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Environment variables


  • Environment variables can be set for local development using a .env file. An example file is included as a starting point.
  • The TZ (timezone) environment variable is set to 'Europe/London' in start.js.
Name Description Default
PORT Port the web server listens on 3000
SESSION_SECRET (required) A complex string unique to the environment, used to encrypt cookies
SESSION_NAME Name of the session ID cookie to set in the response (and read from in the request) book-secure-move.sid
SESSION_TTL How long the user session should last (in milliseconds) 1800000 (30 minutes)
SESSION_DB_INDEX Redis database index in which to store session data 0 (Redis' default)
REDIS_URL Redis server URL, including port and protocol. If not provided, in-memory cache used instead
REDIS_HOST Redis hostname. Can be used instead of REDIS_URL. Will override REDIS_URL if set
REDIS_AUTH_TOKEN Optional auth token for the Redis instance
API_BASE_URL (required) Base URL for the backend API server for this service without any path
API_PATH (required) Base path for the API
API_TIMEOUT API request timeout (ms) 30000
API_HEALTHCHECK_PATH (required) Path to which healthcheck pings are sent
API_CLIENT_ID (required) Client ID used to authenticate with the backend API
API_SECRET (required) Client secret used to authenticate with the backend API
API_VERSION (required) API version to use
API_CACHE_EXPIRY The expiry time of cached API request (in seconds) 7 days
API_AUTH_PATH (required) Path to which OAuth2 access token requests should be sent
API_AUTH_TIMEOUT API authentication token request timeout (ms) 10000
AUTH_PROVIDER_URL (required) Base URL for the auth provider server
AUTH_PROVIDER_KEY (required) Client key provided by the OAuth2 provider for user authentication
AUTH_PROVIDER_SECRET (required) Client secret provided by the OAuth2 provider for user authentication
AUTH_EXPIRY_MARGIN How close the user authentication should be to expiring before refreshing it 300 (5 minutes)
NOMIS_ELITE2_API_URL (required) Base URL for the NOMIS Elite 2 API, without trailing slash
NOMIS_ELITE2_API_HEALTHCHECK_PATH Path to which healthcheck pings for NOMIS Elite 2 API are sent /health/ping
SERVER_HOST (required) The (accessible) hostname (and port) of the listening web server. Used by Grant to construct redirect URLs after OAuth authentication. For example localhost:3000
ASSETS_HOST Host for assets CDN
FEEDBACK_URL URL for the feedback link in the phase banner at the top of the page. If empty, the link will not be displayed.
SUPPORT_EMAIL Email address used to contact support or the team in parts of the app where the user may require further help.
LOCATIONS_BATCH_SIZE Maximum number of location IDs to send in one request when requesting moves for all locations 40
FRAMEWORKS_VERSION Current Book a secure move frameworks version that the frontend will use to create new Person Escort Records or any other frameworks being used latest supported version (see @hmpps-book-secure-move-frameworks in package.json)
LOG_LEVEL Level of logs to output production: error, development: debug
ENABLE_COMPONENTS_LIBRARY Whether to enable the component library and allow it to be browsed on this environment false
ENABLE_DEVELOPMENT_TOOLS Whether to enable the development tools and allow it to be browsed on this environment false
ORDNANCE_MAP_API_URL Base URL for the Ordnance Survey Data Maps API
ORDNANCE_MAP_API_KEY API key for Ordnance Survey Data Maps API
ORDNANCE_MAP_API_SECRET API secret for Ordnance Survey Data Maps API

Metrics and Analytics

Name Description Default
SENTRY_DSN Sentry DSN used to log issues in sentry
SENTRY_ORG Sentry organisation slug
SENTRY_PROJECT Sentry project slug
SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT Environment used to distinguish issue location
SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN Sentry internal integration token used to publish release
PROMETHEUS_MOUNTPATH Mountpath to serve Prometheus metrics. If none, no metrics will be collected
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID Google analytics tracking ID to use for the environment

E2E Tests

Name Description Default
E2E_BASE_URL Base URL used for acceptance testing http://${process.env.SERVER_HOST}
E2E_MAX_PROCESSES Max number of processes to use for end-to-end tests 1
E2E_FAIL_FAST Whether to stop all tests if an end-to-end tests fails false
E2E_VIDEO Whether to capture video when end-to-end tests fail false
E2E_SKIP Comma-delimited list of files to skip when running the end-to-end tests eg. test/e2/allocation.cancel.test.js
E2E_MOCK_AUTH Whether to use the mock auth server false

Feature Flags

Name Description Default

Development specific

The following environment variables can be set to help development.

Name Description Default
BYPASS_SSO Set to true to bypass authentication
USER_PERMISSIONS Comma delimited string of available permissions (required if bypassing auth)
USER_LOCATIONS Comma delimited string of available locations (required if bypassing auth)