title | tags |
TAGCS Mentoring Working Group Monthly Meeting (2022) |
Meeting Minutes, 2022 |
This file has been archived. Please find the 2023 meeting minutes here.
CNCF TAG Contributor Strategy
- 2nd Tuesday of the month at 9PM UTC
- 4th Tuesday of the month at 9PM UTC (during the setup phase)
CNCF Public Events - TAG CS Mentoring WG
Zoom Meeting
Passcode: 77777
21:00 UTC (1:00 PM PDT on 2022-12-13; 10:00 AM NZST on 2022-12-14)
- Nate W.
- Jay Tihema
- Riaan Kleinhans
- Josh Berkus
- Victor Lu
- General Progress report
- Mentoring programs
- 2022 diversity data: https://github.com/cncf/workflow/issues/332 (please reach out to Nate W. if you don't have access to the document).
- Mentoring repo
- Outreachy engagement
- Possible alignment w/ Contributor.io
- Mentoring programs
- Plans for 2023
- Goals
- What are our specific goals around diversity?
- do we want more folks from different places?
- do we want more non-male mentees?
- do we want a wider range of ages represented?
- reach out to LF Research team to participate and help us design
- discuss with LF privacy
- What are our specific goals around diversity?
- Goals
- Shared location previously, DE&I data has now been collated as well, meaning we can now potentially see patterns in engagement from past years
- Possible split between mechanical and informational content for Repo
- We can help develop Contributor-specific content for the site
- Mentoring stuff under 'Maintainer' or mentoring-specific;
- Where would the most beneficial place to host this; should be intertwined w/ Contributor focus in general
- Maintainers link - joining a program
Mentoring Uptake 2022
- General improvement in participation; unsure of what to attribute this increase to directly
- How to encourage more diversity in applications and selections?
- Specific goals/targets needed - more global reach, non-male mentees, career-changers vs. early students etc.
- Would be beneficial to gauge feedback from the community, LF research team etc.
- Should also be exposed to Mentors; navigate privacy etc. to help determine applicant diversity General project numbers increasing
- Challenge to increase to 150 mentees in 2023
- Maintainers need to be considered throughout to avoid burnout; support health & wellbeing Current LFX doesn't filter effectively
- More applications per project might be 'fatal'; grow from projects first to support maintainer evaluations What might be other good goals for 2023?
- website alignment
- increasing diversity
- mentee numbers
- organised effort around CLOtributor including mentor availability - develop a template of what that could look like
21:00 UTC (1:00 PM PDT on 2022-11-22; 10:00 AM NZST on 2022-11-23)
- Nate W.
- Jay Tihema
- Riaan Kleinhans
- Alexandre N.
- n/a
- LFX Mentoring Term 3: Sept-Nov completing this week
- stipends are getting paid out
- mentee survey sent out (no responses yet)
- Update repo with new statistics/results
- reach out to CNCF marketing (Jesse)
- GSoC 2023 Timeline
- Outreachy
- Looks like OTel will be doing 2 projects (CNCF funding one), starts Jan 2023
- We should contact Outreachy and see if there is an org option for participation
- GSoD - still showing 2022 timeline, but we should keep an eye out for when they start their 2023 program.
- Mentoring Repo review
- GSoC deadlines critical - steps to be taken to meet these.
- TODO - Create a calendar for CNCF Mentoring; collect dates for mentoring Programs where timeline can be developed
- Nate may be able to action; will check w/ Amye - CNCF permission needed
- Outreachy update - Otel will be doing two projects; one is CNCF funded - volunteers from team should contact their team to learn more about the program.
- 'Research Round' needed prior to learn more about programme then reach out to request meeting
- Repo:
- Key notes first then look at refactoring ReadMe etc.
- Keep 2022 as a live file, as opposed to an archived file; keep a year's worth of content oepn for access/review
- Add a ticket to create a proper Readme for the front page once all links are finalised
- Archives should rigidly stay as they are to retain integrity of history e.g. program seasons; unless it becomes/is a security risk
- Establish some standard of record of changes to track/monitor analytics e.g. stats etc. for new work incoming.
- e.g. some sub-folders assigned 'per year' under project folders
- May be difficult with each Program running at its own cadence
- Detail to be re-populated in ReadMe (currently empty)
- Repo to be refactored to include new statistics e.g. project numbers
- Repo reorganised to downsize number of folders, key info outlined in ReadMe
- Nate to support with high-level detail
- Can this be used as a documentation framework - part of this purpose is to align with (likely) the Contributor.io website
- Once ready and approved by team we can contact w/ Chris Abrams to assess linking w/ site
- KubeCon Maintainer Track talks should still be available for submissions
- Alexandre to start Contributor Board match-making (C-S initiative); connect people wanting to contrib and build experience towards a system that links projects, maintainers etc. (not Mentoring-specific) - research, feedback etc.
21:00 UTC (1:00 PM PDT on 2022-11-08; 10:00 AM NZST on 2022-11-09)
Note, the end of Daylight Saving Time in NA has affected the time of this meeting.
- Nate W.
- Jay Tihema
- Alexandre N.
- Riaan Kleinhans
- Deadline for CFP is Nov 18. Do we want to have a mentoring talk?
Repo Refactor
Kubecon EU Talk CFP
- Possible workshop on how to put together a proposal, how to select a good scope of work - invite others to discuss potential projects e.g. mentorship proposal 'how to'
- CFP required only - Repo refactor possible; not expected to "do the work before doing the work"
- 'Speed Mentoring' - mentoring 'in general' e.g. how does it work vs. specific projects
- Mentoring information session to educate on the detail of 'what?'
- 2nd phase - connect with the mentor directly to learn more about processes etc.
- Mentee information session - receiving more students; provide support for newcomers
Volunteer to provide individual career guidance as an extension of this.
To-do: CNCF Events team (?) and figure out who runs speed mentoring , maybe not be a CFP-level decision. Also gives others a chance to start notifying mentees/tors.
Mentoring Repo Refactor
Current refactor underway; general content/focus includes:
Mentors: How do I make a proposal? Mentees: how do I get involved etc.?
V2 branch and several issues in development.
Can promote/update this work in Slack for others to contribute/provide feedback on.
20:00 UTC (1:00 PM PDT on 2022-10-25; 8:00 AM NZST on 2022-10-26)
- Nate W.
- Jay Tihema
- Riaan Kleinhans
- KubeCon this week
- Repo chat
- Talk tomorrow
20:00 UTC (1:00 PM PDT on 2022-10-11; 9:00 AM NZST on 2022-10-12)
- Nate W.
- Jay Tihema
- Alexandre N.
- Riaan Kleinhans
- KubeCon maintainers track talk
- Presentation Upload to Sched Deadline: Friday, October 14
- Google slides
- Notes from working session
- CNCF LFX Mentorship Term 3: Sept-Nov midterm
- Nate W. working through stipends with mentees
- 1 withdrawal
- 24/24 remaning projects/mentees are passing
- GSoC 2022
- 2 projects ongoing
- One finishes Oct 17, the other Nov 14
- NZ progress
- Community Digital Infrastructure
- General
- Cloud Native Students (Kunal)
- Pathway mapping, Repo > website
stories from LFX Mentorship last term:
- Project to help map academic progression - TBC, Alexandre and Nate to investigate - ChaoSS community
- https://github.com/chaoss
- https://chaoss.community/
- Also maps project health but from an academic standpoint; contribution lifecycles e.g, menteeship etc.
- Nate managing spreadsheets re LFX etc. due to sensitive information such as payment details
- Need to plan Term 1 for 2023, before CTA at Kubecon; inviting Maintainers to make project suggestions in the corresponding Repo (26m onwards - video ref)
- Not explicit that work conducted during mentorships made visible in known repo (31m)
- As part of process, should request that project pages should be updated accordingly to reflect changes
- Move/shutdown of #mentoring channel on Slack to address bot update issue - Nate will investigate as CNCF admin. Desire to move community into Github discussions board owing to comms limitations in Slack; preference to have a central space for core comms.
[name=Nate W.][time=Thu, Oct 13, 2022 9:17 AM] Followup: The bot has been removed.
- Organisational discussions in TAG-CS etc.
20:00 UTC (1:00 PM PDT on 2022-09-27; 9:00 AM NZST on 2022-09-28)
- Nate W.
- Jay Tihema
- Alexandre N.
- Riaan Kleinhans
- Josh Berkus
- CNCF students (previous meeting) https://community.cncf.io/cloud-native-students/
- Kunal Kushwaha may be involved?
- Outreachy - recruit someone to help run this program?
- "Community responsibility"
- Strategic overview
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cL0ZwzigoGNqFIDuuJ_Daz_4x2RXgeRK/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107340980254524659898&rtpof=true&sd=true
- Should be addressed through TAG issues i.e. Mentoring Repo or a project board
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cL0ZwzigoGNqFIDuuJ_Daz_4x2RXgeRK/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107340980254524659898&rtpof=true&sd=true
- Contributor Opportunities board
- Working session for KubeCon Mentorship talk/session (last half of meeting)
Outreachy - some interest in Kubernetes etc.; Josh suggested might be of value from someone in the community to support with Outreachy
Ideally someone who would reach out to various programs to gauge interest
May be more 'participant-driven' - Ambassador-type role, help with administration
Put a call-out on (TAG Contributor Strategy) mailing list and chat channel to encourage a response
May escalate to TOC list
Would be good to implement same thing (not yet K8s) - treat short-term internship opps...
Timing is key between programs (as well as overhead)
No current plan exists to 'improve' LFX - or to be executed
Outreachy - up to 3 admins; you don't have to cancel your own admin rights to action that
Q: What's the CNCF funding situation for Outreachy?
- (K8s sorted but status of other projects?) - Nate to follow-up; need to know before recruitment call goes out.
- LFX accepts direct donations, built-in funding mechanism. No compensation for mentors; sometimes for Outreachy - often dependent as to whether mentor is currently in employment etc.
- Smallest staff-base which may restrict access/availability in certain countries, can also affect payment.
todo: list (or collect lists) countries that we support internships in
GSoC - 'Community responsibility' https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YKEEIGZPlTQtlggtNDEf-_BU718Sr9aQH4WDs1fpL0s/edit?usp=sharing -- slide ~68 https://github.com/cncf/tag-contributor-strategy/tree/main/mentoring
Detail not currently reflected in Charter:
Potentially help in developing Mission Statement etc. "promote growth and sustainability for projects through mentoring new and existing contributors" "provide support and advice for the projects"
Open a new PR with proposed changes to the statement - need to bounce to liaisons for final approval.
- Update to mission statement proposal: https://github.com/Riaankl/tag-contributor-strategy/compare/main...Update-Mission-statement
Contributor Opportunities board
- Not a project with a deadline attached
- Past efforts i.e. K8s have failed
- Better to engage with wider community over time to improve chances of success and quality
- Contributor Survey will help to identify focus areas in the meantime
- One of the biggest obstacles is encouraging Maintainers etc. to keep info up-to-date; how can we make it easy for them to do so?
- Building something new immediately implies/requires maintenance
Mentoring Website
- Should be a part of Contributor website
- Request help w/ mentoring discussions board - common Q is 'how to get started'? - use for discussion vs. using #mentoring Slack
- 'Getting Started' page would provide value
- Two main constituents are (new) Contributors and Maintainers -
Tentative actions:
- research what's available in mentoring in repo
- build out diagram to map/canvas contents
- figure out what's wanted/needed
- look at existing Contributor.io infrastructure and determine what should be integrated
20:00 UTC (1:00 PM PDT on 2022-09-13; 8:00 AM NZST on 2022-09-14)
- Natali Vlatko
- Alexandre Nicastro
- Jay Tihema
- Riaan Kleinhans
Strategy Draft
- Main areas:
- Culture
- Knowledge
- Systems & Processes
- LFX mentorship:Season three
- Propose a pre and post program increase of activity to support the "Mentorship lifecycle".
- Mentees becoming mentors
- AI: Jay: Share the slides from the meeting with the community.
- Main areas:
- Engaging with Charley Mann
- Looking at creating a Mentoring website after the pattern of Contributor web site
- resource listing on the site linking all areas that engage with Mentoring
- [Natali] https://community.cncf.io/cloud-native-students/ is still active.
- Would be a good point of engagement.
20:00 UTC (1:00 PM PDT on 2022-08-23; 8:00 AM NZST on 2022-08-24)
- Jay Tihema
- Josh Berkus
- Hippie Hacker
- Alexandre Nicastro
- Riaan Kleinhans
- Recent events (Canvas, STTS, KHM)
- CloudNative.nz site
- Mentoring info session at ii Meetup event
- Revisiting focus
- WG participation/actions
- Supporting messaging/engagement for potential contributors
Optimising Channels
- Potential split/separation between communication and GitHub app comms/bot; establish a thread
- Separate #'Mentoring Bot' etc. - can the bot be configured accordingly?
- Separate channel for TAG Contributor Strategy - process for infrastructure change? Wait until Nate's back to review. Probably create #tag-cs-notices, direct all auto traffic to that
[name=Nate W.] [time=Thu, Aug 25, 2022 3:32 PM] I question if we need the github/slack notifications bot at all. I'll look into the historical rationale for it. We have been trying to push towards using https://github.com/cncf/mentoring/discussions instead of slack for comms with mentees/potential mentees.
Managing Engagement
- Hippie receiving alot of contact re LFX project including questions, CVs etc. - how to best manage comms
- Possible CRM to manage communications - HubSpot, AirTable etc. - spreadsheet can be difficult to modify later if/when needed. Can adjust later as required
- Steps/processes may be unclear to mentees e.g., project submission, redirection, balancing correspondence.
- Need to review existing LFX systems - consider legalities as mentees are technically short-term 'employees';
[name=Nate W.] [time=Thu, Aug 25, 2022 3:04 PM] Mentees are specifically not employees (https://docs.linuxfoundation.org/lfx/mentorship/mentees): "NOTE: Mentees are not employed by the Linux Foundation. The Linux Foundation’s employment opportunities are available at https://www.linuxfoundation.org/about/careers."
I agree we should review and understand what mentee status actually is.
- Recognising two channels w/ mentoring:
- increasing awareness for new/potential contributors
- the need for the WG to be proactive in reaching out to those already in the ecosystem
- Most projects may not be aware this initiative exists - share success stories as often as possible to help provide clarity; can we create blogs, interviews etc. to do this?
Strategy & Resource/Knowledge Base
- Need to create strategy to build a culture and community around mentorship; if people become involved, how can we share positive experiences and develop a 'flow' within community.
- Possible platform to share knowledge - when the program runs there are likely to be similar questions among participants; GitHub etc? Need to decide appropriate platform, learn from past mentorships
- e.g. Mentorship experience - how to make a PR, mentee/mentor public profiles, Q&As (categorised) - can iterate over time
- Can Contributor Docs be written in a way that are more beneficial for maintainers, current documentation doesn't exist; direct mentee/mentor engagement can be more difficult
- Can possibly be implemented together - current lack of building tools from CNCF/LF.
- Support mentors in providing resources for mentees e.g. markdown docs on GitHub, search function i.e. Develop template - see existing Contributor Guide templates
- Difficulties in explaining e.g. PRs processes, providing clear examples would help alot towards this
- The obstacle is getting the guide written in the first place! e.g. can a question raised in Slack become a bulletpoint in the guide.
- Inventory of existing resources - what are permissions for partnerships, collaboration etc.
- Not sure of known policies re exclusive permissions - does someone have a knowledge-base app to support
- Objective is to optimise Mentors' time; source key info for easy mentee reference
- Scope for CNCF funding - more for knowledge-base for Sandbox projects, separate for NZ projects
- Follow up w/ Nate: recommended LFX mentee engagement process to clarify mentor communication/interaction
- Map mentee/mentor pathway to identify onboarding journey and areas for focus/improvement
- Draft strategy doc
- Stocktake of existing processes, resources, knowledge bases
- List common barriers to new contributors
- Investigate separation of Mentoring channel - general communications from GitHub bot updates
20:00 UTC (1:00 PM PDT on 2022-08-09; 8:00 AM NZST on 2022-08-10)
- Nate W. (CNCF)
- Jay Tihema (ii)
- Natali Vlatko (Wayfair)
- Josh Berkus (Red Hat)
- Hippie Hacker (ii)
- Riaan Kleinhans (ii)
- Introductions/Whanaungatanga
- Term 3 accepting project proposals! (Not many projects proposed yet for CNCF LFX Mentoring 2022 term 3-Sept-Nov)
- related tweets:
- https://twitter.com/CloudNativeFdn/status/1555227042345533440
- https://twitter.com/CloudNativeFdn/status/1557015611385036803
- unofficial extension to encourage more proposal submissions
- related tweets:
- Nate W. on vacation Aug 15 - Aug 26, then travelling Aug 29 - Sept 2.
- Will not be present at next WG meeting
- May need help with email notification coverage for LFX term 3.
- Uche Obasi now on-board to assist w/ data entry and processes regarding new applications, to introduce Jay as well
- LFX Programme platform - built to manage at LF level, set-up so there could only be one admin account which limited ability to support w/ data entry.
- New system set-up so a group can work on it instead
- Admin will enter all descriptions in; copy-paste in system as Owner of project, add Mentors, once programme is opened people can apply.
- Past mentee/mentor engagement
- Uche caught up with Jay
- Proposed graduate program for mentees
- Increasing the engagement
- Monthly meetups or other social between mentees
- Also for mentors
- Mentor survey?
- Target cohorts moving forward
- Diversity in mentees - can we get historical data?
- Diversity in mentors - can we have more than just maintainers, possibly a shadow system?
- NV: projects have also kept diversity in mind in their own selection process
- LFX promotion NZ
- NZ Career Expo August 12-13
- Call to action for tommorrow's CNCF Webinar
- Best link to share for LFX term 3 Sept-Nov: https://github.com/cncf/mentoring/tree/main/lfx-mentorship/2022/03-Sept-Nov
- This page should be updated with info on how to apply
- cncf#684
- Best link to share for LFX term 3 Sept-Nov: https://github.com/cncf/mentoring/tree/main/lfx-mentorship/2022/03-Sept-Nov
- CNCF Students group?
- Update meeting info to use the TAG CS zoom link (auto set to record) [Nate W. & Josh B.]
- [NW] New zoom link added to calendar and noted above.
20:00 UTC (1:00 PM PDT on 2022-08-09; 8:00 AM NZST on 2022-08-10)