In this assignment, I made a website that will be able to act as a CV as it outlines things I’ve done and accomplished.
Then in my di reflection essay I used white et al’s vr map to outline how I plan to improve my own digital identity I then elaborated on how I plan to do so along with that I also detailed how my past digital identity is
- 20/10/21 attended class
- 20/10/21 made github account
- 27/10/21 read through the info about the essay
- 27/10/21 started planning DI-reflection
- 11/11/21 plotted on the vr map
- 11/11/21 made a start on di reflection
- ?/11/21 undestood how i have been using the internet in past and presnet
- ?/11/21 thought about how i could advance with digital idenity
- 9/12/21 listed preivous expirnaces and education on the website
- 14/12/21 copied over work into github page from word docs they were wrote / planned in
- 16/17/22 finshed digital identity essay and website
White, David. 2021. "Visitors & Residents". David White.