Releases: xiaomlove/nexusphp
- Attendance ranking
- Support the existence of multiple automatically discoverable exam
- Exam add priority
- H&R Management
- Trackrer reporting support v4 + v6 dual stack
- MySQL version detection for minimum requirements during upgrade/install
- Upgrade/installation support for entering Redis password
- Donation support fill in the deadline
- General class level support configure alias
- Invitation system invitee status is separated from sent invitation status and add paging
- Extensions for Octane are not mandatory during installation/upgrade
- Add .lock file after successful installation/upgrade
- Donating users will not be disabled due to low share rate warning expiration
- Remove recommendation module cache to show latest recommendations in real time after changing seed recommendation information
- Modify the avatar directly write https link does not take effect
- The control panel/rss page is overridden to see special area categories
- Downloading unauthorized torrents prompt messy code
- The total number of attendance is not increased after replenishment
- Donation can fill in the deadline, if left blank is permanently valid, otherwise the deadline shall prevail.
Appraisals can be configured multiple times at the same time, but be aware that if a user already has an ongoing appraisal, no other eligible appraisals will be assigned to him. The configuration should then avoid multiple assessments being able to match the same user. If you do want to match more than one, please set a clear priority, otherwise priority will be given to match the earlier configured appraisal.
The backend management system displays all the H&Rs of the whole site, which can be Pardoned or directly Remove in the detail page.
- PT-Gen is no longer displayed as a separate field on the details page
- Attendance calendar not internationalized
- You can configure which site languages are enabled
- New bbcode: left-aligned [left], center-aligned [center], right-aligned [right]
- Support to get the description automatically by imdb or Douban link when uploading/editing
- bbcode [spoiler] folded tags cannot be expanded due to cache
- pcntl extension does not require to be detected when installing/updating
Currently, supports 3 languages: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and English. If you don't want to enable them at the same time, you can uncheck them in: Site Settings->Main Settings->Site Enable Language.
On the uploading/editing page, if the pt-gen interface is configured in the main settings, a "Get Desc" button will appear after the imdb or pt-gen input box, and clicking it will request this interface to get the description. The interface can be either the original PT-Gen interface or IYUU's Ptgen interface.
- bbocde added youtube tag and spoiler tag
- Multi-language retractive attendance
- add preview buttons for seed request and offer edit boxes as well
- Error in calculating extra reward for continuous attendance
- Wrong pass parameter id for wearing medal
- Several errors in reporting function
- Error in judging the format of candidate poster pictures
- The initial report of the new announce interface should not increase the number of user uploads and downloads
- Special area without permission to view does not show the entrance
The youtube tag can be used to insert videos from the Youbute website. spoiler tags are used to insert a collapsible and expandable block, which can have other bbcode tags. See the tags.php page of the website for the syntax.
Under normal circumstances, the first reported upload and download is 0, but in some cases the peer is deleted due to a long period of non-reporting, and the increment is calculated incorrectly. It is reasonable to disregard changes in user uploads and downloads.
- API support for Octane acceleration
- announce + scrape API
- Torrent search support Elasticsearch
- Attendance support for replenishment
- Badge wearing #49
- Tag support customize more attributes
- Upload/Edit description support preview #46
- Torrent list hover prompt not working #55
- Exam progress box data continues to change after appraisal reach
1.7 The focus was on writing a new announce + scrape api. For one thing, NP's original announce.php was organized in a confusing way and was very difficult to maintain. Second, according to statistics, more than 80% of the traffic of PT station comes from annunce + scrape, so there is basically no pressure to deal with these two interfaces, so we decided to introduce Laravel's Octane extension package for acceleration. Due to the long-resident memory, some of the underlying design of 1.6 was refactored. It is highly recommended to configure Octane acceleration after upgrading to 1.7!
Another focus was the introduction of Elasticsearch (hereafter referred to as ES). The search is not a high percentage of Web traffic (about 10%), so if the search does not put pressure on the database (not much slow query), there is no need to go on ES. rough estimate of more than 10w torrents will be considered.
Many users are happy to sign in, after all, it is the lowest cost way to get bonus. OCD can't accept broken sign-ups, but it's inevitable due to maintenance and other reasons, so we added the function to make up sign-ups, users can make up any day within the last 30 days. The replacement signups are calculated based on the normal signups on that day. Replacement cards can be issued by the administrator or purchased by the user at the cost of bonus power.
Different people have different preferences for labels, some prefer larger inner margins, some prefer rounded corners, so they are open for users to set their own. In 1.7, you can set the background color, font color, font size, inner margin, outer margin, and rounded corner size of the labels by yourself.
The alert box of the previous assessment, the data is no longer updated after reaching the standard, out of the pursuit of ritual until after the end. Users were confused to see the data unchanged, so it was modified to continue updating data.
The hover prompt for the torrent list is off by default, and general users do not turn it on. It was not working before, now fixed.
Preview feature added to the description when uploading/editing.
- Unusual torrent size determination when uploding torrent in some unknown cases
- Some fields are not null and defaulted to '0000-00-00 00:00:00' after the upgrade of the old version, which causes the cleanup cannot be completely done
- The problem that some steps of the cleanup could not be completely done due to insufficient time interval even in forced mode
- User share rate is too low warning expiration disable reason multilingual error
- Torrent download link does not work properly after turning on secret login
- Donated users are exempt from H&R
- H&R progress updates are updated every hour instead of only after the previous expedition
- [Important] Background tasks and rss subscriptions did not work after turning on secret login
- Bonus settings about attendance rewards in multiple languages
- Staffpanel add [Search user] and [Confirm user] entrance.
- Promotion link forum code propaganda bar does not show #50
- Exam does not select the validity period when editing can not be submitted
- Category management - the second icon list shows the specific secondary categories selected