Releases: theopenconversationkit/tock
Releases · theopenconversationkit/tock
- Business Chat connector
- DialogFlow NLP support
- Conversational framework: allow to create a bot in the administration interface without IDE
Release notes:
- #393 checkbox "select all" on search table view does not work
- #403 Sentence import / export must preserve status
- #405 add HeroCard support to connector-teams
- #407 admin: text parameter not taken into account
- #408 force okhttp dependencies in bot-toolkit
- #410 nlp admin - intents views : download sentences dump only for the current locale
- #411 nlp admin: disallow empty value and to have same value twice
- #412 bot: avoid toString issue for lazy loader data class
- #413 bot admin: dialog search by user text does not work
- #414 tock install doc review
- #415 Unknown entity value deserialization failure
- #416 bot admin: first UI flow version
- #417 admin : authenticate failure does not display error message
- #419 admin: entity predefined values display issue
- #420 Collection classified_sentence query performance
- twitter connector
- #170 github oauth2 authentication for nlp admin
- #357 does not display login page when sso activated
- #382 bot connectors: add healthcheck handler
- #383 duckling client: add circuit breaker
- #386 bot history: limit dialog max history to 1000 actions
- #387 bot: load lazily entity values history
- #390 add teams card support
- #391 bot admin: i18n does not trigger category change
- #394 nlu parse logs: add simple csv export
- #395 bot: add new notify method
- #396 nlp admin: do not display logs of test requests
- #397 admin: filter test dialogs
- #398 bot: add refresh profil feature
- #401 jwt sso: add role mapping
- #369 fixes admin crash when special char in i18n key
- #370 use secondaryPreferred for search tasks of admin interface
- #371 add sendTo[Connector] and endFor[Connector]
- #372 add simple request filter utility
- #373 vertx mismatch at startup
- #374 bot configurations: sometimes configuration update is not taken on bot side
- #375 add aws jwt based SSO admin authentification
- #376 bot: teams connector
- #377 bot: add toolkit-base and test-base artifact
- #380 datetime[fr]: truncate to day when changing day of week
- theopenconversationkit/tock-corenlp#4 regression during crlf build - forgotten \n
2.0.0 version is available.
Major features are WhatsApp connector and admin interface cleanup.
- #246 admin: move to angular7
- #332 New dashboard to track ambiguity between intents
- #334 Add parameter obfuscator, obfuscate sendchoice
- #336 [fr] support change hour for "en fin de " "en début de"
- #341 admin: upgrade angular http client
- #342 bot test: does not persist step if step not supported by current story
- #343 admin: application or intent with a different namespace of the current namespace should not be allowed to be imported
- #344 state should not be case sensitive
- #345 Test updates for windows & update tock-menu
- #347 nlp admin: add intent label, description and category
- #348 nlp admin: add upload dump progress bar
- #349 WhatsApp connector
- #351 nlp admin: trim selection to remove extra spaces
- #352 add nlp model versioning and allow native nlp model configuration
- #355 add stt engine support
- #356 bot admin: display only translations that contains locales supported by current app
- #357 bot i18n: do not try to translate by unsupported locale
- #358 admin: filtering user roles has no effect on the menu
- #360 i18n label: keep the default label format as key
- #362 ga: use conversation id as user id for google home
- #363 Automatic subscribe messenger webhook
- #365 bot admin: add connector type selector in dialog monitoring
- #367 duckling-fr: fixes change day of month and day of week
- #317 add i18nKey in BotBus
- #318 bot: add configuration definition for connectors
- #319 i18n: print original label in i18n interface
- #320 bot: rocketchat connector
- #321 ga: do not persist google bot timeline
- #322 set public visibility for NlpEntityMergeContext properties
- #324 add BotBus.hasChoiceValue
- #325 bot test: check end is not called twice
- #326 add bot Answer interceptor support
- #328 nlp: sentences with sub entities not properly cleaned
- #329 support slack event api
- #330 ga: handle option arg if any
- #331 ga: lineItem name must be < 100
- #333 bot admin: weird behaviour of input tooltip with firefox
- Atomic user lock (thanks to @Bertrand )
- #304 SimpleAnswer configurations use intent i18n category
- #305 set default delay for multi answers
- #307 add account linking for google assistant
- #308 cleanup Dialog/UserTimeline utilities
- #309 fixes getting started page and update doc
- #310 bot: add feature flipping support
- #311 bot engine: automatic cast for bus context value
- #312 define ConfigurableStoryHandler
- #313 bot toolkit: wait for nlp availability at startup
- #314 bot test engine: support StoryHandlerListener
- #294 add not understood sentence count in admin interface
- #295 bot : handle intent disambiguation
- #296 bot: handle entity disambiguation
- #297 bot: dot not fail on nlp listener throwing error
- #298 add loadByTemporaryIdsWithoutDialogs in UserTimelineDAO
- #299 bot: configuration is not always loaded at startup
- #300 bot: allow to select an existing intent for custom answer
- #301 bot test: add locale & nlp stats info
- #261 sum of label stats is not equals to stats total
- #270 implements handover protocol
- #278 predefined list entity: add documentation
- #281 fixes IAE invalid hexadecimal representation of an ObjectId
- #282 switch to mongo replicaset by default
- #284 bot admin: "add new answer" admin panel displays conf names in select box instead of bot ids
- #285 trying to store a list or a map in dialog context should throw an error
- #287 messenger: add page id in custom events
- #288 switchStory should keep step when relevant
- #289 ensure refresh bot answers when bot configuration is updated
- #290 use $changeStream to listen configuration changes
- #291 xray: add xray execution in admin interface
- #292 bot: does not select a step if StoryStep.intent returns null
- #293 bot: add UserTimelineDAO#updatePlayerId
The major new feature of the release is the new way to add bot connector: directly via the admin interface (#274 )
- #132 i18n: add label usage stats
- #262 nlp: add predefined list entity support
- #271 Interface error with last snapshot in the "Entity Errors" menu
- #272 bot should use the best qualifier value when unknown intent is returned by nlp
- #273 nlp: unknown intent should not throw fatal error in intent selector
- #274 live refresh of bot configuration
- #275 add option to fill nlp models in memory at startup
- #279 send choice should activate disabled bot