Due to the copyright concern, our repo does not include the BFM model (BFM09). Please follow Deep 3DMM (see Prepare prerequisite models) to prepare the BFM folder. The structure should look like this:
└─── 01_MorphableModel.mat (download from https://faces.dmi.unibas.ch/bfm/main.php?nav=1-0&id=basel_face_model)
└─── Exp_Pca.bin (download from https://github.com/Juyong/3DFace)
└─── ... (other files download from https://github.com/microsoft/Deep3DFaceReconstruction/tree/master/BFM)
Then, run convert_2_pickle.py to convert the BFM model to a single pickle file (bfm09.pkl).