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Python Discord Bot For lids


This is a python discord bot for lids, made for use in our private server. It was adapted from @kkrypt0nn's bot template.

It has had some features added sofar such as dogecoin price, random cat pictures, flipping text, a quote system and a couple of ham radio related commands.

lidbot uses code and the list of known reddit hams from @molo1134's qrmbot irc bot in some commands. this portion of the code is under the BSD 2-clause license, a copy of which is located in My bot in general draws heavy inspiration from his amazing bot project and code is used with permission.

lidbot uses APRS (Amateur Packet Reporting System) data from's API


Commands in General Cog

!info - Get some useful (or not) information about the bot.
!serverinfo - Get some useful (or not) information about the server.
!ping - Check if the bot is alive.
!ding - Check if the dong is alive.
!poll - Create a poll where members can vote.
!8ball - Ask any question to the bot.
!btc - Usage: !bitcoin <currency> - Gets the current price of bitcoin.
output defaults to USD.
!doge - usage: !doge <currency> - Gets the current price of dogecoin.
output defaults to USD *TO THE MOON*.
!cat - Fetch a random cat pic from r/catpics on reddit.
!stonk - Usage: !stonk <code> 
Get some info about a stonk from its ticker code.
!gonk - Gonk.
!apod - Uses NASA api to fetch the astronomy picture of the day.
!wx - Usage: !wx <location>
Fetch the weather for the place requested.
!ask - Usage: !ask <input> 
Give a question, some math, whatever; get answer back hopefully.
!exchange - Usage: !exchange <value> <sourcecurrency> <outputcurrency>
For example !exchange 56 AUD USD
Converts an amount of currency to another.
!spacex - Get info on next SpaceX launch.
!reverse - Usage: !reverse <input text>
Reverse text.
!missyelliot - Usage: !missyelliot <input text>
Put your thang down, flip it and reverse it.
!addquote - Add a quote (server specific)
Usage: !addquote MessageID (Dev option in context menu)
   Or: !addquote MessageURL (copy message link in context menu on message you want to quote)
   Or: !addquote <DisplayName> quotetext (Display Name must be inside '<' and '>' if there are spaces in the name otherwise optional)
!quote - Display a quote (server specific)
Usage: !quote
   Or: !quote <quotenumber>
!quotesearch - Find a quote (server specific). Returns quotes via DM
Usage: !quotesearch <keyword>
!setgeo - Usage: !setgeo <location>
Set your location. location can be text (eg: "Melbourne vic"), decimal coords (eg: "-37.8136,144.9631", or grid square (eg: "QF22qf").)
This will mean you don't need to input your location when using !wx unless you want a different location.
!getgeo - Usage: !getgeo <location>
Check your saved location. this will be sent to you as a DM
!roll - Usage: !roll <args>
Roll dice. or flip coins. examples: "!roll 4d6 +5" "!privateroll d20" "!coin" "!d6" etc.
!jjj - Usage: !jjj
Returns currently playing song on Triple J

Commands in Help Cog

!help - List all commands from every Cog the bot has loaded.

Commands in Owner Cog

!shutdown - Make the bot shutdown
!say - The bot will say anything you want.
!embed - The bot will say anything you want, but within embeds.
!blacklist - Lets you add or remove a user from not being able to use the bot.

Commands in Ham Cog

!bands - Fetch an image about HF band conditions.
!solar - Fetch an image about solar conditions.
!dmr - Usage: !dmr <callsign/dmrid> - Get DMR ID from callsign, or vice-versa
!morse - Usage: !morse <message> - Convert input text to morse code.
!demorse - Usage: !demorse <message in -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .> 
Convert morse code input to text.
!qrz - Usage: !qrz <callsign> - Lookup callsign on
!dxcc - Usage: !dxcc <prefix/callsign/dxccnumber> - Lookup dxcc from
number, callsign or prefix
!aprs - Usage: !aprs <callsign-SSID>
Fetch latest APRS data for callsign-SSID from
eg: !aprs VK3DAN-9

Commands in Gonkphone Cog

!phonebook - Usage: !phonebook <query>
Look up a GONK subscriber's gonknumber by number, name, callsign, or partial name/callsign. (If called without a query it will DM you the full list)



This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (except for the qrz portion of qrmbot that is mentioned above) - see the file for details