1.Vansh vardhan singh - IMT2020010
2.Shivankar Pilligundla - IMT2020016
Aim of this project is to track the movement of bobs of a double pendulum and also to prove the fact that "state of double pendulum is highly dependent on initial constraints of the pendulum". If we change the initial angle of the double pendulum even by a small amount it has huge imapact on the trajectory it follows.
We have simulated two double pendulums using java script and the basic canvas functions to draw shapes and lines. We used basic kinematic principlesto determine the state of bob using the following resources: https://web.mit.edu/jorloff/www/chaosTalk/double-pendulum/double-pendulum-en.html
-The major challenge for us was the order in which we define and declare the variables. Initially we thought that the order of defining should not matter but in the process of debugging due to unexpected behaviour of pendulum, we found that order matters as acceleration, velocity are all interdependent. -Tracing the path of bob using canvas tool.
-Learnt using java script and making animations. -We were able to visualise the natural phenomenon in a more understandable way.