EgoHumans works on Linux. It requires Python 3.8+, CUDA 11.2+ and PyTorch 1.8+.
Step 0. Download and install Miniconda from the official website.
Step 1. Create a conda environment and activate it.
conda create --name eh python=3.10 -y
conda activate eh
Step 2. Install PyTorch with GPU following official instructions.
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia -y
Step 3. Install mmcv, mmdet, mmpose and mmhuman3d from source provided in this repository.
cd egohumans/external/mmcv
pip install -r requirements/build.txt
MMCV_WITH_OPS=1 pip install -v -e .
cd ../mmdetection
pip install -r requirements/build.txt
pip install -v -e .
cd ../mmpose
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -v -e .
cd ,,/mmhuman3d
pip install -v -e .
Step 4. Install other dependencies like pycococreator, pycolmap, etc. A fork of pycococreator is provided in egohumans/external for ease of use.
cd ../pycococreator
python install
pip install hdbscan yacs Rtree pyntcloud pyvista python-fcl pykalman torchgeometry colour pycolmap flask timm
You can also execute the above steps using the provided shell script.
cd scripts/_install
chmod +x