A Scriptable widget that shows the current bitcoin course in US-Dollar based on coinbase
Setup • Usage • Links • Contribution •
- (if not done yet) Download the scriptable app form AppStore
- In Scriptable create a new script
- Copy the code from script file btc-usd-course.js
- Create a new widget on homescreen and select this script in scriptable
You can change the currency directly in the api url on line 14.
For example show bitcoin price in €/EUR:
const url = 'https://api.coinbase.com/v2/prices/spot?currency=EUR'
- Coinbase API Price Data: https://developers.coinbase.com/docs/wallet/guides/price-data
- Currency codes overview: https://www2.1010data.com/documentationcenter/beta/1010dataReferenceManual/DataTypesAndFormats/currencyUnitCodes.html
If you have any ideas for extensions or changes just let me know.
- Change currceny name in headline
- Add rounding for numbers
- Add up and down tracker
- Add parameter for currency and coin