For "Chrome DevTools extension to emulate WebVR API" (Added, Changed, Deprecated, Removed, Fixed, Security)
- Support for VRFrameData and VRDisplay.getFrameData by @spite (see #21)
- VRLayers handling by @spite
- Support for VRDisplay.getLayers() by @AVGP
- Activate/deactivate HMD feature by @spite
- VRDisplay.getLayers
- vrdisplay and reason in VRDisplayEvent by @spite
### Added
- Options for persistence on reload by @spite
- Options for sharing pose across tabs by @spite
- Store and restore poses by @spite
- Added link to repo and changelog by @spite
- Action buttons on the bottom bar by @spite
- Switched message passing to CustomEvent dispatching by @spite
- Revamped UI and styles by @spite
- Snapping translation units from 1m to 10cm by @spite
- TransformControls with OrthographicCamera by @mrdoob
- Emulated HMDs had externalDisplay disabled by @spite
- Ctrl key release by @spite
- cancelAnimationFrame by @johnmaf
- Populate VRDisplay's righteye offset from model's right eye offset by @johnmaf
- Return value for requestAnimationFrame by @johnmaf
- Fixed default quaternions by @spite
- Emit event vrdisplaypresentchange by @spite
- VRDisplay.exitPresent by @spite
- Removed Float32Array allocation in VRDisplay.getPose by @spite
- Profiles for Vive, Rift and Cardboard by @spite
- @edankwan for helping debug issue
- Support for iframes by @spite
- Initial Polyfill for legacy API by @spite
- Drawing order by @mrdoob.
- Camera position by @mrdoob.
- Default StageParameters dimensions by @spite
- Changes to TransformControls by @mrdoob.
- Change log
- Everything. First release to the Chrome Store