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"legacy_config_txt.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "The Linux kernel", + "description": "How to configure and build a custom kernel for your Raspberry Pi", + "image": "full-sized/Linux-Kernel.png", + "subpath": "linux_kernel.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "Remote access", + "description": "Accessing your Raspberry Pi remotely", + "image": "full-sized/Remote-Access.png", + "subpath": "remote-access.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "Camera software", + "description": "Software and libraries for Raspberry Pi camera hardware", + "image": "full-sized/Camera.png", + "subpath": "camera_software.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "Raspberry Pi hardware", + "description": "Technical information about Raspberry Pi hardware", + "image": "full-sized/Raspberry-Pi-Hardware.png", + "subpath": "raspberry-pi.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "Compute Module hardware", + "description": "Technical information about Raspberry Pi Compute Module hardware", + "image": "full-sized/Compute-Module-Hardware.png", + "subpath": "compute-module.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "Processors", + "description": "Technical information about the CPUs used by Raspberry Pi", + "image": "full-sized/Processors.png", + "subpath": "processors.adoc" + } + ] + }, + { + "title": "Accessories", + "path": "accessories", + "default_tab": "no", + "subitems": [ + { + "title": "Camera", + "description": "Raspberry Pi camera boards", + "image": "full-sized/Camera.png", + "subpath": "camera.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "Display", + "description": "The Raspberry Pi Touch Display", + "image": "full-sized/Display.png", + "subpath": "display.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "Keyboard and mouse", + "description": "Official Raspberry Pi keyboard and mouse", + "image": "full-sized/Keyboard-and-Mouse.png", + "subpath": "keyboard-and-mouse.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "Build HAT", + "description": "How to use the Build HAT", + "image": "full-sized/Build-HAT.png", + "subpath": "build-hat.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "Sense HAT", + "description": "How to use the Sense HAT", + "image": "full-sized/Sense-HAT.png", + "subpath": "sense-hat.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "TV HAT", + "description": "How to watch TV on your Raspberry Pi", + "image": "full-sized/TV-HAT.png", + "subpath": "tv-hat.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "Raspberry Pi Audio", + "description": "High-definition audio with Raspberry Pi", + "image": "full-sized/Audio-HATs.png", + "subpath": "audio.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "Designing a HAT", + "description": "Information on the HAT specification", + "image": "full-sized/Designing-a-HAT.png", + "url": "https://github.com/raspberrypi/hats" + } + ] + }, + { + "title": "Microcontrollers", + "path": "microcontrollers", + "subitems": [ + { + "title": "RP2040", + "description": "Raspberry Pi's flagship microcontroller device", + "image": "full-sized/RP2040.png", + "subpath": "rp2040.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "Raspberry Pi Pico and Pico W", + "description": "Support for Raspberry Pi Pico, Pico H, Pico W, and Pico WH", + "image": "full-sized/Pico.png", + "subpath": "raspberry-pi-pico.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "Raspberry Pi Debug Probe", + "description": "Supports Arm Serial Wire Debug (SWD), and acts as a UART bridge", + "image": "full-sized/Debug-Probe.png", + "subpath": "debug-probe.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "RP1", + "description": "Our southbridge for Raspberry Pi 5", + "image": "full-sized/RP1.png", + "subpath": "rp1.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "MicroPython", + "description": "Getting started with MicroPython", + "image": "full-sized/MP.png", + "subpath": "micropython.adoc" + }, + { + "title": "The C/C++ SDK", + "description": "Getting started with the C/C++ SDK", + "image": "full-sized/C-and-CPP.png", + "subpath": "c_sdk.adoc" + } + ] + }, + { + "title": "Services", + "path": "services", + "subitems": [ + { + "title": "Raspberry Pi ID", + "description": "Our identity service", + "image": "full-sized/Raspberry-Pi-ID.png", + "subpath": "id.adoc" + } + ] + }, + { + "title": "Pico C SDK", + "from_json": "picosdk_index.json", + 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b/tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk/images/Hello-World-640x360.gif differ diff --git a/tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk/images/Hello-World-No-Wires-FINAL.gif b/tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk/images/Hello-World-No-Wires-FINAL.gif new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8112a16efa Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk/images/Hello-World-No-Wires-FINAL.gif differ diff --git a/tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk/official_sdk.adoc b/tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk/official_sdk.adoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a2b4473029 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk/official_sdk.adoc @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +== Raspberry Pi Pico C/{cpp} SDK + +Our official C SDK can be used from the command line, or from popular integrated development environments like Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, and CLion. To get started, download our C/{cpp} SDK and Examples, and take a look at our 'https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/pico/getting-started-with-pico.pdf[getting started]' documentation to get going. Or for a quick setup see the next section. + +* The SDK https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-sdk[Github repository] + +* The Examples https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-examples[Github repository] + +You can find documentation around the C/{cpp} SDK at; + +https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/pico/getting-started-with-pico.pdf[Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico]:: C/{cpp} development with Raspberry Pi Pico and other RP2040-based microcontroller boards + +https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/picow/connecting-to-the-internet-with-pico-w.pdf[Connecting to the Internet with Raspberry Pi Pico W]:: Getting Raspberry Pi Pico W online with C/{cpp} or MicroPython + +https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/pico/raspberry-pi-pico-c-sdk.pdf[Raspberry Pi Pico C/{cpp} SDK]:: Libraries and tools for C/{cpp} development on RP2040 microcontrollers + +xref:../pico-sdk/index_doxygen.adoc[API level documentation]:: Documentation for the Raspberry Pi Pico C/{cpp} SDK + +[NOTE] +==== +If you are building applications with the C/{cpp} SDK and targeting boards other than the Raspberry Pi Pico, you will need to pass `-DPICO_BOARD=boardname` to CMake. Here `boardname` is the name of your board, e.g. for the Adafruit Feather RP2040 you should pass `-DPICO_BOARD=adafruit_feather_rp2040`. See the https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-sdk/tree/master/src/boards[`boards/` directory] in the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK, and the https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?f=147&t=304393[forums], for more information. +==== + +[NOTE] +==== +Documentation introducing working with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi Pico W with C/{cpp} or MicroPython is presented in the https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/picow/connecting-to-the-internet-with-pico-w.pdf[Connecting to the Internet with Raspberry Pi Pico W] book. +==== + +[NOTE] +==== +If you are building applications with the C/{cpp} SDK for Raspberry Pi Pico W and, to connect to a network you will need to pass `-DPICO_BOARD=pico_w -DWIFI_SSID="Your Network" -DWIFI_PASSWORD="Your Password"` to CMake. If you only need to enable Bluetooth support then you do not need to pass a SSID and password, but still need to pass the `-DPICO_BOARD=pico_w` string to CMake. +==== \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk/quick_start.adoc b/tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk/quick_start.adoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..36df8da7d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk/quick_start.adoc @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +== Quick-start your own project + +NOTE: The following instructions are terse, and Linux-based only. For detailed steps, instructions for other platforms, and just in general, we recommend you see the https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/pico/getting-started-with-pico.pdf[Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico] and https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/pico/raspberry-pi-pico-c-sdk.pdf[Raspberry Pi Pico C/{cpp} SDK] books. + +Install CMake (at least version 3.13), and GCC cross compiler + +---- +$ sudo apt install cmake gcc-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi libstdc++-arm-none-eabi-newlib +---- + +Set up your project to point to use the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK by cloning the SDK locally: + +---- +$ git clone https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-sdk.git +---- + +Copy `external/pico_sdk_import.cmake` from the SDK into your project directory + +Set `PICO_SDK_PATH` to the SDK location in your environment, or pass it (`-DPICO_SDK_PATH=`) to `cmake` later. + +Setup a `CMakeLists.txt` like: + +---- +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13) + +# initialize the SDK based on PICO_SDK_PATH +# note: this must happen before project() +include(pico_sdk_import.cmake) + +project(my_project) + +# initialize the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK +pico_sdk_init() + +# rest of your project +---- + +Go ahead and write your code, see https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-examples[pico-examples] or the https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/pico/raspberry-pi-pico-c-sdk.pdf[Raspberry Pi Pico C/{cpp} SDK] book for more information on how to go about that. + +About the simplest you can do is a single source file (e.g. `hello_world.c`) + +---- +#include +#include "pico/stdlib.h" + +int main() { + setup_default_uart(); + printf("Hello, world!\n"); + return 0; +} +---- + +and add the following to your CMakeLists.txt: + +---- +add_executable(hello_world + hello_world.c +) + +# Add pico_stdlib library which aggregates commonly used features +target_link_libraries(hello_world pico_stdlib) + +# create map/bin/hex/uf2 file in addition to ELF. +pico_add_extra_outputs(hello_world) +---- + +NOTE: This example uses the default UART for stdout; if you want to use the default USB see the hello-usb example. + +Setup a CMake build directory. For example, if not using an IDE: + +---- +$ mkdir build +$ cd build +$ cmake .. +---- + +When building for a board other than the Raspberry Pi Pico, you should pass `-DPICO_BOARD=board_name` to the cmake command above, e.g. cmake `-DPICO_BOARD=pico_w ..` to configure the SDK and build options accordingly for that particular board. + +Doing so sets up various compiler defines (e.g. default pin numbers for UART and other hardware) and in certain cases also enables the use of additional libraries (e.g. wireless support when building for `PICO_BOARD=pico_w`) which cannot be built without a board which provides the requisite functionality. + +For a list of boards defined in the SDK itself, look in https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-sdk/blob/master/src/boards/include/boards[this directory] which has a header for each named board. + +Make your target from the build directory you created. + +---- +$ make hello_world +---- + +You now have `hello_world.elf` to load via a debugger, or `hello_world.uf2` that can be installed and run on your Raspberry Pi Pico via drag and drop. diff --git a/tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk/sdk_setup.adoc b/tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk/sdk_setup.adoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a72fff7cfa --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk/sdk_setup.adoc @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +== SDK Setup + +For a full walk-through of how to get going with the C/{cpp} SDK, you should read our 'https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/pico/getting-started-with-pico.pdf[getting started]' documentation. However, if you are intending to develop for Pico on a Raspberry Pi, then you can set up the C/{cpp} toolchain quickly by running our https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raspberrypi/pico-setup/master/pico_setup.sh[setup script] from the command line. + +NOTE: You should make sure the OS on your Raspberry Pi is up to date before running the setup script. + diff --git a/tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk/your_first_binary.adoc b/tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk/your_first_binary.adoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..696b6f0c27 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk/your_first_binary.adoc @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +== Your First Binaries + +WARNING: If you are using an Apple Mac, and running macOS Ventura, there has been a change in how the Finder works which causes drag-and-drop to fail. Please see our https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/the-ventura-problem/[blog post] for a full explanation, and workarounds, and our https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-sdk/issues/1081[Github issue] tracking the problem for the current status. + +=== Blink an LED + +The first program anyone writes when using a new microcontroller is to blink an LED on and off. The Raspberry Pi Pico comes with a single LED on-board. The LED is connected to `GP25` on the board's Raspberry Pi RP2040 for Pico, and `WL_GPIO0` on the Infineon 43439 wireless chip for Pico W. + +image:images/Blink-an-LED-640x360-v2.gif[] + +You can blink this on and off by, + +. Download the Blink UF2 https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/soft/blink.uf2[for Raspberry Pi Pico], or https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/soft/blink_picow.uf2[for Pico W]. +. Push and hold the BOOTSEL button and plug your Pico into the USB port of your Raspberry Pi or other computer. +. It will mount as a Mass Storage Device called RPI-RP2. +. Drag and drop the Blink UF2 binary onto the RPI-RP2 volume. Pico will reboot. + +You should see the on-board LED blinking. + +You can see the code on Github for the https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-examples/blob/master/blink/blink.c[Raspberry Pi Pico] and https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-examples/blob/master/pico_w/wifi/blink/picow_blink.c[Pico W] versions. + +=== Say "Hello World" + +The next program anyone writes is to say 'Hello World' over a USB serial connection. + +image:images/Hello-World-640x360-v2.gif[] + +. Download the https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/soft/hello_world.uf2['Hello World' UF2]. +. Push and hold the BOOTSEL button and plug your Pico into the USB port of your Raspberry Pi or other computer. +. It will mount as a Mass Storage Device called RPI-RP2. +. Drag and drop the 'Hello World' UF2 binary onto the RPI-RP2 volume. Pico will reboot. +. Open a Terminal window and type: ++ +[source] +------ +sudo apt install minicom +minicom -b 115200 -o -D /dev/ttyACM0 +------ + +You should see 'Hello, world!' printed to the Terminal. + +You can see the code https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-examples/blob/master/hello_world/usb/hello_usb.c[on Github] diff --git a/tests/fixtures/nav.json b/tests/fixtures/nav.json deleted file mode 100644 index 738e0aad54..0000000000 --- a/tests/fixtures/nav.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4384 +0,0 @@ -[ - { - "title": "Computers", - "path": "/computers/", - "toc": [ - { - "path": "/computers/getting-started.html", - "title": "Getting started", - "sections": [ - { - "heading": "Getting started with your Raspberry Pi", - "anchor": "setting-up-your-raspberry-pi", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Power Supply", - "anchor": "power-supply" - }, - { - "heading": "Boot Media", - "anchor": "sd-cards" - }, - { - "heading": "Keyboard", - "anchor": "keyboard" - }, - { - "heading": "Mouse", - "anchor": "mouse" - }, - 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}, - { - "heading": "Finish", - "anchor": "finish" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Next steps", - "anchor": "next-steps", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Recommended software", - "anchor": "recommended-software" - }, - { - "heading": "Tutorials", - "anchor": "tutorials" - }, - { - "heading": "Support", - "anchor": "support" - }, - { - "heading": "Further reading", - "anchor": "further-reading" - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - "path": "/computers/raspberry-pi-5.html", - "title": "Raspberry Pi 5", - "sections": [ - { - "heading": "Introduction", - "anchor": "introduction", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Turning it off and back on again", - "anchor": "turning-it-off-and-back-on-again" - }, - { - "heading": "Updating your firmware", - "anchor": "updating-your-firmware" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Powering Raspberry Pi 5", - "anchor": "powering-raspberry-pi-5", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "USB boot and power supplies", - "anchor": "usb-boot-and-power-supplies" - }, - { - "heading": "Power supplies and Raspberry Pi OS", - "anchor": "power-supplies-and-raspberry-pi-os" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Cooling Raspberry Pi 5", - "anchor": "cooling-raspberry-pi-5", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Fan Case", - "anchor": "fan-case" - }, - { - "heading": "Active Cooler", - "anchor": "active-cooler" - }, - { - "heading": "Thermals", - "anchor": "thermals" - }, - { - "heading": "Pinout", - "anchor": "pinout" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi and GPIO", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-and-gpio" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi connector for PCIe", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-connector-for-pcie", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Enabling PCIe", - "anchor": "enabling-pcie" - }, - { - "heading": "PCIe Gen 3.0", - "anchor": "pcie-gen-3-0" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "MIPI CSI/DSI connectors", - "anchor": "mipi-csidsi-connectors", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Attaching cameras", - "anchor": "attaching-cameras" - }, - { - "heading": "Attaching a display", - "anchor": "attaching-a-display" - }, - { - "heading": "Using non-Raspberry Pi devices", - "anchor": "using-non-raspberry-pi-devices" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "UART connector", - "anchor": "uart-connector", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Creating a serial console", - "anchor": "creating-a-serial-console" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Real Time Clock (RTC)", - "anchor": "real-time-clock-rtc", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Adding a backup battery", - "anchor": "adding-a-backup-battery" - }, - { - "heading": "Enabling battery charging", - "anchor": "enabling-battery-charging" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Power over Ethernet (PoE) connector", - "anchor": "power-over-ethernet-poe-connector" - }, - { - "heading": "Schematics and mechanical drawings", - "anchor": "schematics-and-mechanical-drawings" - } - ] - }, - { - "path": "/computers/os.html", - "title": "Raspberry Pi OS", - "sections": [ - { - "heading": "Introduction", - "anchor": "introduction" - }, - { - "heading": "Updating and Upgrading Raspberry Pi OS", - "anchor": "updating-and-upgrading-raspberry-pi-os", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Using APT", - "anchor": "using-apt" - }, - { - "heading": "Using rpi-update", - "anchor": "rpi-update" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Playing Audio and Video", - "anchor": "playing-audio-and-video", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "The VLC application", - "anchor": "the-vlc-application" - }, - { - "heading": "Playing Audio and Video on Raspberry Pi OS Lite", - "anchor": "playing-audio-and-video-on-raspberry-pi-os-lite" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Using a USB webcam", - "anchor": "using-a-usb-webcam", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Basic Usage", - "anchor": "basic-usage" - }, - { - "heading": "Automating Image Capture", - "anchor": "automating-image-capture" - }, - { - "heading": "Time-Lapse Captures", - "anchor": "time-lapse-captures" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Useful Utilities", - "anchor": "useful-utilities", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "kmsprint", - "anchor": "kmsprint" - 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"anchor": "outputs" - }, - { - "heading": "Inputs", - "anchor": "inputs" - }, - { - "heading": "More", - "anchor": "more" - }, - { - "heading": "GPIO pinout", - "anchor": "gpio-pinout" - }, - { - "heading": "Permissions", - "anchor": "permissions" - }, - { - "heading": "GPIO in Python", - "anchor": "gpio-in-python" - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - "path": "/computers/configuration.html", - "title": "Configuration", - "sections": [ - { - "heading": "The raspi-config Tool", - "anchor": "raspi-config", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "List of Options", - "anchor": "menu-options" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "The raspi-config Command Line Interface", - "anchor": "raspi-config-cli", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "List of Options", - "anchor": "raspi-config-cli-commands" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Configuring Networking", - "anchor": "configuring-networking", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Using the Desktop", - "anchor": "using-the-desktop" - }, - { - "heading": "Using the Command Line", - "anchor": "wireless-networking-command-line" - }, - { - "heading": "Configure DHCP", - "anchor": "configure-dhcp" - }, - { - "heading": "Assign a Static IP Address", - "anchor": "assign-a-static-ip-address" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Set up a headless Raspberry Pi", - "anchor": "setting-up-a-headless-raspberry-pi", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Connect to a wired network", - "anchor": "connect-to-a-wired-network" - }, - { - "heading": "Connect to a wireless network", - "anchor": "connect-to-a-wireless-network" - }, - { - "heading": "Remote access", - "anchor": "remote-access" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Host a wireless network on your Raspberry Pi", - "anchor": "host-a-wireless-network-on-your-raspberry-pi", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Enable hotspot", - "anchor": "enable-hotspot" - }, - { - "heading": "Disable hotspot", - "anchor": "disable-hotspot" - }, - { - "heading": "Use your Raspberry Pi as a network bridge", - "anchor": "use-your-raspberry-pi-as-a-network-bridge" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Using a Proxy Server", - "anchor": "using-a-proxy-server", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Configuring your Raspberry Pi", - "anchor": "configuring-your-raspberry-pi" - }, - { - "heading": "Update the sudoers File", - "anchor": "update-the-sudoers-file" - }, - { - "heading": "Reboot your Raspberry Pi", - "anchor": "reboot-your-raspberry-pi" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "HDMI Configuration", - "anchor": "hdmi-configuration" - }, - { - "heading": "Setting your display's resolution and rotation", - "anchor": "setting-your-displays-resolution-and-rotation", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Setting the desktop environment resolution and rotation", - "anchor": "setting-the-desktop-environment-resolution-and-rotation" - }, - { - "heading": "Setting the text console resolution and rotation", - "anchor": "setting-the-text-console-resolution-and-rotation" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Audio Configuration", - "anchor": "audio-configuration", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Changing the Audio Output", - "anchor": "changing-the-audio-output" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "External Storage Configuration", - "anchor": "external-storage-configuration", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Mounting a Storage Device", - "anchor": "mounting-a-storage-device" - }, - { - "heading": "Setting up Automatic Mounting", - "anchor": "setting-up-automatic-mounting" - }, - { - "heading": "Unmounting a Storage Device", - "anchor": "unmounting-a-storage-device" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Localising your Raspberry Pi", - "anchor": "localising-your-raspberry-pi", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Changing the Language", - "anchor": "changing-the-language" - }, - { - "heading": "Configuring the Keyboard", - "anchor": "configuring-the-keyboard" - }, - { - "heading": "Changing the Timezone", - "anchor": "changing-the-timezone" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Change the default pin configuration", - "anchor": "change-the-default-pin-configuration", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Device pins during boot sequence", - "anchor": "device-pins-during-boot-sequence" - }, - { - "heading": "Provide a custom Device Tree blob", - "anchor": "provide-a-custom-device-tree-blob" - }, - { - "heading": "Sections of the dt-blob", - "anchor": "sections-of-the-dt-blob" - }, - { - "heading": "Clock configuration", - "anchor": "clock-configuration" - }, - { - "heading": "Sample Device Tree source file", - "anchor": "sample-device-tree-source-file" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Device Trees, Overlays, and Parameters", - "anchor": "device-trees-overlays-and-parameters", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Device Trees", - "anchor": "part1" - }, - { - "heading": "Device Tree Overlays", - "anchor": "part2" - }, - { - "heading": "Using Device Trees on Raspberry Pi", - "anchor": "part3" - }, - { - "heading": "Firmware parameters", - "anchor": "part4" - }, - { - "heading": "Troubleshooting", - "anchor": "part5" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "The Kernel Command Line", - "anchor": "the-kernel-command-line", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Command Line Options", - "anchor": "command-line-options" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Configuring UARTs", - "anchor": "configuring-uarts", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi Zero, 1, 2 and 3", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-zero-1-2-and-3" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi 4 and 400", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-4-and-400" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi 5", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-5" - }, - { - "heading": "CM1, CM3, CM3+ and CM4", - "anchor": "cm1-cm3-cm3-and-cm4" - }, - { - "heading": "Primary UART", - "anchor": "primary-uart" - }, - { - "heading": "Secondary UART", - "anchor": "secondary-uart" - }, - { - "heading": "Primary and Secondary UART", - "anchor": "primary-and-secondary-uart" - }, - { - "heading": "Mini-UART and CPU Core Frequency", - "anchor": "mini-uart-and-cpu-core-frequency" - }, - { - "heading": "Disabling the Linux Serial Console", - "anchor": "disabling-the-linux-serial-console" - }, - { - "heading": "Enabling Early Console for Linux", - "anchor": "enabling-early-console-for-linux" - }, - { - "heading": "UARTs and Device Tree", - "anchor": "uarts-and-device-tree" - }, - { - "heading": "PL011 and mini-UART", - "anchor": "pl011-and-mini-uart" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "LED Warning Flash Codes", - "anchor": "led-warning-flash-codes" - }, - { - "heading": "Securing your Raspberry Pi", - "anchor": "securing-your-raspberry-pi", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Change the Default Password", - "anchor": "change-the-default-password" - }, - { - "heading": "Changing your Username", - "anchor": "changing-your-username" - }, - { - "heading": "Make sudo Require a Password", - "anchor": "make-sudo-require-a-password" - }, - { - "heading": "Updating Raspberry Pi OS", - "anchor": "updating-raspberry-pi-os" - }, - { - "heading": "Improving SSH Security", - "anchor": "improving-ssh-security" - }, - { - "heading": "Install a Firewall", - "anchor": "install-a-firewall" - }, - { - "heading": "Installing fail2ban", - "anchor": "installing-fail2ban" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Configure Screen Blanking", - "anchor": "configure-screen-blanking", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Desktop", - "anchor": "desktop" - }, - { - "heading": "Console", - "anchor": "console" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "The boot Folder", - "anchor": "the-boot-folder", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Boot Folder Contents", - "anchor": "boot-folder-contents" - }, - { - "heading": "The Overlays Folder", - "anchor": "the-overlays-folder" - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - "path": "/computers/config_txt.html", - "title": "The config.txt file", - "sections": [ - { - "heading": "What is config.txt?", - "anchor": "what-is-config-txt", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "File Format", - "anchor": "file-format" - }, - { - "heading": "Advanced Features", - "anchor": "advanced-features" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "autoboot.txt", - "anchor": "autoboot-txt", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "boot_partition", - "anchor": "boot_partition" - }, - { - "heading": "The [tryboot] filter", - "anchor": "the-tryboot-filter" - }, - { - "heading": "tryboot_a_b", - "anchor": "tryboot_a_b" - }, - { - "heading": "Example update flow for A/B booting", - "anchor": "example-update-flow-for-ab-booting" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Common Options", - "anchor": "common-options", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Common Display Options", - "anchor": "common-display-options" - }, - { - "heading": "Common Hardware Configuration Options", - "anchor": "common-hardware-configuration-options" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Onboard Analogue Audio (3.5mm Jack)", - "anchor": "onboard-analogue-audio-3-5mm-jack", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "audio_pwm_mode", - "anchor": "audio_pwm_mode" - }, - { - "heading": "disable_audio_dither", - "anchor": "disable_audio_dither" - }, - { - "heading": "enable_audio_dither", - "anchor": "enable_audio_dither" - }, - { - "heading": "pwm_sample_bits", - "anchor": "pwm_sample_bits" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Boot Options", - "anchor": "boot-options", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "start_file, fixup_file", - "anchor": "start_file-fixup_file" - }, - { - "heading": "cmdline", - "anchor": "cmdline" - }, - { - "heading": "kernel", - "anchor": "kernel" - }, - { - "heading": "arm_64bit", - "anchor": "arm_64bit" - }, - { - "heading": "ramfsfile", - "anchor": "ramfsfile" - }, - { - "heading": "ramfsaddr", - "anchor": "ramfsaddr" - }, - { - "heading": "initramfs", - "anchor": "initramfs" - }, - { - "heading": "auto_initramfs", - "anchor": "auto_initramfs" - }, - { - "heading": "disable_poe_fan", - "anchor": "disable_poe_fan" - }, - { - "heading": "disable_splash", - "anchor": "disable_splash" - }, - { - "heading": "enable_uart", - "anchor": "enable_uart" - }, - { - "heading": "force_eeprom_read", - "anchor": "force_eeprom_read" - }, - { - "heading": "os_prefix", - "anchor": "os_prefix" - }, - { - "heading": "otg_mode (Raspberry Pi 4 Only)", - "anchor": "otg_mode-raspberry-pi-4-only" - }, - { - "heading": "overlay_prefix", - "anchor": "overlay_prefix" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "GPIO Control", - "anchor": "gpio-control", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "gpio", - "anchor": "gpio" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Overclocking Options", - "anchor": "overclocking-options", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Overclocking", - "anchor": "overclocking" - }, - { - "heading": "Clocks Relationship", - "anchor": "clocks-relationship" - }, - { - "heading": "Monitoring Core Temperature", - "anchor": "monitoring-core-temperature" - }, - { - "heading": "Monitoring Voltage", - "anchor": "monitoring-voltage" - }, - { - "heading": "Overclocking Problems", - "anchor": "overclocking-problems" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Conditional Filters", - "anchor": "conditional-filters", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "The [all] filter", - "anchor": "the-all-filter" - }, - { - "heading": "Model Filters", - "anchor": "model-filters" - }, - { - "heading": "The [none] filter", - "anchor": "the-none-filter" - }, - { - "heading": "The [tryboot] filter", - "anchor": "the-tryboot-filter-2" - 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"anchor": "lcd-displays-and-touchscreens" - }, - { - "heading": "Generic Display Options", - "anchor": "generic-display-options" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi 4 HDMI Pipeline", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-4-hdmi-pipeline" - }, - { - "heading": "Camera Settings", - "anchor": "camera-settings", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "disable_camera_led", - "anchor": "disable_camera_led" - }, - { - "heading": "awb_auto_is_greyworld", - "anchor": "awb_auto_is_greyworld" - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - "path": "/computers/legacy_config_txt.html", - "title": "Legacy config.txt options", - "sections": [ - { - "heading": "Legacy Options", - "anchor": "legacy-options" - }, - { - "heading": "Legacy Boot Options", - "anchor": "legacy-boot-options", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "start_x, start_debug", - "anchor": "start_x-start_debug" - }, - { - "heading": "disable_commandline_tags", - "anchor": "disable_commandline_tags" - }, - { - "heading": "arm_control", - "anchor": "arm_control" - 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"anchor": "enable_jtag_gpio" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Legacy Overclocking Options", - "anchor": "legacy-overclocking-options", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Overclocking", - "anchor": "overclocking" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Legacy Conditional Filters", - "anchor": "legacy-conditional-filters", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "The [HDMI:*] Filter", - "anchor": "the-hdmi-filter" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Legacy Memory Options", - "anchor": "legacy-memory-options", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "gpu_mem", - "anchor": "gpu_mem" - }, - { - "heading": "gpu_mem_256", - "anchor": "gpu_mem_256" - }, - { - "heading": "gpu_mem_512", - "anchor": "gpu_mem_512" - }, - { - "heading": "gpu_mem_1024", - "anchor": "gpu_mem_1024" - }, - { - "heading": "disable_l2cache", - "anchor": "disable_l2cache" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Legacy Video Options", - "anchor": "legacy-video-options", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "HDMI Mode", - "anchor": "hdmi-mode" - }, - { - "heading": "Which Values are Valid for my Monitor?", - "anchor": "which-values-are-valid-for-my-monitor" - }, - { - "heading": "Custom Mode", - "anchor": "custom-mode" - }, - { - "heading": "Composite Video Mode", - "anchor": "composite-video-mode" - }, - { - "heading": "LCD Displays and Touchscreens", - "anchor": "lcd-displays-and-touchscreens" - }, - { - "heading": "Generic Display Options", - "anchor": "generic-display-options" - }, - { - "heading": "Other Options", - "anchor": "other-options" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Legacy Raspberry Pi 4 HDMI Pipeline", - "anchor": "legacy-raspberry-pi-4-hdmi-pipeline" - }, - { - "heading": "Legacy Miscellaneous Options", - "anchor": "legacy-miscellaneous-options", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "avoid_warnings", - "anchor": "avoid_warnings" - }, - { - "heading": "logging_level", - "anchor": "logging_level" - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - "path": "/computers/linux_kernel.html", - "title": "The Linux kernel", - "sections": [ - { - "heading": "Kernel", - "anchor": "kernel", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Updating your Kernel", - "anchor": "updating-your-kernel" - }, - { - "heading": "Getting your Code into the Kernel", - "anchor": "getting-your-code-into-the-kernel" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Building the Kernel", - "anchor": "building", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Building the Kernel Locally", - "anchor": "building-the-kernel-locally" - }, - { - "heading": "Cross-Compiling the Kernel", - "anchor": "cross-compiling-the-kernel" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Configuring the Kernel", - "anchor": "configuring-the-kernel", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Preparing to Configure", - "anchor": "preparing-to-configure" - }, - { - "heading": "Using menuconfig", - "anchor": "using-menuconfig" - }, - { - "heading": "Saving your Changes", - "anchor": "saving-your-changes" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Patching the Kernel", - "anchor": "patching-the-kernel", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Version Identification", - "anchor": "version-identification" - }, - { - "heading": "Applying Patches", - "anchor": "applying-patches" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Kernel Headers", - "anchor": "kernel-headers" - } - ] - }, - { - "path": "/computers/remote-access.html", - "title": "Remote access", - "sections": [ - { - "heading": "Introduction to remote access", - "anchor": "introduction-to-remote-access", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "How to find your IP address", - "anchor": "ip-address" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Setting up an SSH Server", - "anchor": "ssh", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Set up your Local Network", - "anchor": "set-up-your-local-network" - }, - { - "heading": "Enabling the Server", - "anchor": "enabling-the-server" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Secure Shell from Linux or Mac OS", - "anchor": "secure-shell-from-linux-or-mac-os" - }, - { - "heading": "Secure Shell from Windows 10", - "anchor": "secure-shell-from-windows-10" - }, - { - "heading": "Passwordless SSH Access", - "anchor": "passwordless-ssh-access", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Checking for Existing SSH Keys", - "anchor": "checking-for-existing-ssh-keys" - }, - { - "heading": "Generate new SSH Keys", - "anchor": "generate-new-ssh-keys" - }, - { - "heading": "Copy your Key to your Raspberry Pi", - "anchor": "copy-your-public-key-to-your-raspberry-pi" - }, - { - "heading": "Adjust Directory Permissions", - "anchor": "adjust-directory-permissions" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Using Secure Copy", - "anchor": "using-secure-copy", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Copying Files to your Raspberry Pi", - "anchor": "copying-files-to-your-raspberry-pi" - }, - { - "heading": "Copying Files from your Raspberry Pi", - "anchor": "copying-files-from-your-raspberry-pi" - }, - { - "heading": "Copying Multiple Files", - "anchor": "copying-multiple-files" - }, - { - "heading": "Copying a Whole Directory", - "anchor": "copying-a-whole-directory" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Using rsync", - "anchor": "using-rsync" - }, - { - "heading": "Network File System (NFS)", - "anchor": "network-file-system-nfs", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Setting up a Basic NFS Server", - "anchor": "setting-up-a-basic-nfs-server" - }, - { - "heading": "Configuring an NFS Client", - "anchor": "configuring-an-nfs-client" - }, - { - "heading": "A More Complex NFS Server", - "anchor": "a-more-complex-nfs-server" - }, - { - "heading": "Troubleshooting", - "anchor": "troubleshooting" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Samba (SMB/CIFS)", - "anchor": "samba-smbcifs", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Installing Samba Support", - "anchor": "installing-samba-support" - }, - { - "heading": "Mount a Folder Shared from Windows", - "anchor": "mount-a-folder-shared-from-windows" - }, - { - "heading": "Sharing a Folder from your Raspberry Pi", - "anchor": "sharing-a-folder-from-your-raspberry-pi" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Virtual Network Computing (VNC)", - "anchor": "vnc", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Enable the VNC server", - "anchor": "enable-the-vnc-server" - }, - { - "heading": "Connect to your Raspberry Pi", - "anchor": "connect-to-your-raspberry-pi" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Setting up an Apache Web Server", - "anchor": "setting-up-an-apache-web-server", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Installing Apache", - "anchor": "installing-apache" - }, - { - "heading": "Test the Web Server", - "anchor": "test-the-web-server" - }, - { - "heading": "Installing PHP for Apache", - "anchor": "installing-php-for-apache" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Network boot your Raspberry Pi", - "anchor": "network-boot-your-raspberry-pi", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Client Configuration", - "anchor": "client-configuration" - }, - { - "heading": "Ethernet MAC address", - "anchor": "ethernet-mac-address" - }, - { - "heading": "Server Configuration", - "anchor": "server-configuration" - }, - { - "heading": "Using pxetools", - "anchor": "using-pxetools" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Network booting using IPv6", - "anchor": "network-booting-using-ipv6", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "How it works", - "anchor": "how-it-works" - }, - { - "heading": "Test Setup", - "anchor": "test-setup" - }, - { - "heading": "Debugging", - "anchor": "debugging" - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - "path": "/computers/camera_software.html", - "title": "Camera software", - "sections": [ - { - "heading": "Introducing the Raspberry Pi Cameras", - "anchor": "introducing-the-raspberry-pi-cameras" - }, - { - "heading": "libcamera and rpicam-apps", - "anchor": "libcamera-and-rpicam-apps", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Introduction", - "anchor": "introduction" - }, - { - "heading": "Getting Started", - "anchor": "getting-started" - }, - { - "heading": "Troubleshooting", - "anchor": "troubleshooting" - }, - { - "heading": "rpicam-hello", - "anchor": "rpicam-hello" - }, - { - "heading": "rpicam-jpeg", - "anchor": "rpicam-jpeg" - }, - { - "heading": "rpicam-still", - "anchor": "rpicam-still" - }, - { - "heading": "rpicam-vid", - "anchor": "rpicam-vid" - }, - { - "heading": "libav integration with rpicam-vid", - "anchor": "libav-integration-with-rpicam-vid" - }, - { - "heading": "rpicam-raw", - "anchor": "rpicam-raw" - }, - { - "heading": "rpicam-detect", - "anchor": "rpicam-detect" - }, - { - "heading": "Common Command Line Options", - "anchor": "common-command-line-options" - }, - { - "heading": "Still Command Line Options", - "anchor": "still-command-line-options" - }, - { - "heading": "Video Command Line Options", - "anchor": "video-command-line-options" - }, - { - "heading": "Differences compared to Raspicam Apps", - "anchor": "differences-compared-to-raspicam-apps" - }, - { - "heading": "Post-Processing", - "anchor": "post-processing" - }, - { - "heading": "Post-Processing with OpenCV", - "anchor": "post-processing-with-opencv" - }, - { - "heading": "Post-Processing with TensorFlow Lite", - "anchor": "post-processing-with-tensorflow-lite" - }, - { - "heading": "Writing your own Post-Processing Stages", - "anchor": "writing-your-own-post-processing-stages" - }, - { - "heading": "Multiple Cameras Usage", - "anchor": "multiple-cameras-usage" - }, - { - "heading": "libcamera and rpicam-apps Packages", - "anchor": "libcamera-and-rpicam-apps-packages" - }, - { - "heading": "Building libcamera and rpicam-apps", - "anchor": "building-libcamera-and-rpicam-apps" - }, - { - "heading": "Understanding and Writing your own Apps", - "anchor": "understanding-and-writing-your-own-apps" - }, - { - "heading": "Python Bindings for libcamera", - "anchor": "python-bindings-for-libcamera" - }, - { - "heading": "Camera Tuning and supporting 3rd Party Sensors", - "anchor": "camera-tuning-and-supporting-3rd-party-sensors" - }, - { - "heading": "Known Issues", - "anchor": "known-issues" - }, - { - "heading": "Getting Help", - "anchor": "getting-help" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Application Notes", - "anchor": "application-notes", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Creating Timelapse Video", - "anchor": "creating-timelapse-video" - }, - { - "heading": "Using Gstreamer", - "anchor": "using-gstreamer" - }, - { - "heading": "Using libcamera and Qt together", - "anchor": "using-libcamera-and-qt-together" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "V4L2 Drivers", - "anchor": "v4l2-drivers", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Device nodes when using libcamera", - "anchor": "device-nodes-when-using-libcamera" - }, - { - "heading": "Using the Driver", - "anchor": "using-the-driver" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Camera Serial Interface 2 (CSI2) \"Unicam\"", - "anchor": "camera-serial-interface-2-csi2-unicam", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Software Interfaces", - "anchor": "software-interfaces" - }, - { - "heading": "Developing Third-Party Drivers", - "anchor": "developing-third-party-drivers" - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - "path": "/computers/raspberry-pi.html", - "title": "Raspberry Pi hardware", - "sections": [ - { - "heading": "GPIO and the 40-pin Header", - "anchor": "gpio-and-the-40-pin-header", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Voltages", - "anchor": "voltages" - }, - { - "heading": "Outputs", - "anchor": "outputs" - }, - { - "heading": "Inputs", - "anchor": "inputs" - }, - { - "heading": "More", - "anchor": "more" - }, - { - "heading": "GPIO pinout", - "anchor": "gpio-pinout" - }, - { - "heading": "Permissions", - "anchor": "permissions" - }, - { - "heading": "GPIO in Python", - "anchor": "gpio-in-python" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Schematics and Mechanical Drawings", - "anchor": "schematics-and-mechanical-drawings", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi 5", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-5" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi 4 Model B", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-4-model-b" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-3-model-b" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi 3 Model B", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-3-model-b-2" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi 2 Model B", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-2-model-b" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-1-model-b" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-3-model-a" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi 1 Model A+", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-1-model-a" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi Zero", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-zero" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi Zero W", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-zero-w" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-zero-2-w" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Product compliance and safety", - "anchor": "product-compliance-and-safety", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Flammability Rating", - "anchor": "flammability-rating" - }, - { - "heading": "The Raspberry Pi Compliance Support", - "anchor": "the-raspberry-pi-compliance-support" - }, - { - "heading": "Powered by Raspberry Pi", - "anchor": "powered-by-raspberry-pi" - }, - { - "heading": "Approved Design Partners", - "anchor": "approved-design-partners" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Frequency Management and Thermal Control", - "anchor": "frequency-management-and-thermal-control", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Using DVFS", - "anchor": "using-dvfs" - }, - { - "heading": "Measuring Temperatures", - "anchor": "measuring-temperatures" - }, - { - "heading": "Adding Heatsinks", - "anchor": "adding-heatsinks" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi Boot EEPROM", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-boot-eeprom", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Boot Diagnostics", - "anchor": "boot-diagnostics" - }, - { - "heading": "Update the Bootloader", - "anchor": "bootloader_update_stable" - }, - { - "heading": "Updating the EEPROM Configuration", - "anchor": "updating-the-eeprom-configuration" - }, - { - "heading": "Automatic Updates", - "anchor": "automaticupdates" - }, - { - "heading": "Bootloader Release Status", - "anchor": "bootloader-release" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Boot Diagnostics on the Raspberry Pi 4", - "anchor": "boot-diagnostics-on-the-raspberry-pi-4" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi Boot Modes", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-boot-modes", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Special bootcode.bin-only boot mode", - "anchor": "special-bootcode-bin-only-boot-mode" - }, - { - "heading": "bootcode.bin UART Enable", - "anchor": "bootcode-bin-uart-enable" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Boot sequence", - "anchor": "boot-sequence" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspberry Pi 5 Boot Flow", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-4-and-raspberry-pi-5-boot-flow", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "First Stage Bootloader", - "anchor": "first-stage-bootloader" - }, - { - "heading": "Second Stage Bootloader", - "anchor": "second-stage-bootloader" - }, - { - "heading": "Bootloader Updates", - "anchor": "bootloader-updates" - }, - { - "heading": "Fail-safe OS updates (TRYBOOT)", - "anchor": "fail-safe-os-updates-tryboot" - }, - { - "heading": "TRYBOOT_A_B mode", - "anchor": "tryboot_a_b-mode" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi Bootloader Configuration", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-bootloader-configuration", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Editing the Configuration", - "anchor": "editing-the-configuration" - }, - { - "heading": "Configuration Properties", - "anchor": "configuration-properties" - }, - { - "heading": "Configuration Properties in config.txt", - "anchor": "configuration-properties-in-config-txt" - }, - { - "heading": "Secure Boot configuration properties in config.txt", - "anchor": "secure-boot-configuration-properties-in-config-txt" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "USB Boot Modes", - "anchor": "usb-boot-modes", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "USB Device Boot Mode", - "anchor": "usb-device-boot-mode" - }, - { - "heading": "USB Host Boot Mode", - "anchor": "usb-host-boot-mode" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "USB Mass Storage Boot", - "anchor": "usb-mass-storage-boot", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi 4B and Raspberry Pi 400", - "anchor": "pi4" - }, - { - "heading": "Compute Module 4", - "anchor": "cm4" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi 3B+", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-3b" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi 2B, 3A+, 3B, CM3, CM3+, Zero 2 W", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-2b-3a-3b-cm3-cm3-zero-2-w" - }, - { - "heading": "Booting from USB Mass Storage", - "anchor": "booting-from-usb-mass-storage" - }, - { - "heading": "Known Issues", - "anchor": "known-issues" - }, - { - "heading": "Special bootcode.bin-only Boot Mode", - "anchor": "special-bootcode-bin-only-boot-mode-2" - }, - { - "heading": "Hardware Compatibility", - "anchor": "hardware-compatibility" - }, - { - "heading": "Multiple Bootable Drives", - "anchor": "multiple-bootable-drives" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Network Booting", - "anchor": "network-booting", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Debugging Network Boot Mode", - "anchor": "debugging-network-boot-mode" - }, - { - "heading": "Known Problems", - "anchor": "known-problems" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "GPIO Boot Mode", - "anchor": "gpio-boot-mode", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Pin Assignments", - "anchor": "pin-assignments" - }, - { - "heading": "Boot Flow", - "anchor": "boot-flow" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "NVMe SSD Boot", - "anchor": "nvme-ssd-boot", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Required Hardware", - "anchor": "required-hardware" - }, - { - "heading": "Required Software", - "anchor": "required-software" - }, - { - "heading": "Troubleshooting", - "anchor": "troubleshooting" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "HTTP Boot", - "anchor": "http-boot", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Requirements", - "anchor": "requirements" - }, - { - "heading": "Keys", - "anchor": "keys" - }, - { - "heading": "Secure Boot", - "anchor": "secure-boot" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Parallel Display Interface", - "anchor": "parallel-display-interface", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "GPIO Pins", - "anchor": "gpio-pins" - }, - { - "heading": "Disable Other GPIO Peripherals", - "anchor": "disable-other-gpio-peripherals" - }, - { - "heading": "Configure a Display", - "anchor": "configure-a-display" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "General Purpose I/O (GPIO)", - "anchor": "gpio", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "GPIO Pads", - "anchor": "gpio-pads" - }, - { - "heading": "Interrupts", - "anchor": "interrupts" - }, - { - "heading": "Alternative Functions", - "anchor": "alternative-functions" - }, - { - "heading": "Voltage Specifications", - "anchor": "voltage-specifications" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "GPIO Pads Control", - "anchor": "gpio-pads-control" - }, - { - "heading": "Peripheral Addresses", - "anchor": "peripheral-addresses" - }, - { - "heading": "Industrial use of the Raspberry Pi", - "anchor": "industrial-use-of-the-raspberry-pi", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "One-Time Programmable Settings", - "anchor": "one-time-programmable-settings" - }, - { - "heading": "Write and Read Customer OTP Values", - "anchor": "write-and-read-customer-otp-values" - }, - { - "heading": "Locking the OTP Changes", - "anchor": "locking-the-otp-changes" - }, - { - "heading": "Making Customer OTP bits Unreadable", - "anchor": "making-customer-otp-bits-unreadable" - }, - { - "heading": "Device specific private key", - "anchor": "device-specific-private-key" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "OTP Register and Bit Definitions", - "anchor": "otp-register-and-bit-definitions", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "OTP Registers", - "anchor": "otp-registers" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Power Supply", - "anchor": "power-supply", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Typical Power Requirements", - "anchor": "typical-power-requirements" - }, - { - "heading": "Power Supply Warnings", - "anchor": "power-supply-warnings" - }, - { - "heading": "Back-powering", - "anchor": "back-powering" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)", - "anchor": "spi-overview", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "SPI Hardware", - "anchor": "spi-hardware" - }, - { - "heading": "SPI Software", - "anchor": "software" - }, - { - "heading": "Troubleshooting", - "anchor": "troubleshooting-spi-hardware" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Universal Serial Bus (USB)", - "anchor": "universal-serial-bus-usb", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Maximum Power Output", - "anchor": "maximum-power-output" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi 5", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-5-2" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi 4", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-4" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi Zero, 1, 2 and 3", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-zero-1-2-and-3" - }, - { - "heading": "Known USB Issues", - "anchor": "known-usb-issues" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi revision codes", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-revision-codes", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Old-style revision codes", - "anchor": "old-style-revision-codes" - }, - { - "heading": "New-style revision codes", - "anchor": "new-style-revision-codes" - }, - { - "heading": "New-style revision codes in use", - "anchor": "new-style-revision-codes-in-use" - }, - { - "heading": "Using revision codes for board identification", - "anchor": "using-revision-codes-for-board-identification" - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - "path": "/computers/compute-module.html", - "title": "Compute Module hardware", - "sections": [ - { - "heading": "Datasheets and Schematics", - "anchor": "datasheets-and-schematics", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Compute Module 4", - "anchor": "compute-module-4" - }, - { - "heading": "Older Products", - "anchor": "older-products" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Design Files for CMIO Boards", - "anchor": "design-files-for-cmio-boards" - }, - { - "heading": "Flashing the Compute Module eMMC", - "anchor": "flashing-the-compute-module-emmc", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Steps to Flash the eMMC", - "anchor": "steps-to-flash-the-emmc" - }, - { - "heading": "Setting up the CMIO board", - "anchor": "setting-up-the-cmio-board" - }, - { - "heading": "Compute Module 4 Bootloader", - "anchor": "cm4bootloader" - }, - { - "heading": "Troubleshooting", - "anchor": "troubleshooting" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Attaching and Enabling Peripherals", - "anchor": "attaching-and-enabling-peripherals", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "BCM283x GPIOs", - "anchor": "bcm283x-gpios" - }, - { - "heading": "BCM283x Boot Process", - "anchor": "bcm283x-boot-process" - }, - { - "heading": "Device Tree", - "anchor": "device-tree" - }, - { - "heading": "dt-blob.bin", - "anchor": "dt-blob-bin" - }, - { - "heading": "ARM Linux Device Tree", - "anchor": "arm-linux-device-tree" - }, - { - "heading": "Device Tree Source and Compilation", - "anchor": "device-tree-source-and-compilation" - }, - { - "heading": "Device Tree Debugging", - "anchor": "device-tree-debugging" - }, - { - "heading": "Examples", - "anchor": "examples" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Attach a Raspberry Pi Camera Module", - "anchor": "attach-a-raspberry-pi-camera-module", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Update your system", - "anchor": "update-your-system" - }, - { - "heading": "Connect one camera", - "anchor": "connect-one-camera" - }, - { - "heading": "Connect two cameras", - "anchor": "connect-two-cameras" - }, - { - "heading": "Software", - "anchor": "software" - }, - { - "heading": "I2C mapping of GPIO pins", - "anchor": "i2c-mapping-of-gpio-pins" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Attaching the Official 7-inch Display", - "anchor": "attaching-the-official-7-inch-display", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Quickstart Guide (Display Only)", - "anchor": "quickstart-guide-display-only" - }, - { - "heading": "Quickstart Guide (Display and Cameras)", - "anchor": "quickstart-guide-display-and-cameras" - }, - { - "heading": "Software Support", - "anchor": "software-support" - }, - { - "heading": "Firmware Configuration", - "anchor": "firmware-configuration" - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - "path": "/computers/processors.html", - "title": "Processors", - "sections": [ - { - "heading": "BCM2835", - "anchor": "bcm2835" - }, - { - "heading": "BCM2836", - "anchor": "bcm2836" - }, - { - "heading": "BCM2837", - "anchor": "bcm2837" - }, - { - "heading": "BCM2837B0", - "anchor": "bcm2837b0" - }, - { - "heading": "BCM2711", - "anchor": "bcm2711" - }, - { - "heading": "BCM2712", - "anchor": "bcm2712" - }, - { - "heading": "RP3A0", - "anchor": "rp3a0" - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - "title": "Accessories", - "path": "/accessories/", - 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"heading": "Installation", - "anchor": "installation" - }, - { - "heading": "Getting started", - "anchor": "getting-started", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Further reading", - "anchor": "further-reading" - }, - { - "heading": "Using the Sense HAT with Python", - "anchor": "using-the-sense-hat-with-python" - }, - { - "heading": "Using the Sense HAT with {cpp}", - "anchor": "using-the-sense-hat-with-cpp" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Sense HAT hardware", - "anchor": "sense-hat-hardware", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "LED matrix", - "anchor": "led-matrix" - }, - { - "heading": "Joystick", - "anchor": "joystick" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Hardware calibration", - "anchor": "hardware-calibration" - }, - { - "heading": "Reading and writing EEPROM data", - "anchor": "reading-and-writing-eeprom-data", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Reading", - "anchor": "reading" - }, - { - "heading": "Writing", - "anchor": "writing" - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - "path": "/accessories/tv-hat.html", - "title": "TV HAT", - "sections": [ - { - "heading": "About the TV HAT", - "anchor": "about-the-tv-hat" - }, - { - "heading": "About DVB-T", - "anchor": "about-dvb-t" - }, - { - "heading": "Setup Instructions", - "anchor": "setup-instructions" - }, - { - "heading": "Mechanical Drawing", - "anchor": "mechanical-drawing" - } - ] - }, - { - "path": "/accessories/audio.html", - "title": "Raspberry Pi Audio", - "sections": [ - { - "heading": "Overview", - "anchor": "overview", - "subsections": [ - { - "heading": "Features at a glance", - "anchor": "features-at-a-glance" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi DAC Pro", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-dac-pro" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi DAC{plus}", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-dacplus" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi DigiAMP{plus}", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-digiampplus" - }, - { - "heading": "Raspberry Pi Codec Zero", - "anchor": "raspberry-pi-codec-zero" - } - ] - }, - { - "heading": "Configuration", - "anchor": "configuration", - "subsections": [ - 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Part of: Hardware APIs » hardware_dma

DMA channel configuration . +More...

+ +++++ + +[[rpipbcecd949811e64d5957a]] +=== Functions + + +++++ + + + +++++ + +[[rpip1326aa77c0728be36c25]] +=== Detailed Description + + +++++ + +

DMA channel configuration .


A DMA channel needs to be configured, these functions provide handy helpers to set up configuration structures. See dma_channel_config

+ +++++ diff --git a/tests/fixtures/pico-sdk/picosdk_index.json b/tests/fixtures/pico-sdk/picosdk_index.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f41680d24e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/pico-sdk/picosdk_index.json @@ -0,0 +1,417 @@ +[ + { + "group_id": "index_doxygen", + "name": "Introduction", + "description": "An introduction to the Pico SDK", + "html": "index_doxygen.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "group_id": "hardware", + "name": "Hardware APIs", + "description": "This group of libraries provides a thin and efficient C API / abstractions to access the RP2040 hardware without having to read and write hardware registers directly. ", + "html": "group__hardware.html", + "subitems": [ + { + "name": "hardware_adc", + "file": "group__hardware__adc.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__adc.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_base", + "file": "group__hardware__base.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__base.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_claim", + "file": "group__hardware__claim.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__claim.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_clocks", + "file": "group__hardware__clocks.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__clocks.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_divider", + "file": "group__hardware__divider.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__divider.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_dma", + "file": "group__hardware__dma.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__dma.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_exception", + "file": "group__hardware__exception.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__exception.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_flash", + "file": "group__hardware__flash.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__flash.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_gpio", + "file": "group__hardware__gpio.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__gpio.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_i2c", + "file": "group__hardware__i2c.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__i2c.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_interp", + "file": "group__hardware__interp.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__interp.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_irq", + "file": "group__hardware__irq.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__irq.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_pio", + "file": "group__hardware__pio.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__pio.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_pll", + "file": "group__hardware__pll.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__pll.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_pwm", + "file": "group__hardware__pwm.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__pwm.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_resets", + "file": "group__hardware__resets.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__resets.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_rtc", + "file": "group__hardware__rtc.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__rtc.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_spi", + "file": "group__hardware__spi.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__spi.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_sync", + "file": "group__hardware__sync.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__sync.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_timer", + "file": "group__hardware__timer.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__timer.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_uart", + "file": "group__hardware__uart.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__uart.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_vreg", + "file": "group__hardware__vreg.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__vreg.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_watchdog", + "file": "group__hardware__watchdog.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__watchdog.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "hardware_xosc", + "file": "group__hardware__xosc.adoc", + "html": "group__hardware__xosc.html", + "subitems": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "group_id": "high_level", + "name": "High Level APIs", + "description": "This group of libraries provide higher level functionality that isn't hardware related or provides a richer set of functionality above the basic hardware interfaces ", + "html": "group__high__level.html", + "subitems": [ + { + "name": "pico_async_context", + "file": "group__pico__async__context.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__async__context.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_flash", + "file": "group__pico__flash.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__flash.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_i2c_slave", + "file": "group__pico__i2c__slave.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__i2c__slave.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_multicore", + "file": "group__pico__multicore.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__multicore.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_rand", + "file": "group__pico__rand.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__rand.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_stdlib", + "file": "group__pico__stdlib.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__stdlib.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_sync", + "file": "group__pico__sync.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__sync.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_time", + "file": "group__pico__time.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__time.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_unique_id", + "file": "group__pico__unique__id.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__unique__id.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_util", + "file": "group__pico__util.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__util.html", + "subitems": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "group_id": "third_party", + "name": "Third-party Libraries", + "description": "Third party libraries for implementing high level functionality. ", + "html": "group__third__party.html", + "subitems": [ + { + "name": "tinyusb_device", + "file": "group__tinyusb__device.adoc", + "html": "group__tinyusb__device.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "tinyusb_host", + "file": "group__tinyusb__host.adoc", + "html": "group__tinyusb__host.html", + "subitems": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "group_id": "networking", + "name": "Networking Libraries", + "description": "Functions for implementing networking ", + "html": "group__networking.html", + "subitems": [ + { + "name": "pico_btstack", + "file": "group__pico__btstack.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__btstack.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_lwip", + "file": "group__pico__lwip.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__lwip.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_cyw43_driver", + "file": "group__pico__cyw43__driver.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__cyw43__driver.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_cyw43_arch", + "file": "group__pico__cyw43__arch.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__cyw43__arch.html", + "subitems": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "group_id": "runtime", + "name": "Runtime Infrastructure", + "description": "Libraries that are used to provide efficient implementation of certain language level and C library functions, as well as CMake INTERFACE libraries abstracting the compilation and link steps in the SDK ", + "html": "group__runtime.html", + "subitems": [ + { + "name": "boot_stage2", + "file": "group__boot__stage2.adoc", + "html": "group__boot__stage2.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_base", + "file": "group__pico__base.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__base.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_binary_info", + "file": "group__pico__binary__info.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__binary__info.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_bit_ops", + "file": "group__pico__bit__ops.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__bit__ops.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_bootrom", + "file": "group__pico__bootrom.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__bootrom.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_bootsel_via_double_reset", + "file": "group__pico__bootsel__via__double__reset.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__bootsel__via__double__reset.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_cxx_options", + "file": "group__pico__cxx__options.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__cxx__options.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_divider", + "file": "group__pico__divider.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__divider.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_double", + "file": "group__pico__double.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__double.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_float", + "file": "group__pico__float.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__float.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_int64_ops", + "file": "group__pico__int64__ops.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__int64__ops.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_malloc", + "file": "group__pico__malloc.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__malloc.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_mem_ops", + "file": "group__pico__mem__ops.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__mem__ops.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_platform", + "file": "group__pico__platform.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__platform.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_printf", + "file": "group__pico__printf.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__printf.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_runtime", + "file": "group__pico__runtime.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__runtime.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_stdio", + "file": "group__pico__stdio.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__stdio.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "pico_standard_link", + "file": "group__pico__standard__link.adoc", + "html": "group__pico__standard__link.html", + "subitems": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "group_id": "misc", + "name": "External API Headers", + "description": "Headers for interfaces that are shared with code outside of the SDK ", + "html": "group__misc.html", + "subitems": [ + { + "name": "boot_picoboot", + "file": "group__boot__picoboot.adoc", + "html": "group__boot__picoboot.html", + "subitems": [] + }, + { + "name": "boot_uf2", + "file": "group__boot__uf2.adoc", + "html": "group__boot__uf2.html", + "subitems": [] + } + ] + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/test_create_build_adoc.py b/tests/test_create_build_adoc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5661e20acb --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test_create_build_adoc.py @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +import os +import re +import subprocess +import shutil +import unittest +import json +import datetime + +# to run: on the command line, run all scripts from the top dir: pytest, +# or: python3 -m unittest tests.test_create_build_adoc + +class TestCreateBuildAdoc(unittest.TestCase): + def setUp(self): + script_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) + top_dir = re.sub(r"/tests/[^/]+$", "", script_path) + self.fixtures_path = os.path.join(top_dir, "tests", "fixtures") + self.script_path = os.path.join(top_dir, "scripts") + self.process_path = os.path.join(self.script_path, "create_build_adoc.py") + self.build_path = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "build") + self.output_path = os.path.join(self.build_path, "jekyll", "microcontrollers") + self.output_file = os.path.join(self.output_path, "c_sdk.adoc") + + def tearDown(self): + shutil.rmtree(self.build_path) + + def test_create_build_adoc(self): + os.makedirs(self.output_path) + index_json = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "index.json") + config_yaml = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "_config.yml") + github_edit = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "github_edit.adoc") + src_adoc = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "microcontrollers", "c_sdk.adoc") + includes_dir = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "build", "adoc_includes") + build_adoc = self.output_file + + subprocess.run(["python3", self.process_path, index_json, config_yaml, github_edit, src_adoc, includes_dir, build_adoc]) + expected = ''':parentdir: microcontrollers +:page-layout: docs +:includedir: {0} +:doctitle: Raspberry Pi Documentation - The C/C++ SDK +:page-sub_title: The C/C++ SDK +:sectanchors: +:figure-caption!: + +include::{{includedir}}/{{parentdir}}/c_sdk/sdk_setup.adoc[] + +include::{{includedir}}/{{parentdir}}/c_sdk/official_sdk.adoc[] + +include::{{includedir}}/{{parentdir}}/c_sdk/your_first_binary.adoc[] + +include::{{includedir}}/{{parentdir}}/c_sdk/quick_start.adoc[] +'''.format(os.path.join(self.build_path, "adoc_includes")) + res = "" + if os.path.isfile(self.output_file): + with open(self.output_file) as f: + res = f.read() + self.assertTrue(expected == res) + +def run_create_build_adoc_tests(event, context): + suite = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestCreateBuildAdoc) + result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) + if result.wasSuccessful(): + body = { "message": "Tests passed!" } + response = { + "statusCode": 200, + "body": json.dumps(body) + } + return response + else : + body = { "message": "Tests failed!" } + response = { + "statusCode": 500, + "body": json.dumps(body) + } + return response + +if __name__ == '__main__': + unittest.main() diff --git a/tests/test_create_build_adoc_doxygen.py b/tests/test_create_build_adoc_doxygen.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cb48941b3e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test_create_build_adoc_doxygen.py @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +import os +import re +import subprocess +import shutil +import unittest +import json +import datetime + +# 503 281 1142 + +# to run: on the command line, run all scripts from the top dir: pytest, +# or: python3 -m unittest tests.test_create_build_adoc_doxygen + +class TestCreateBuildAdocDoxygen(unittest.TestCase): + def setUp(self): + script_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) + top_dir = re.sub(r"/tests/[^/]+$", "", script_path) + self.fixtures_path = os.path.join(top_dir, "tests", "fixtures") + self.script_path = os.path.join(top_dir, "scripts") + self.process_path = os.path.join(self.script_path, "create_build_adoc_doxygen.py") + self.build_path = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "build") + self.output_path = os.path.join(self.build_path, "jekyll", "pico-sdk") + self.output_file = os.path.join(self.output_path, "group__channel__config.adoc") + + def tearDown(self): + shutil.rmtree(self.build_path) + + def test_create_build_adoc_doxygen(self): + os.makedirs(self.output_path) + index_json = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "index.json") + config_yaml = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "_config.yml") + src_adoc = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "pico-sdk", "group__channel__config.adoc") + picosdk_json = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "pico-sdk", "picosdk_index.json") + includes_dir = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "build", "adoc_includes") + build_adoc = self.output_file + + subprocess.run(["python3", self.process_path, index_json, config_yaml, src_adoc, picosdk_json, includes_dir, build_adoc]) + expected = ''':parentdir: pico-sdk +:page-layout: docs +:includedir: {0} +:doctitle: Raspberry Pi Documentation - group__channel__config +:page-sub_title: group__channel__config +:sectanchors: +:figure-caption!: + +[[channel_config]] +== channel_config + +++++ + + +
Part of: Hardware APIs » hardware_dma

DMA channel configuration . +More...

+ +++++ + +[[rpipbcecd949811e64d5957a]] +=== Functions + + +++++ + + + +++++ + +[[rpip1326aa77c0728be36c25]] +=== Detailed Description + + +++++ + +

DMA channel configuration .


A DMA channel needs to be configured, these functions provide handy helpers to set up configuration structures. See dma_channel_config

+ +++++ + +'''.format(os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "build", "adoc_includes")) + res = "" + if os.path.isfile(self.output_file): + with open(self.output_file) as f: + res = f.read() + self.assertTrue(expected == res) + +def run_create_build_adoc_doxygen_tests(event, context): + suite = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestCreateBuildAdocDoxygen) + result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) + if result.wasSuccessful(): + body = { "message": "Tests passed!" } + response = { + "statusCode": 200, + "body": json.dumps(body) + } + return response + else : + body = { "message": "Tests failed!" } + response = { + "statusCode": 500, + "body": json.dumps(body) + } + return response + +if __name__ == '__main__': + unittest.main() diff --git a/tests/test_create_build_adoc_include.py b/tests/test_create_build_adoc_include.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e8d6eb5247 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test_create_build_adoc_include.py @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +import os +import re +import subprocess +import shutil +import unittest +import json +import datetime + +# to run: on the command line, run all scripts from the top dir: pytest, +# or: python3 -m unittest tests.test_create_build_adoc_include + +class TestCreateBuildAdocInclude(unittest.TestCase): + def setUp(self): + script_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) + top_dir = re.sub(r"/tests/[^/]+$", "", script_path) + self.fixtures_path = os.path.join(top_dir, "tests", "fixtures") + self.script_path = os.path.join(top_dir, "scripts") + self.process_path = os.path.join(self.script_path, "create_build_adoc_include.py") + self.build_path = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "build") + self.output_path = os.path.join(self.build_path, "jekyll", "microcontrollers", "csdk") + self.output_file = os.path.join(self.output_path, "your_first_binary.adoc") + + def tearDown(self): + shutil.rmtree(self.build_path) + + def test_create_build_adoc_include(self): + os.makedirs(self.output_path) + config_yaml = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "_config.yml") + github_edit = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "github_edit.adoc") + src_adoc = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "microcontrollers", "c_sdk", "your_first_binary.adoc") + build_adoc = self.output_file + + subprocess.run(["python3", self.process_path, config_yaml, github_edit, src_adoc, build_adoc]) + expected = '''== Your First Binaries +[.edit-link] +Edit this {0}[on GitHub] + + + +WARNING: If you are using an Apple Mac, and running macOS Ventura, there has been a change in how the Finder works which causes drag-and-drop to fail. Please see our https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/the-ventura-problem/[blog post] for a full explanation, and workarounds, and our https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-sdk/issues/1081[Github issue] tracking the problem for the current status. + +=== Blink an LED + +The first program anyone writes when using a new microcontroller is to blink an LED on and off. The Raspberry Pi Pico comes with a single LED on-board. The LED is connected to `GP25` on the board's Raspberry Pi RP2040 for Pico, and `WL_GPIO0` on the Infineon 43439 wireless chip for Pico W. + +image:images/Blink-an-LED-640x360-v2.gif[] + +You can blink this on and off by, + +. Download the Blink UF2 https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/soft/blink.uf2[for Raspberry Pi Pico], or https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/soft/blink_picow.uf2[for Pico W]. +. Push and hold the BOOTSEL button and plug your Pico into the USB port of your Raspberry Pi or other computer. +. It will mount as a Mass Storage Device called RPI-RP2. +. Drag and drop the Blink UF2 binary onto the RPI-RP2 volume. Pico will reboot. + +You should see the on-board LED blinking. + +You can see the code on Github for the https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-examples/blob/master/blink/blink.c[Raspberry Pi Pico] and https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-examples/blob/master/pico_w/wifi/blink/picow_blink.c[Pico W] versions. + +=== Say "Hello World" + +The next program anyone writes is to say 'Hello World' over a USB serial connection. + +image:images/Hello-World-640x360-v2.gif[] + +. Download the https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/soft/hello_world.uf2['Hello World' UF2]. +. Push and hold the BOOTSEL button and plug your Pico into the USB port of your Raspberry Pi or other computer. +. It will mount as a Mass Storage Device called RPI-RP2. +. Drag and drop the 'Hello World' UF2 binary onto the RPI-RP2 volume. Pico will reboot. +. Open a Terminal window and type: ++ +[source] +------ +sudo apt install minicom +minicom -b 115200 -o -D /dev/ttyACM0 +------ + +You should see 'Hello, world!' printed to the Terminal. + +You can see the code https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-examples/blob/master/hello_world/usb/hello_usb.c[on Github] +'''.format(os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "microcontrollers", "c_sdk", "your_first_binary.adoc")) + res = "" + if os.path.isfile(self.output_file): + with open(self.output_file) as f: + res = f.read() + self.assertTrue(expected == res) + +def run_create_build_adoc_include_tests(event, context): + suite = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestCreateBuildAdocInclude) + result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) + if result.wasSuccessful(): + body = { "message": "Tests passed!" } + response = { + "statusCode": 200, + "body": json.dumps(body) + } + return response + else : + body = { "message": "Tests failed!" } + response = { + "statusCode": 500, + "body": json.dumps(body) + } + return response + +if __name__ == '__main__': + unittest.main() diff --git a/tests/test_create_nav.py b/tests/test_create_nav.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8ff5e33a23 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test_create_nav.py @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +import os +import re +import subprocess +import shutil +import unittest +import json +import datetime + +# to run: on the command line, run all scripts from the top dir: pytest, +# or: python3 -m unittest tests.test_create_nav + +# NOTE: This test is unfortunately not standalone -- it requires +# that you've run both make build_doxygen_adoc and make first. + +class TestCreateNav(unittest.TestCase): + def setUp(self): + script_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) + self.top_dir = re.sub(r"/tests/[^/]+$", "", script_path) + self.fixtures_path = os.path.join(self.top_dir, "tests", "fixtures") + self.script_path = os.path.join(self.top_dir, "scripts") + self.process_path = os.path.join(self.script_path, "create_nav.py") + self.build_path = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "build") + self.output_path = os.path.join(self.build_path, "jekyll", "_data") + self.output_file = os.path.join(self.output_path, "nav.json") + + def tearDown(self): + shutil.rmtree(self.build_path) + + def test_create_nav(self): + os.makedirs(self.output_path) + index_json = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, "build_jekyll_data_index.json") + adoc_dir = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path) + output_json = self.output_file + + subprocess.run(["python3", self.process_path, index_json, adoc_dir, output_json]) + expected = r'''[ + { + "title": "Microcontrollers", + "path": "/microcontrollers/", + "toc": [ + { + "path": "/microcontrollers/c_sdk.html", + "title": "The C/C++ SDK", + "sections": [ + { + "heading": "SDK Setup", + "anchor": "sdk-setup" + }, + { + "heading": "Raspberry Pi Pico C/{cpp} SDK", + "anchor": "raspberry-pi-pico-ccpp-sdk" + }, + { + "heading": "Your First Binaries", + "anchor": "your-first-binaries", + "subsections": [ + { + "heading": "Blink an LED", + "anchor": "blink-an-led" + }, + { + "heading": "Say \"Hello World\"", + "anchor": "say-hello-world" + } + ] + }, + { + "heading": "Quick-start your own project", + "anchor": "quick-start-your-own-project" + } + ] + } + ] + } +]''' + res = "" + if os.path.isfile(self.output_file): + with open(self.output_file) as f: + res = f.read() + self.assertTrue(expected == res) + +def run_create_nav_tests(event, context): + suite = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestCreateNav) + result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) + if result.wasSuccessful(): + body = { "message": "Tests passed!" } + response = { + "statusCode": 200, + "body": json.dumps(body) + } + return response + else : + body = { "message": "Tests failed!" } + response = { + "statusCode": 500, + "body": json.dumps(body) + } + return response + +if __name__ == '__main__': + unittest.main() diff --git a/tests/test_nav.py b/tests/test_nav.py deleted file mode 100644 index 3d05c500e0..0000000000 --- a/tests/test_nav.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -import os -import re -import unittest -import json -from pathlib import Path - -# to run: on the command line, from the top level: python3 -m unittest tests.test_nav - -class TestNav(unittest.TestCase): - def setUp(self): - pass - - def tearDown(self): - pass - - def test_nav_contents(self): - current_file = os.path.realpath(__file__) - current_dir = Path(current_file).parent.absolute() - parent_dir = re.sub("/tests", "", str(current_dir)) - nav_fixture = os.path.join(current_dir, "fixtures", "nav.json") - nav_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, "build", "jekyll", "_data", "nav.json") - # read the fixture file - with open(nav_fixture) as f: - nav_base_data = f.read() - # read the new file - with open(nav_path) as f: - nav_new_data = f.read() - self.assertEqual(nav_base_data, nav_new_data) - -def run_nav_tests(event, context): - suite = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestNav) - result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) - if result.wasSuccessful(): - body = { "message": "Tests passed!" } - response = { - "statusCode": 200, - "body": json.dumps(body) - } - return response - else : - body = { "message": "Tests failed!" } - response = { - "statusCode": 500, - "body": json.dumps(body) - } - return response - -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main()