Root Systems believes in having agreed processes to coordinate as a group via commitments and hold us each accountable to our commitments. Good processes alleviate the need for rules and enforcers.
Root Systems Coordinators plan our long-term Team coordination strategy:
- who is working on what Team project, and
- what role on each project is expected.
If a Root Systems Member desires a change in project or role, they should direct the request to the Coordinators.
Root Systems Members schedule, based on the Scheduling Guide and the various Activity Types,
- 3 months in advance their rough intent for days on Personal or Team.
- 2 weeks in advance their clear plan for projects on Team days.
This scheduling should describe:
- what days does a Member intend to be Personal or Team?
- what projects does a Member plan to work on Team days?
Members will update their schedule to reflect changes they make due to unforeseen circumstances. For example: getting sick.
Members meet at 10am each morning during the week for stand-up, a quick meeting for surfacing:
- how are you feeling (checkin)?
- what did you say you were going to do on the last working day?
- what did you actually do on the last working day?
- what are you going to do today?
- are you blocked by anything?
This should be done remotely via Slack if Members are unable to be there in person.
Members track time worked on any Team project.