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File metadata and controls

290 lines (209 loc) · 13.7 KB


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Easily add metadata (id3v2) tags to MP3 files and generate a podcast RSS feed for Google Play Music, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn and other podcast directory services.

Creating Your Podcast Feed

  1. Download feedster from the releases page (or install via scoop)
  2. Update default.yaml and fill in at least the base_url field with the web site location where you will host the files for this podcast
  3. Update default-podcast.yaml and fill in at least the title, link, and description fields
  4. Update default-tracks.csv with your tag settings (you can use an .xlsx, or .txt file instead, if you want, by setting tracks_file to the filename
  5. Optionally, copy a .jpg image into the current directory and rename it default.jpg. Apple requires the image to be between 1400x1400 pixels and 3000x3000 pixels
  6. Run feedster default.yaml
  7. If successful, feedster will generate a podcast RSS feed named default/default.xml, and copy the related .jpg and .mp3 files into the default/ directory. It also added the metadata (id3v2) tags to the .mp3 files.
  8. Upload the files feedster created in the default/ directory to the directory on your web site that cooresponds to the URL you entered in the base_url field to in default.yaml

Testing Your Podcast Feed

Assuming in default.yaml you set the base_url field to, and you left the output_file field blank, your podcast feed URL would then be as output_file defaults to the name of the .yaml file, deault.yaml in this case.

If you set output_file to, say, my-new-podcast.xml, your podcast feed URL would be

To test your feed, open any browser, and enter your podcast feed URL into the URL field, and press Enter. If you don't see any errors, proceed to validate your podcast feed, using the following instructions.

Validating Your Podcast Feed

You can validate your podcast by submitting its URL to one or more of the following feed validation services:

If you podcast feed validated successfully, submit it to one or more of the podcast directory services listed below.

Submitting Your Podcast Feed

Submit your podcast feed URL to one or more of the following podcast directory services:

Service Account Required? Submit Podcast
Apple Podcasts (formally iTunes) Yes Link (instructions)
Google Play Music Yes Link (instructions)
Spotify Yes Instructions
Stitcher Yes Instructions
TuneIn No Instructions
Acast No Instructions
Blubrry Yes Instructions
Digital Podcast Instructions
doubleTwist No Instructions
iHeartRadio Instructions
iPodder Instructions
Libsyn Yes ($5/mo up) Instructions No Instructions
Podbean Yes Instructions
Podcast Blaster No Instructions
Podcastpedia Instructions
Spreaker No Instructions

Once you've received an email from Apple that your podcast has been published on iTunes, submit your iTunes URL (details here) to any of the following services:

Service Account Required? Submission Instructions/Notes
Listen Notes No Instructions
RadioPublic No Instructions

Refreshing Your Feed

Podcast Submission Instructions

Apple Podcasts

  1. Sign in to Apple here using your iTunes login credentials (or sign-up using the iTunes application on your PC, iPad, or iPhone)
  2. Visit Apple's Podcasts Connect to start the submission process
  3. @TODO Verify the following:
  4. Click the plus sign at the top of the dashboard
  5. Enter your podcast feed URL, and click "Validate"
  6. If your feed was accepted a feed preview will appear
  7. Click "Submit"
  8. You'll receive an email after your podcast is reviewed, which can take from 6 to 48 hours or more

Another step-by-step guide is available on Podcast Insights

Google Play Music

  1. Sign in to Google here (or sign up here)
  2. Visit Google Play Music's podcast submission page
  3. Accept the terms and conditions (if prompted)
  4. Enter your podcast feed URL into the field shown
  5. Click "Submit RSS Feed"
  6. @TODO verify the following:
  7. Click "ADD A PODCAST"
  8. Enter the information requested
  9. Click "Submit"
  10. You'll receive an email after your podcast is reviewed

Another step-by-step guide is available on Podcast Insights


  1. Sign up

Another step-by-step guide is available on Podcast Insights


  1. Visit Stitcher's [Sign up page]{stitcher-signup]
  2. Your podcast should appear on the site in about an hour.


  1. For support questions, email [email protected]
  2. Visit TuneIn's podcast submission page
  3. Enter the requested information
  4. Accept the terms and conditions
  5. Click "Send "


  1. Visit Acast's podcast submission page
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page
  3. Click "Add Your Show"
  4. Choose your adventure (non-hosted, hosted, hosted with a brand new show)
  5. Enter the requested information
  6. Click "Send"
  7. Scroll UP on the resulting page to see the confirmation message


  1. Sign in to Blubrry here (or sign up here)
  2. Visit Blubrry's podcast submission page
  3. Enter your podcast feed URL
  4. Enter a "web friendly" name for your podcast
  5. Choose a category
  6. Accept the terms and conditions
  7. Click "Submit"
  8. You'll receive an email after your podcast is reviewed

Digital Podcast



  1. Visit doubleTwist's podcast submission page
  2. Enter your name
  3. Enter your email address
  4. For the Subject field, select "Request New Podcast"
  5. Enter the title of your podcast
  6. Enter the CAPTCHA information
  7. Click "Submit"






Listen Notes

  1. Visit Listen Notes' podcast submission page
  2. Enter the iTunes URL (details here) of your podcast
  3. Enter your email address (to be emailed when your podcast's been added)
  4. Click "Submit"

  1. Visit's podcast submission page
  2. Enter your podcast feed URL
  3. Click "Import"


  1. Sign in to Podbean here (or sign up here)
  2. Visit Podbean's podcast submission page
  3. Enter a username
  4. Enter your podcast feed URL (remove the https:// prefix as Podbean adds it by default)
  5. Click ...
  6. Your podcast is now live

Podcast Blaster

  1. Visit Podcast Blaster's podcast submission page
  2. Enter your Podcast feed URL into the "Add podcast feed to directory" field
  3. Click "Add Podcast"




  1. Visit RadioPublic's podcast submission page
  2. Enter the name of your podcast
  3. Enter your email address
  4. Enter your podcast feed URL (be sure to copy over the default http:// stuff if you need to)
  5. Then the form asks for the link to your podcast in iTunes (now Apple Podcasts) – that could be a problem for you if you don’t know how to find it. So here you go…



Determining Your iTunes URL


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Ross Smith II - Initial work - @rasa

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is MIT Licensed - see for details.


Podcast Links

RSS Links

id3v2 Links