I expect the reader to have basic familiarity using Bottles
Get Bottles from Pop!_Shop or simply enter this on the terminal
flatpak install flathub com.usebottles.bottles
Get the necessary game files (how you manage to get them is upto you).
Grant necessary permissions for Bottles
a. install Flatseal
flatpak install flathub com.github.tchx84.Flatseal
Replace the username in the path in below screenshot with your username
Run this on Terminal
flatpak override com.usebottles.bottles --user --filesystem=xdg-data/applications
This dependency is required for Cyberpunk 2077
Install vkBasalt for Post Processing effects
flatpak install org.freedesktop.Platform.VulkanLayer.vkBasalt/x86_64/22.08
Now before launching the game, make these changes in Cyberpunk 2077 Bottles settings for good results
- For Ray Tracing and DLSS
- If the keyboard is detected as a controller, follow this
Backup the original Cyberpunk2077.exe file and then run this
echo '2C45C6: EB' | xxd -r - Cyberpunk2077.exe
To solve touchpad gestures crashing the session on Wayland
xinput list --name-only | grep ^xwayland-pointer-gestures | xargs -n1 xinput disable