modName | ProbiTronics (PROBE) |
license | CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 |
author | tdubic and zer0Kerbal |
forum | (*/) |
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ckan | ProbiTronics |
- 19 Jul 2022
- Release for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.12.x]
- Four New Parts
- 1.25m Service Module bottom node repaired
- can now search for all ProbiTronics parts in editor with keyword pt or probitronics or probi
- [pt-probe-g.cfg] v1.0.1.0
- bottom (only) node pointing up instead of down
- thank you to u/Significant-Sir-690 for reporting this
- also made node one size bigger (1 instead of 0)
- [node_stack_bottom]
- now = 0.0, -0.26, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1, 1
- was = 0.0, -0.26, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
- closes #58 - [Bug 🐞]: [pt-probe-g.cfg] bottom node attaching in middle of part
- [ModuleScienceExperiment]
- [experimentID] = magMeasurements
- [experimentActionName] = #PT-MAG-name // Measure Magnetic Fields
- [resetActionName] = #autoLOC_502049 //#autoLOC_502049 = Discard Data
- [reviewActionName] = #autoLOC_502204 //#autoLOC_502204 = Review Data
- [resetActionName] = Delete Data
- [collectActionName] = #autoLOC_6004056 //#autoLOC_6004056 = Download Data
- [interactionRange] = 1.5 // 0.8
- Add
- [node_attach] = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 1
- [pt-legAdapter-0625.cfg] v1.0.0.0
- [pt-legAdapter-1875.cfg] v1.0.0.0
- [pt-legAdapter-3750.cfg] v1.0.0.0
- [pt-servicemodule-1875.cfg] v1.0.0.0
- add @thumbs
- closes #57 - New Parts
- Add
- <ProbiTronics.cfg> v1.0.0.0
- adds localized tags to parts
- <ProbiTronics.cfg> v1.0.0.0
- closes #63 - Add localized tags to parts
- Update
- []
- [] v1.1.4.0
- Update
- Localization/
- <tr-tr.cfg> v1.0.3.0
- Add
- [#PT-MAG-name] = Manyetik Alanları Ölçün
- [#PT-tags]
- might need some tweaking
- Add
- <en-us.cfg> v1.0.3.0
- Add
- [#PT-MAG-name] = Measure Magnetic Fields
- [#PT-tags]
- might need some tweaking
- Add
- <tr-tr.cfg> v1.0.3.0
- updates #7 - Localization - Master
- Localization/
- Issues
- closes #59 - ProbiTronics (PROBE)
<Significant Sir 690>
edition` - closes #60 - Verify Legal Mumbo Jumbo
- closes #61 - Update Documentation
- closes #62 - Update Social Media
- closes #59 - ProbiTronics (PROBE)
- 12 Jul 2022
- Release for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.12.x]
- Four New Parts
- 1.25m Service Module bottom node repaired
- [pt-servicemodule-0625.cfg] v1.0.0.0
- [pt-servicemodule-3750.cfg] v1.0.0.0
- [pt-prs-03125.cfg] v1.0.0.0
- [pt-prs-0625.cfg] v1.0.0.0
- add @thumbs
- closes #53 - New Parts
- Updated []
- Replace [] v1.1.3.2 with [] v1.1.4.0
- Update
- Localization/
- <tr-tr.cfg> v1.0.1.0
- might need some tweaking
- <en-us.cfg> v1.0.1.0
- might need some tweaking
- <tr-tr.cfg> v1.0.1.0
- updates #7 - Localization - Master
- Localization/
- [pt-servicemodule-2500] v1.0.1.0
- [advFlightControl] down from [specializedControl]
- [node_stack_top]
- now = 0.0, 1.20, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2, 1
- was = 0.0, 1.12, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2, 1
- [pt-servicemodule-1250.cfg] v1.0.1.0
- [node_stack_bottom] pointing wrong way
- thank you to @MystLeissa for the report
- [node_attach]
- now = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0, 1
- was = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 1
- [pt-legAdapter-1250.cfg] and [pt-legAdapter-2500.cfg]
- [ModuleToggleCrossfeed]
- remove "" from localization strings
- closes #52 - [Bug 🐞]: Bottom attach point of Service Module 1 Mk2 Doesn't attach
- [ModuleToggleCrossfeed]
- Add
- [ModuleCargoPart]
- packedVolume = -1
- [ModuleInventoryPart]
- InventorySlots = 3
- packedVolumeLimit = 180
- will need future adjustments
- Issues
- closes #48 - ProbiTronics (PROBE)
edition` - closes #49 - Verify Legal Mumbo Jumbo
- closes #50 - Update Documentation
- closes #51 - Update Social Media
- closes #48 - ProbiTronics (PROBE)
- 03 Jun 2022
- Release for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.12.x]
- Update
- add Turkish (Türk)
- [] v1.0.6.0
- [] v1.1.3.1
- [readme]
- [releaseNotes]
- add Turkish (Türk)
- Create
- Localization/
- <tr-tr.cfg>
- by urexpect, Teşekkürler!
- closes #44 - Turkish (Türk) <tr-tr.cfg>
- updates #7 - Localization - Master
- Localization/
- [pt-rover-body-721.cfg]
- [entryCost] up from 6200 to 30000
- [cost] up from 5250 to 10120
- [mass] down from 0.37 to 0.25
- [ModuleCommand]
- consumes [ElectricChange] up from 0.005 to 0.04
- [ModuleReactionWheel]
- consumes [ElectricChange] down from 0.25 to 0.09
- Add
- [ModuleKerbNetAccess]
- [ModuleDataTransmitter]
- [ModuleCoreHeat]
- [radiatorMax] = 1.5
- Issues
- closes #40 - ProbiTronics (PROBE)
<Onlar ne yaptı!? Neresi?!>
edition` - closes #41 - Verify Legal Mumbo Jumbo
- closes #42 - Update Documentation
- closes #43 - Update Social Media
- closes #40 - ProbiTronics (PROBE)
- 21 May 2022
- Release for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.12.x]
- Update
- [] v1.0.6.0
- [] v1.1.7.0
- Add
- []
- [] v1.0.5.0
- [] v1.1.3.1
- [] v1.0.0.0
- [] v1.0.0.0
- [] v1.1.3.1
- [_config.yml]
- closes #29 - docs/
- Updating
- Linting
- Dusting
- Vacumming
- Painting
- [TACS-LS.cfg] v1.0.1.0
- lots of stray right/closing braces
- lots of stray right/closing braces
- [kerbalOperatingSystem.cfg]
- missing closes/right bracket
- missing closes/right bracket
- [BallProbe.cfg]
- [description] accidentially split in twain, superklue applied
- create Assets/ folder
- convert from mesh to MODEL
- rename
- models to unique names
- textures to unique names
- update
- model pointers (.png et al to .dds) (17.5mb to 6.93mb)
- model texture pointers to new names
- relocate assets to Assets/
- eliminate
- duplicate textures
- duplicate models
- relocate part.cfg to Parts/
- add @thumbs
- closes #34 - add @thumbs
- closes #28 - Asset Updates
- Create
- Localization/
- <en-us.cfg>
- [] v2.1.2.0
- [] v1.0.1.1
- agency
- flags
- Localization/
- run localizer
- Parts to localize
- [pt-servicemodule-2500.cfg]
- [pt-legAdapter-1250.cfg]
- [pt-legAdapter-2500.cfg]
- [pt-probe-atv.cfg]
- [pt-probe-ball.cfg]
- [pt-probe-ball-parachute.cfg]
- [pt-probe-ball-shield.cfg]
- [pt-probe-g.cfg]
- [pt-probe-sample-1250.cfg]
- [pt-prs-1250.cfg]
- [pt-prs-2500.cfg]
- [pt-prs-3750.cfg]
- [pt-rover-body-721.cfg]
- [pt-servicemodule-1250.cfg]
- closes #24 - Part Localization
- closes #8 - English <us-en.cfg>
- updates #7 - Localization - Master
- Parts to localize
- Issues
- closes #3 - ProbiTronics
<They Did What!? Where?!>
edition - closes #4 - Verify Legal Mumbo Jumbo
- closes #5 - Create Documentation
- closes #6 - Create Social Media
- closes #3 - ProbiTronics
Jul 20, 2014
Released for Kerbal Space Program 0.24.0
Price and other changes for 0.24 compatibility.
Some smaller bug fixes.
- Issues
- closes #27 -
<First Contract>
- closes #25 - Previous Releases
- closes #27 -
May 29, 2014
Released for Kerbal Space Program 0.23.5
Ball probe
- Barometer sensor
- custom science experiment:
- Advanced Atmospheric Research
- Gravity sensor
- custom science experiment:
- Magnetic field measurements
On all parts configurations are changed on some more on some less.
- Issues
- closes #26 -
<All About da Science>
- updates #25 - Previous Releases
- closes #26 -
- SP-1
- sample probe
- For better ways to bring back samples
- LA-2m
- Leg adapter 2m
- Your engine is to high and your legs don't touch the ground, not anymore
- LA-1m
- Mesh collider fix
- SM I and SM II
- texture changes and fix
- New textures are .tga
- you can delete .png textures for SM I and SM II parts.
- RU-3m MK I
- probe, decoupler and parachute compartment in one
- Add two Mk16 parachutes in middle attachment points
- LA-1m
- Leg Adapter
- gives you ability to use stock legs on longer engines.
- TAC Life Support - Added tac life support for parts
- SM MK I and SM MK II texture change
- RU-2m - height fix so parachute can fit inside
- Service module for Command Pod Mk1 (1m part).
- Service module for Command Pod Mk2-3 (2m-part).
- RB-721
- Rover body
- probe core inside
- some batteries
- small Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
- Rover body
- Two new Parts added
- Attach this on top of your first or second stage. or better reusability of stock parts.
- RU-1m
- probe, decoupler and parachute compartment in one
- Add Mk16 parachute in middle attachment point
- RU-2m
- probe, decoupler and parachute compartment in one
- Add Mk16-XL parachute in middle attachment point
- ATV - attachment bug fixes and chaging parameters in cfg file
- Ball probe - cfg file chages
- G-probe - cfg file chages
- added more electric charge and xenon gas