interview exercise for UX team at Red hat
Python 3.8.3
- $ git clone
- cd into the step-3 folder of the application from local file directory
- $ cd ./redhat-UX-exercise/step-3
- Create a virtual enviroment to house all installs needed for this application
- $ python3 -m venv env
- activate created virtual environment
- $ source env/bin/activate
- Install all requirements into virtual environment
- $ pip install -r requirements.txt
- In browser url:
- .../redhat-UX-exercise/step-1/Card.html
- Example: /Users/shannondonahue/RedHat/redhat-UX-exercise/step-1/card.html
- .../redhat-UX-exercise/step-1/Card.html
- In browser url:
- .../redhat-UX-exercise/step-1/Users.html
- $ cd /redhat-UX-exercise/step-3
- $ source env/bin/activate
- $ python -m flask run
- copy provided URL from terminal into URL browser