two ways for running the blog post locally:
- With live reload: Great when you are writing your blog.
- Serving your static site: When you want to see how your blog looks, before the deployment.
Go to blog
cd blog
And, to execute the following maven command:
mvn quarkus:dev
If you are using Quarkus CLI, you can use:
quarkus dev
Now, you can access: http://localhost:8080 and be happy!
See our documentation to see how to generate your static files.
We have a Kanban board, which is currently visible only by members of the Quarkiverse organization.