- Use data on checklist step times. "Step 2/6 usually takes 20mins, but took 60 mins today. Something went wrong? Add a comment to help the next person"
- Don't rely on user to go and manually tick each step. Explore alternative interfaces that encourage active interaction rather than passive:
- Mobile UI that is primarily based on a single swipe. Swipe right for the next step. Ding-Dong when a specific step is due.
- Alexa. User says: "Alexa, I'm done. What's next?". Alexa says: "Are you done with xx yet?"
- Slack/chatbot - "Next step is up for grabs. [Click here to claim]". "Alex is working on step 2. Estimated time: 20mins"
- Support parallel/sequential pipelines of steps. Not sure if this is a great idea, could complicate things.
- Allow sharing checklists publicly.
- Allow forking checklists, suggesting changes.
- Potential use cases:
- Pilot checklists
- Surgeon checklists
- Recipes
- Code deploys that involve multiple steps
- Incident Response checklists