VS2013 Implementation of Image Super-Resolution using Convolutional Neural Network
SRCNN_Cpp.VS2012 is a VC++2013 Implementation of Image Super-Resolution using SRCNN which is proposed by Chao Dong in 2014.
If you want to find the details of SRCNN algorithm, please read the paper:
Chao Dong, Chen Change Loy, Kaiming He, Xiaoou Tang. Learning a Deep Convolutional Network for Image Super-Resolution, in Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2014
If you want to download the training code(caffe) or test code(Matlab) for SRCNN, please open your browse and visit http://mmlab.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/projects/SRCNN.html for more details.
And thank you very much for Chao's work in SRCNN.
SRCNN_Cpp.VS2013 is released under the GPL v2 License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).
You need to install OpenCV2+ or OpenCV3+ in your computer.
OpenCV download site: http://opencv.org/
You also need to install Visual Studio in your system.
Note: Our SRCNN_Cpp.VS2013 is developed in Windows 10 x64 system with OpenCV 3.0.0 and Visual Studio 2013.
SRCNN-CPP1.0 is a IplImage Version Software which will run faster.
SRCNN-CPP2.0 is a Mat Version Software which will run slower.
You can just open the .sln file using Visual Studio and build.
Enjoy Yourselves ~~~