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This Challenge is beginner-friendly and available to both Premium and non-Premium users. It consists of 30-31 daily problems depends on the month type. A problem is added here each day, and you have 24 hours to make a valid submission for it in order to be eligible for rewards.

In this LeetCode Challenge, we challenge participants with a problem from our carefully curated collection of interview problems every 24 hours. All users with all levels of coding background are welcome to join!

📌 When is August's LeetCoding Challenge? Start: August 1st, 12:00 AM in Pacific Time (UTC-7)

End: August 31th, 23:59 PM in Pacific Time (UTC-7)

🚩 How do I join August's LeetCoding Challenge?

To join, just start solving problems in August's LeetCoding Challenge Explore Card. No registration is required. The first problem will appear in the Explore card on August's 1st, 12 a.m. Pacific Time and you will have 24 hours to solve that challenge. A problem is added in the Explore card each day. For more details such as the Challenge Rules, please refer to the Explore card.

🎁 Rewards:

Completing each daily challenge. (+10 LeetCoins)

Completing 25 to 30 daily challenges will be eligible for an additional 100 LeetCoins. (Total = 350 to 400 LeetCoins)

Completing all 31 daily challenges will be eligible for 2X the reward, plus a chance to win a secret prize ( Total = 620 LeetCoins + *Lucky Draw)!

Lucky Draw: Those who complete all 31 daily challenges will be automatically entered into a Lucky Draw, where LeetCode staff will randomly select 3 lucky participants to each receive one LeetCode Cap on top of their rewards!

🤩 What are you waiting for? Mark your calendar now to start the August LeetCoding Challenge on August 1st, 2022!

LeetCode Algorithms

problems-solved problems-solved-C++ PRs Welcome cp



# Title Solution Tags Youtube
1 Backspace String Compare C++ two pointers string stack simulation python-yt
2 Sort Array By Parity C++ array two pointers string python-yt
3 Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray C++ array two pointers stack greedy sorting monotonic stack python-yt
4 Max Number of K-Sum Pairs C++ array hash table two pointers sorting python-yt
5 Implement Stack using Queues C++ stack design queue python-yt
6 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II C++ string stack python-yt
7 132 Pattern C++ array binary search stack monotonic stack ordered set python-yt
8 Flatten Nested List Iterator C++ stack tree depth-first search design queue iterator python-yt
9 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number C++ hash table string backtracking python-yt
10 Combination Sum III C++ array backtracking python-yt
11 Count Sorted Vowel Strings C++ dynamic programming python-yt
12 Permutations II C++ array backtracking python-yt
13 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II C++ linked list tree depth-first search breadth-first search binary tree python-yt
14 Network Delay Time C++ depth-first search breadth-first search graph heap(priority queue) shortest path python-yt
15 Deepest Leaves Sum C++ tree depth-first search breadth-first search binary tree python-yt
16 Shortest Path in Binary Matrix C++ array breadth-first search matrix python-yt
17 Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree C++ tree depth-first search breadth-first search binary tree python-yt
18 Critical Connections in a Network C++ depth-first search graph biconnected component python-yt
19 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix C++ dynamic programming depth-first search breadth-first search graph topological sort memorization python-yt
20 Unique Paths II C++ array dynamic programming matrix python-yt
21 Coin Change C++ array dynamic programming breadth-first search python-yt
22 Palindromic Substrings C++ string dynamic programming python-yt
23 Ones and Zeroes C++ array string dynamic programming python-yt
24 Longest Valid Parentheses C++ string dynamic programming stack python-yt
25 Russian Doll Envelopes C++ array binary search dynamic programming sorting python-yt
26 Number of 1 Bits C++ divide and conquer bit manipulation python-yt
27 Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero C++ math bit manipulation python-yt
28 Missing Number C++ array hash table math binary search bit manipulation sorting python-yt
29 Maximum Product of Word Lengths C++ array string bit manipulation python-yt
30 Divide Two Integers C++ math bit manipulation python-yt
31 Check If a String Contains All Binary Codes of Size K C++ hash table string bit manipulation rolling hash hash function python-yt


# Title Solution Tags Youtube
1 Running Sum of 1D Array C++ array prefix sum python-yt
2 Transpose Matrix C++ array matrix simulation python-yt
3 Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable C++ array python-yt
4 N-Queens C++ array backtracking python-yt
5 N-Queens-II C++ backtracking python-yt
6 Intersection of Two Linked Lists C++ hash table linked list two pointers python-yt
7 Merge Sorted Array C++ array two pointers sorting python-yt
8 Remove Palindromic Subsequences C++ two pointers string python-yt
9 Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted C++ array two pointers binary search python-yt
10 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters C++ hash table string sliding window python-yt
11 Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero C++ array hash table binary search sliding window prefix sum python-yt
12 Maximum Erasure Value C++ array hash table sliding window python-yt
13 Triangle C++ array dynamic programming python-yt
14 Delete Operation for Two Strings C++ string dynamic programming python-yt
15 Longest String Chain C++ array hash table two pointers string dynamic programming python-yt
16 Longest Palindromic Substring C++ string dynamic programming python-yt
17 Binary Tree Cameras C++ dynamic programming tree depth-first search binary tree python-yt
18 Prefix and Suffix Search C++ string design trie python-yt
19 Search Suggestions System C++ array string trie python-yt
20 Short Encoding of Words C++ array hash table string trie python-yt
21 Furthest Building You Can Reach C++ array greedy heap(priority queue) python-yt
22 Kth Largest Element in an Array C++ array divide and conquer sorting heap(priority queue) quickselect python-yt
23 Course Schedule III C++ array greedy heap(priority queue) python-yt
24 Construct Target Array With Multiple Sums C++ array heap(priority queue) python-yt
25 Non-decreasing Array C++ array python-yt
26 Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards C++ array sliding window prefix sum python-yt
27 Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary Numbers C++ string greedy python-yt
28 Minimum Deletions to Make Character Frequencies Unique C++ string greedy sorting python-yt
29 Queue Reconstruction by Height C++ array greedy binary indexed tree segment tree sorting python-yt
30 Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II C++ string python-yt


# Title Solution Tags Youtube
1 Maximum Units on a Truck C++ array greedy sorting python-yt
2 Maximum Area of a Piece of Cake After Horizontal and Vertical Cuts C++ array greedy sorting python-yt
3 Wiggle Subsequence C++ array dynamic programming greedy python-yt
4 Candy C++ array greedy python-yt
5 Longest Consecutive Sequence C++ array hash table union find python-yt
6 Fibonacci Number C++ math dynamic programming recursion memoization python-yt
7 Interleaving String C++ string dynamic programming python-yt
8 Paint House III C++ array dynamic programming python-yt
9 Jump Game VI C++ array dynamic programming queue sliding window heap(priority queue) monotonic queue python-yt
10 Min Cost Climbing Stairs C++ array dynamic programming python-yt
11 Binary Tree Right Side View C++ trees depth-first search breadth-first search binary tree python-yt
12 Matchsticks to Square C++ array dynamic programming backtracking bit manipulation bitmask python-yt
13 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal C++ tree breadth-first search binary tree python-yt
14 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal C++ array hash table divide and conquer tree binary tree python-yt
15 Max Area of Island C++ array depth-first search breadth-first search union find matrix python-yt
16 Out of Boundary Paths C++ dynamic programming python-yt
17 K Inverse Pairs Array C++ dynamic programming python-yt
18 Number of Submatrices That Sum to Target C++ array hash table matrix prefix sum python-yt
19 Pascal's Triangle C++ array dynamic programming python-yt
20 Number of Matching Subsequences C++ hash table string trie sorting python-yt
21 Reverse Linked List II C++ Linked List python-yt
22 Partition List C++ Linked List Two Pointers python-yt
23 Count of Smaller Numbers After Self C++ array binary search divide and conquer binary indexed tree segment tree merge sort ordered set python-yt
24 Search a 2D Matrix II C++ array binary search divide and conquer matrix python-yt
25 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array C++ array binary search python-yt
26 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree C++ tree depth-first search binary tree python-yt
27 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List C++ linked list stack tree depth-first search binary tree python-yt
28 Valid Anagram C++ hash table string sorting python-yt
29 Find and Replace Pattern C++ array hash table string python-yt
30 Word Subsets C++ array hash table string python-yt
31 Range Sum Query - Mutable C++ array design binary indexed tree segment tree python-yt


# Title Solution Tags Youtube
1 Unique Paths C++ math dynamic programming combinatorics python-yt
2 Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix C++ array binary search sorting heap(priority queue) matrix python-yt
3 My Calendar I C++ binary search design segment tree ordered set python-yt
4 Mirror Reflection C++ math geometry python-yt
5 Combination Sum IV C++ array dynamic programming python-yt
6 Poor Pigs C++ math dynamic programming combinatorics python-yt
7 Count Vowels Permutation C++ dynamic programming python-yt
8 Longest Increasing Subsequence C++ array binary search dynamic programming python-yt
9 Binary Trees With Factors C++ array hash table dynamic programming python-yt
10 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree C++ array divide and conquer tree binary search tree binary search python-yt
11 Validate Binary Search Tree C++ tree depth-first search binary search tree bianry tree python-yt
12 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree C++ tree depth-first search binary search tree bianry tree python-yt
13 Substring with Concatenation of All Words C++ hash table string sliding window python-yt
14 Word Ladder II C++ hash table string backtracking breadth-first search python-yt
15 Roman to Integer C++ hash table math string python-yt
16 First Unique Character in a String C++ hash table string queue counting python-yt
17 Unique Morse Code Words C++ array hash table string python-yt
18 Reduce Array Size to The Half C++ array hash table greedy sorting heap(priority queue) python-yt
19 Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences C++ array hash table greedy heap(priority queue) python-yt
20 Minimum Number of Refueling Stops C++ array dynamic programming greedy heap(priority queue) python-yt
21 Stamping The Sequence C++ string stack greedy queue python-yt
22 Power of Four C++ math bit manipulation recursion python-yt
23 Palindrome Linked List C++ linked list two pointers stack recursion python-yt
24 Power of Three C++ math recursion python-yt
25 Ransom Note C++ hash table string counting python-yt
26 Reordered Power of 2 C++ math string counting enumeration python-yt
27 Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K C++ array binary search matrix prefix sum ordered set python-yt
28 Sort the Matrix Diagonally C++ array sorting matrix python-yt
29 Number of Islands C++ array depth-first search breadth-first search union find matrix python-yt
30 Rotate Image C++ array math matrix python-yt
31 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow C++ array depth-first search breadth-first search matrix python-yt