An improved walk-in walk-out shopping experience inspired from Amazon Go. Submitted as project for the subject CSE3009 - Internet Of Things
● Raagul N - 16BCE1241
● Sanjay S - 16BCE1280
● Rihan Krithik - 16BCE1369
The main objective of our project is to develop a mechanism to facilitate and enhance hassle free shopping experience for the existing and new customers of a particular IoT enabled shop, that is completely automated using network of sensors connected to a cloud. Our project builds on top of the existing Amazon Go technology and aims to provide an alternative solution to improve the customer authentication using facial detection and machine learning techniques. The scope of our project is to enhance the customer authentication only and not on improving the algorithm / sensor network used for the detection of items by the customer. We will use rudimentary mock up of the technology used to mimic its functionality.
The proposed modules of the project are :
● Detection of entry of customer into the shop and authentication using a webcam stationed at the entrance
● Rudimentary detection of picking up of items and validating it to the respective customer using facial recognition techniques
● Maintaining a shopping cart for each customer according to the picks from the smart shelves and displaying it to the customer using a website.
● Sensors :
○ Light Emitting Diodes
○ Light Dependant Resistors
○ InfraRed sensors
○ Webcam (compatible with Raspberry pi)
● Processor :
○ Raspberry Pi
● Cloud Platform:
○ Google Cloud
● Front end website using HTML, CSS libraries, JavaScript libraries.