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SLSA for Models on Google Cloud Platform

This project uses Tekton to generate SLSA provenance for ML models on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It uses Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Artifact Registry, Tekton and Sigstore.


  1. To get started, you'll need to have a GCP Project. You will also need to have these CLI tools installed:

  2. Enable the needed services:

    gcloud services enable \ \
  3. Create a GKE cluster:

    1. Set the PROJECT_ID environment variable from your GCP project:

      export PROJECT_ID=<PROJECT_ID>
    2. Set the CLUSTER_NAME environment variable to a cluster name of your choice:

    3. Create a cluster:

      gcloud container clusters create $CLUSTER_NAME \
        --enable-autoscaling \
        --min-nodes=1 \
        --max-nodes=3 \
        --scopes=cloud-platform \
        --no-issue-client-certificate \
        --project=$PROJECT_ID \
        --region=us-central1 \
        --machine-type=e2-standard-4 \
        --num-nodes=1 \
  4. Install Tekton:

    1. Install Tekton Pipelines:

      kubectl apply --filename
    2. Install Tekton Chains:

      kubectl apply --filename
  5. Verify your Tekton installation was successful:

    1. Check that Tekton Pipelines Pods are running in Kubernetes:

      kubectl get pods -n tekton-pipelines
    2. Check that Tekton Chains Pods are running in Kubernetes:

      kubectl get pods -n tekton-chains
  6. Configure Tekton:

    1. Configure Tekton Pipelines to enable enumerations and alpha features:

      kubectl patch cm feature-flags -n tekton-pipelines -p '{"data":{
    2. Then restart the Tekton Pipelines controller to ensure it picks up the changes:

      kubectl delete pods -n tekton-pipelines -l app=tekton-pipelines-controller
    3. Configure Tekton Chains to enable transparency log, set SLSA format and configure storage:

      kubectl patch configmap chains-config -n tekton-chains -p='{"data":{
        "transparency.enabled": "true",
        "": "tekton",
        "": "tekton"
    4. Then restart the Tekton Chains controller to ensure it picks up the changes:

      kubectl delete pods -n tekton-chains -l app=tekton-chains-controller
  7. Generate an encrypted x509 keypair and save it as a Kubernetes secret:

    cosign generate-key-pair k8s://tekton-chains/signing-secrets
  8. (Optional) View the Tekton resources:

    1. View the git-clone Task:

      cat slsa_for_models/gcp/tasks/git-clone.yml
    2. View the build-model Task:

      cat slsa_for_models/gcp/tasks/build-model.yml
    3. View the upload-model Task:

      cat slsa_for_models/gcp/tasks/upload-model.yml
    4. View the Pipeline:

      cat slsa_for_models/gcp/pipeline.yml
    5. View the PipelineRun:

      cat slsa_for_models/gcp/pipelinerun.yml
  9. Apply the Pipeline:

kubectl apply -f slsa_for_models/gcp/pipeline.yml
  1. Create a generic repository in Artifact Registry:

    1. Set the REPOSITORY_NAME environment variable to a name of your choice:

      export REPOSITORY_NAME=ml-artifacts
    2. Set the LOCATION environment variable to a location of your choice:

      export LOCATION=us
    3. Create a generic repository:

      gcloud artifacts repositories create $REPOSITORY_NAME \
        --location=$LOCATION \
    4. If you set a different repository name and location from the example above, make sure to modify the Parameter named 'model-storage' in the PipelineRun with your own values.

  2. Execute the PipelineRun:

    kubectl create -f slsa_for_models/gcp/pipelinerun.yml
  3. Observe the PipelineRun execution:

    export PIPELINERUN_NAME=$(tkn pr describe --last --output jsonpath='{}')
    tkn pipelinerun logs $PIPELINERUN_NAME --follow
  4. When the PipelineRun succeeds, view its status:

    kubectl get pipelinerun $PIPELINERUN_NAME --output yaml
  5. View the transparency log entry in the public Rekor instance:

export TLOG_ENTRY=$(tkn pr describe $PIPELINERUN_NAME --output jsonpath="{.metadata.annotations.chains\.tekton\.dev/transparency}")
  1. Retrieve the attestation from the PipelineRun which is stored as a base64-encoded annotation:
export PIPELINERUN_UID=$(tkn pr describe $PIPELINERUN_NAME --output  jsonpath='{.metadata.uid}')
tkn pr describe $PIPELINERUN_NAME --output jsonpath="{.metadata.annotations.chains\.tekton\.dev/signature-pipelinerun-$PIPELINERUN_UID}" | base64 -d >
  1. View the attestation:
cat | tr -d '\n' | pbcopy
pbpaste | jq '.payload | @base64d | fromjson'
  1. Download the model:
export MODEL_VERSION=$(tkn pr describe $PIPELINERUN_NAME --output jsonpath='{.status.results[1].value.digest}' | cut -d ':' -f 2)
gcloud artifacts generic download \
  --package=pytorch-model \
  --repository=$REPOSITORY_NAME \
  --destination=. \
  1. Verify the attestation:
cosign verify-blob-attestation \
  --key k8s://tekton-chains/signing-secrets \
  --signature \
  --type slsaprovenance1 \

Kubeflow on Tekton

Provide a Kubeflow Pipeline that can be compiled into the above Tekton Pipeline using Kubeflow on Tekton.

Future Work

Automate Provenance Verification

Demonstrate how to verify the provenance of the model before deploying and serving the model.

Automated Testing

Trigger execution of the PipelineRun whenever changes are made in the codebase.


Demonstrate training ML models that require multiple hours for training and require access to accelerators (i.e., GPUs, TPUs).