- A Better Way to Pretrain Deep Boltzmann Machines.[[pdf](docs/2012/A Better Way to Pretrain Deep Boltzmann Machines.pdf)] [url]
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- Deep Learning with Hierarchical Convolutional Factor Analysis.[[pdf](docs/2012/Deep Learning with Hierarchical Convolutional Factor Analysis.pdf)] [url]
- Deep neural networks for acoustic modeling in speech recognition: The shared views of four research groups.[url] ⭐
- RDiscriminative Learning of Sum-Product Networks.[[pdf](docs/2012/Discriminative Learning of Sum-Product Networks.pdf)] [url]
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- [Dropout] Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors.[[pdf](docs/2012/Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors.pdf)] [arxiv] ⭐
- Invariant Scattering Convolution Networks.[[pdf](docs/2012/Invariant Scattering Convolution Networks.pdf)] [url]
- Learning with Hierarchical-Deep Models.[[pdf](docs/2012/Learning with Hierarchical-Deep Models.pdf)] [url]
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- Random Search for Hyper-Parameter Optimization.[[pdf](docs/2012/Random Search for Hyper-Parameter Optimization.pdf)] [url] ⭐
- Cross-domain co-extraction of sentiment and topic lexicons. [pdf] ⭐
- Domain adaptation from multiple sources: a domain-dependent regularization approach. [pdf]
- Domain Transfer Multiple Kernel Learning. [pdf]
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- Semi-Supervised Kernel Matching for Domain Adaptation. [pdf]
- Supplementary Material Geodesic Flow Kernel for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. [pdf]
- TALMUD: transfer learning for multiple domains. [pdf]