This document collects potential compatibility issues.
Ideally, svelthree would be three-version agnostic and with the current project setup this seems to be almost (90-95%?) the case, yet it isn't 100%, why? Because svelthree isn't mirroring the API of any possible (installed) three.js version 1:1 into Svelte components + attributes.
The latest version of svelthree wil always be 100% compatible to the latest version of three. If you use svelthree with lower three-versions and encounter some compatibility issues, please feel free to contribute them to this document!
gltf-to-comps-1 test (currently not in repo)
Loaded GLTF 2.0 Model (Buggy) looks darker (duller, actually correct) than three >= 0.131.x :
This is most probably due to the new PMREM intergration, so not a problem with svelthree see:
All Meshes inside the test scene (floor + GLTF) have a PBR Material (MeshStandardMaterial) which has issues with the new PMREM integeration, not only on a CubeCamera-level, see issuecomment-925453266.
CubeCamera component:
CHECK / FIX (???): No cubecam texture! ( no errors / warnings thrown )