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Yeoman generator for creating react.js components for ServiceNow

What is servicenow-reactjs

ServiceNow is a great platform for building applications for Service Management. But we found it to be lacking some features for web development that we have become accustomed to:

  1. A way to develop solutions locally in an Text Editor / IDE of our choice.
  2. Cannot write and run unit tests for JavaScript.
  3. Using a source control like GIT.
  4. Have a build process: Compress JavaScript and CSS, Unit Test and Deploy into ServiceNow.
  5. Making the code re-usable. HTML is tightly coupled with JS and we would like to include the HTML along with JS into the UI Scripts table as well.

We created servicenow-reactjs as a way to fill this gap.

servicenow-reactjs is a yeoman generator that provides a simple way for creating reusable components for ServiceNow using the react.js framework.

Features provided in servicenow-reactjs:

  • Run your ServiceNow solution locally. With this you can use a Text Editor / IDE of your choice, use GIT for source control.
  • Live Reload of code changes on browser. As soon as you save your code changes the local browser reloads with the changes.
  • Run Tests on your JS using Karma
  • We have used Gulp to create tasks to compress and deploy JS and CSS to ServiceNow.
  • react.js enforces us to combine HTML into JS thus we can have the re-usable scripts in UI Scripts table.

How to install

Install yo, gulp-cli, bower, and generator-servicenow-reactjs

$ npm install -g yo gulp-cli bower generator-servicenow-reactjs

Using the generator

Creating a project for your components

$ yo servicenow-reactjs [AppName]

Creating a component

$ yo servicenow-reactjs:component [ComponentName]

Folder Structure

├── /app/                                       # All of our app specific components go in here
│   ├── /bower_components/                      # 3rd-party bower libraries and utilities
│   ├── /css/                                   # Contains bundled css from all the created components
│   ├── /react_components/                      # Reusable react.js components
│   │   └── /[ComponentName]/                   # Folder created to store all resources related to a component
│   │       ├── /__tests__/                     # Contains test cases for the component
│   │       │   └── /[ComponentName].test.jsx   # File containing the tests
│   │       ├── /[ComponentName].css            # CSS for the component
│   │       ├── /[ComponentName].jsx            # Reusable JSX for the react.js component 
│   │       ├── /[ComponentName].data.js        # Mock data for the component
│   │       ├── /[ComponentName].render.jsx     # JSX for rendering the reusable component
│   │       └── /index.html                     # Page already setup with the react.js component
│   └── /index.html                             # Home page showing a list of all the components developed
├── /config/                                    # Folder containing servicenow configuration
│   └── /default.json                           # File containing servicenow configuration
├── /dest/                                      # The folder for compiled output
├── /node_modules/                              # 3rd-party npm libraries and utilities
├── /.bowerrc                                   # Specifies the folder for 3rd-party bower libraries and utilities 
├── /.gitignore                                 # Specifies the folder/files for git to ignore
├── /bower.json                                 # The list of bower 3rd party libraries and utilities
├── /gulp-servicenow-uploader.js                # Utility for deploying JS and CSS to ServiceNow
├── /gulpfile.js                                # Has tasks for build / test / run / deploy
├── /karma.conf.js                              # Configuration for running the tests
└── /package.json                               # The list of npm 3rd party libraries and utilities

Working with ServiceNow Jelly (Using your deployed component in ServiceNow)

Writing Jelly still needs to be done in a ServiceNow instance.

The data from the Jelly should to be serialized to JSON:

var json = new JSON();
var jsonData = json.encode(data);

The JSON can then be mocked by copying it into the file

Sample Jelly which sets up a react.js component:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<j:jelly trim="false" xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:g="glide" xmlns:j2="null" xmlns:g2="null">
	<div id="ComponentName"></div>
		var hwItemArray = [];
		var hwItem = new GlideRecord('sc_cat_item');
		hwItem.addQuery('category.title', 'Hardware');
			var hwObj = {}; = hwItem.sys_id.getDisplayValue(); =;
			hwObj.description = hwItem.description.getDisplayValue();
			hwObj.image = hwItem.picture.getDisplayValue();
			hwObj.price = hwItem.price.getDisplayValue();
			hwObj.vendor = hwItem.vendor.getDisplayValue();

		var json = new JSON();
		var hwCatJSON = json.encode(hwItemArray);
		var data = ${hwCatJSON};
	<script language="javascript" src="ComponentName.render.bundle.js.jsdbx" />


Tests for each component needs to be in the ComponentName.test.jsx file.

To Run the tests:

$ gulp test

Deploying to ServiceNow

  • The JS files are copied into the UI Scripts table.
  • All the CSS files are bundled and copied into the Style Sheet table
$ gulp deploy


Please file bugs and issues at the Github issues page. For more general discussions you can contact the EMC Code team at Google Groups or tagged with EMC on The code and documentation are released with no warranties or SLAs and are intended to be supported through a community driven process.