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Welcome to TheCodingTrain's code repository!
Here you can find all videos made on TheCodingTrain with the corresponding code available for download and a working live example running in the browser.
Happy Coding!
Watch me take on some viewer submitted Coding Challenges in p5.js and Processing!
{% include 3-modules/video-list.html videos=site.CodingChallenges limit=3 reverse=true %}
Here you can find all tutorials made by Daniel Shiffman on TheCodingTrain.
If you are searching for tutorials made by guests, you can check them out [here]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link _GuestTutorials/ %}).
{% include 3-modules/video-list.html videos=site.Tutorials limit=3 reverse=true %}
Watch all the unedited Live Streams!
{% include 3-modules/video-list.html videos=site.Streams limit=3 reverse=true %}
{% assign upcomingStreams = site.Streams | where_exp: 'video', ' > site.time' %} {% assign numberOfUpcomingVideos = upcomingStreams | size %} {% if numberOfUpcomingVideos > 0 %}
Tune in to TheCodingTrain live on YouTube every friday!
{% include 3-modules/video-list.html videos=upcomingStreams future=true %}
{% endif %}